What does Keim do at the end of season?


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
My takes is that the rest of the season is basically a make-good tryout for Leftwich to be the next HC. If he shows anything I could see him saving Keim’s position, but with forcing him to make a major reshuffling of many people’s duties (like Wilks moved to DC to salvage some of his contract cost)

I’m also thinking Keim’s responsibilities will be scrutinized much more closely, with the possibility of the scouting department having wholesale changes and a strong personnel director being put in place to oversee his decision making activities.

If Leftwich is no better than McCoy (hard as it is to imagine) then this is the excuse MB has to can the whole group, apologize to the fans for the mistake and let everyone know we’re in a rebuild cycle with Rosen the centerpiece of the new look Cards.

Personally I’m okay with whichever way this plays out unless it’s maintaning the status quo, because I can forgive mistakes but not blatant stupidity.


It would be virtually unprecedented for Byron Leftwich to go from coaching intern to head coach in less than three seasons. Even Mike Vrabel had to put 7 years in college and pros before "earning" the Tennessee job. He was throwing passes for the Steelers six years ago!


ASFN Lifer
Mