Kobe shows why he's not MVP, but MSP


Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
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it wasn't damned if you do, damned if you don't

kobe just doesn't get the game - a million dollar talent, a 5 cent brain

in his mind it's all extremes - take all the shots or take no shots - what do you want from me

what he was doing in the second half was standing just on the other side of halfcourt where no one had to respect him - passing the ball off and then yelling at his teamates and motioning them to move

that is not how you get teamates involved - that is having the 4 less talented guys play against 5 defenders because you took yourself out of the play

the way you get your teamates involved is to use your million dollar talent to create mismatches for your team

how many times did nash use dribble penetration and pick & rolls to create a mismatch where he could take a midrange jumper on a big or feed a taller teamate on the post with a gaurd on them?!

that is how you get teamates involved

kobe was pure show and phil even called him out on it during the post game press conference - playing koy with the media and asking how much kobe scored in the second half, wondering if he even took a shot - then retelling the story of the second half and saying that aside from that one free throw he did nothing offensively

and offensive game play does not equal just scoring - it's dribble penetration, passing, drawing defenders, elevating you teamates, getting them confidence early and taking over the game late

kobe just doesn't understand this - he's too petulant to learn and it's always been this way - he's forever stuck on jordan mode in the mid 80s - if he ever grows up to be jordan in the 90s, then and only then will he reach the level of success he desires


Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
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playstation said:
i don't think kobe intentionally tanked, but i just think he is a man that lives on extremes and doesn't understand moderation yet.

i think his gameplan was flawed by what he did in the FIRST half. he scored a bunch of points, but it was in the suns way:by taking jumpshots. if he wanted to, he could have attacked EVERY TIME and not only scored necessary points, but gotten the suns in foul trouble. you know it could have been done, especially for a player of his caliber playing in a game 7 (the refs would have been more than willing to help i'm sure). however, he was content drilling 30 ft'ers. as a result, while he scored a bunch, their offense was stagnant, and the rest of their guys didn't get in any sort of rhythm. in the second half, kobe started passing to all these guys who weren't in rhythm, and they stunk it up.

however, i wouldn't blame kobe for this loss. the lakers just are not better than the suns. the better team won. i mean, the lakers gameplan called heavily of kwame brown to be the man. i mean, how long can THAT last???

damn, could of saved a bunch of time by just giving this one of these :thumbup:


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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MigratingOsprey said:
it wasn't damned if you do, damned if you don't

kobe just doesn't get the game - a million dollar talent, a 5 cent brain

in his mind it's all extremes - take all the shots or take no shots - what do you want from me

what he was doing in the second half was standing just on the other side of halfcourt where no one had to respect him - passing the ball off and then yelling at his teamates and motioning them to move

that is not how you get teamates involved - that is having the 4 less talented guys play against 5 defenders because you took yourself out of the play

the way you get your teamates involved is to use your million dollar talent to create mismatches for your team

how many times did nash use dribble penetration and pick & rolls to create a mismatch where he could take a midrange jumper on a big or feed a taller teamate on the post with a gaurd on them?!

that is how you get teamates involved

kobe was pure show and phil even called him out on it during the post game press conference - playing koy with the media and asking how much kobe scored in the second half, wondering if he even took a shot - then retelling the story of the second half and saying that aside from that one free throw he did nothing offensively

and offensive game play does not equal just scoring - it's dribble penetration, passing, drawing defenders, elevating you teamates, getting them confidence early and taking over the game late

kobe just doesn't understand this - he's too petulant to learn and it's always been this way - he's forever stuck on jordan mode in the mid 80s - if he ever grows up to be jordan in the 90s, then and only then will he reach the level of success he desires

Good post! :thumbup:


May 2, 2006
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It wouldn't have mattered what Kobe did. The rest of the Lakers gave up in game 6. Kobe is no one man team. In order for others to do anything, they need shots in the open. That was what they were getting from Kobe.

If Kobe scored 70, the Lakers would still have lost. Someone else would have had to make up for the other 56 points *just to tie*. Who the heck is going to do that on that Lakers squad? The others just choked and played scared. Kobe can't play with four other mice on the floor on his side.

Like Philip said, there's going to _have to be_ roster changes. Good hard looks at what needs to be changed. And the first step should be to make Smush stop playing for the other team.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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Renz said:
Exactly. The haters are going to rip the guy no matter what he does.

Yes, I'm glad to see you understand.

nothin' but net

All Star
Mar 7, 2005
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SE Arizona
D-Dogg said:
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

That is because the number of shots he decides to shoot on a given night doesn't change his nature.
You can be selfish by taking every shot and not getting you team involved. You can also be selfish by keeping you talent to yourself when your team relies on you so heavily.

Remember, he said he could get any shot any time against the Suns defense. Then he decided to take three in the half. It is one thing to say that you are trying to get your teammates involved in the offense. It is another thing to be the main offensive weapon of a team and leave them hanging like that.

He is an amazing talent, but his ego just gets in the way too much. His me-against-the-world attitude makes him the worst teammate. As a team leader, it was his responsibility to do whatever it took to win.

I have no respect for Kobe as a person. I realize that he is a supreme talent in the NBA, but I just think he is too immature to lead a team.


Registered User
Nov 3, 2004
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what i saw from kobe was not a guy who was trying to get his team mates involved. had be been doing that you would have seen him drive the lane and dish off to the open guy. you would have seen him work to get double teamed so he could pass to the open man. you would have seen him create for others.

what you saw instead was a timid guy who didnt need to be double teamed. he floated along the three point line and gave the ball to whoever was closest to him. he was lazy and heartless.

kobe did the "here you go, i dont want the ball" ruetine. the "i know this team NEEDS me to win, so i'm going to watch you all NEED me to win right in front of my eyes".


Jan 19, 2004
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Florence, Arizona
It wasn't Kobe's passive second half in game 7 that cost them the series. It was his domination of team play all season. While he has been focused on proving to the world that he belongs to be in the same category as Michael Jordan, it has hindered his team from really developing. They are so tuned into the plot that when they are behind, Kobe takes over and takes all of the shots. When it came time for them to step up, they didn't have the game experience or confidence to do it. This is why Kobe cannot be considered for league MVP. He is detrimental to his team. This is exactly why Steve Nash is the reigning MVP. He makes everyone on his team better.

When Kobe stops being the selfish player that he is, helps to develop his team and realizes the coach has to be the one in control, he will probably be a lock to win the MVP title and have a legitimate team to take into the playoffs. I just can't stand the person he is now.


Jan 19, 2004
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Florence, Arizona
Contrary to what people were saying about Kobe sticking to the gameplan, Phil Jackson said the gameplan was for it to be a team focus with Kobe taking the shots that he needed to in order to keep them in the game but if the team didn't respond, then Kobe was to take over the game. He didn't stick to the gameplan then.

I credit the Suns with playing a great defensive game as well as having a scorching offense. I actually think it killed Kobe's desire when he saw how a true team played. In his presser he described the Suns as "they just kept coming at us in waves". He was overhelmed as were the rest of the Lakers.


May 2, 2006
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CardShark said:
Contrary to what people were saying about Kobe sticking to the gameplan, Phil Jackson said the gameplan was for it to be a team focus with Kobe taking the shots that he needed to in order to keep them in the game but if the team didn't respond, then Kobe was to take over the game. He didn't stick to the gameplan then.

I credit the Suns with playing a great defensive game as well as having a scorching offense. I actually think it killed Kobe's desire when he saw how a true team played. In his presser he described the Suns as "they just kept coming at us in waves". He was overhelmed as were the rest of the Lakers.

Do you have a specific quote that Kobe didn't stick to the game plan? The plan was to get others involved. I don't remember a quote from Phil that said for Kobe to take over if the other team members didn't respond. He definitely didn't say that Kobe should have taken over during the postgame interview.

So I'd like to find out when he actually said that. Have a link somewhere?


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Phil said coming out in the second half we wanted to stick to the gameplan, and get shots for the guys down low, and to try and take advantage of Nash on offense. Smush wasn't up to the task.

That's all he said about that.

Kobe did what he was asked to do...by the time the gameplan fell apart, the Suns had put up another billion points on 110% shooting, and no amount of Kobeheroics was going to make a difference.

But does it matter? Kobe hate will flow no matter what he does. This "sending a message" B.S. is just about the most stupid argument I've ever heard, it's been disproved countless times, and nobody had any issue with him shooting 14 shots total in a game earlier in the series. Most dissected, scrutinized and criticised man in all of sports...


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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I was watching TNT show and saw a few clips of Kobe giving up.

I don't think he gave up but from those few clips, Kobe didn't look like he wanted to win either. Yes, he passed out the ball but did you see him "standing there" like none of his business? He looked "flat" and didn't look like he wanted to go after rebounds or running around to draw attention. Kobe hasn't learned to compete without the ball. That's the problem.

Again, I don't think Kobe gave up but I also don't think he tried that hard to win the game. It really showed.


Love Games!
Jan 23, 2003
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Austin, TX
Letters to ESPN

Editor's Note: Here's a selection of letters to Page 2's Bill Simmons about Kobe Bryant's performance in Game 7 of the first round series loss to the Suns.

An MVP does NOT throw in the towel during the second half of a Game 7. I don't know if Kobe was trying to make some kind of statement or what, but that's not what an MVP does. Period.
-- Alex, Provo, Utah

After Kobe's Game 7 performance, not only should MJ comparisons be forbidden, he should have to give up his self-proclaimed status as Black Mamba. Maybe he could call himself the Mottled Garter Snake or something like that. No way MJ disappears like that in a Game 7. Ever.
-- Chuck J., Centreville, Va.

So apparently Kobe was trying to get teammates into a rhythm during the second half. Funny, I must have missed his drives and dishes, and his post-ups that drew double-teams and created open shots. I did, however, see Kobe harmlessly swing the ball around the 3-point line quite a bit. Has any other "superstar" been so passive with the season on the line? You can debate whether Kobe should be MVP but there's no debate whether he makes his teammates better. Either he doesn't know how or Saturday he didn't want to try. And if he didn't want to try and he didn't want to shoot, then he quit.
-- Jonathan, Venice, Calif.
Poor David Blaine. He spends a week in a water-filled bubble only to have Kobe come along and pull the greatest disappearing act of all time. What a shame.
-- Neil L., Burns Lake, British Columbia


Jan 19, 2004
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Florence, Arizona
tlim said:
Do you have a specific quote that Kobe didn't stick to the game plan? The plan was to get others involved. I don't remember a quote from Phil that said for Kobe to take over if the other team members didn't respond. He definitely didn't say that Kobe should have taken over during the postgame interview.

So I'd like to find out when he actually said that. Have a link somewhere?

It was before the game. Phil was asked specifically about the gameplan and at what point Kobe should take over. I don't have link for you, but I know what I heard. Phil looked uncomfortable saying that Kobe should take over if the rest of the team didn't respond, but he did say it.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2002
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Redding, CA.
do you think Nash would stand out past the 3 point line and just tell his teamates to pass to each other so he couldn't shoot so much. you dont make you team play 4 on 4 while the most talented one stands back and watches!


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Heck, I'm a Laker fan and I'm even tired of seeing all the Kobe threads on this site.

You do realize you're now playing the Clippers now...not the Lakers? You've already climbed that hill (which was a bit steeper than most of you thought), right?


May 10, 2006
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jibikao said:
I am going to defend Kobe a little.

I think Kobe was trapped in a HUGE dilemma. All the media was saying when Kobe scored huge, Laker lost and I believe Phil Jackson did say something about it. Now Kobe tried to get others going and they failed to respond. I guess Kobe could take over the game and tried to bring the game closer but it could be out of reach. They lost their biggest game of the season in game 6.

However, I don't feel bad for Kobe because he is an arrogant prick. He is going to suck it. He is the focus of the media and that's the price you pay for being popular. Deal with it.

He doesn't seem to be a leader at all. I think he realized after Game 6 what was about to happen.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
SDRAM said:
He doesn't seem to be a leader at all. I think he realized after Game 6 what was about to happen.

Really. Not much of a leader? Why did it get to a Game 7 then? Did he selfish his way to that?

Buddah on a pogo stick, but you guys have some hate in your hearts.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
D-Dogg said:
Stats for the Memorial Day Massacre...possibly the worst game the Lakers ever played in the playoffs.

Did any of these guys quit on the team? Bear in mind, these stats were in an era where 130 points might not win you the game.

Rambis        22  4-6    0-0    2  7  9  0  2  1  1  1   8
Worthy        37  8-19   4-6    3  5  8  4  1  0  2  0  20
Abdul-Jabbar  22  6-11   0-0    1  2  3  1  3  0  2  1  12
Scott         30  5-14   0-0    0  2  2  0  2  4  3  0  10
E.Johnson     34  8-14   3-4    0  1  1 12  2  3  2  0  19
Cooper        24  1-5    2-2    0  2  2  2  3  0  0  0   4
McAdoo        21  6-13   0-0    0  3  3  0  5  0  0  1  12
Spriggs       15  4-7    0-2    2  1  3  4  1  1  1  1   8
Kupchak       16  3-3    1-2    0  2  2  1  3  0  0  0   7
McGee         15  4-7    4-5    0  2  2  2  1  0  0  0  14
Lester         4  0-1    0-0    0  0  0  1  0  0  1  0   0
Team                                  8
TOTALS           49-100 14-21   8 27 43 27 23  9 12  4 114
3-PT: McGee 2-3, Cooper 0-2

McHale        32 10-16   6-9    3  6  9  0  1  0  1  3  26
Bird          31  8-14   2-2    0  6  6  9  1  3  3  0  18
Parish        28  6-11   6-7    2  6  8  1  1  2  1  0  18
D.Johnson     33  6-14   1-1    1  2  3 10  1  2  3  0  13
Ainge         29  9-15   0-0    2  3  5  6  1  0  2  0  19
Wedman        23 11-11   0-2    1  4  5  2  4  2  1  0  26
Maxwell       16  1-1    1-2    1  2  3  1  0  0  0  0   3
Buckner       16  3-5    0-0    0  4  4  6  4  0  2  0   6
Williams      14  3-5    0-0    0  0  0  5  2  0  0  0   6
Kite          10  3-5    1-2    1  2  3  0  1  0  0  0   7
Carr           4  1-3    0-0    1  0  1  0  1  0  0  0   3
Clark          4  1-2    0-0    1  0  1  3  0  1  0  0   2
Team                                 15
TOTALS           62-102 17-25  13 35 63 43 17 10 13  3 148
3-PT: Wedman 4-4, Bird 1-2, Ainge 1-1, Carr 1-1

Los Angeles  24 25 30 35 - 114
Boston       38 41 29 40 - 148
A - 14,890


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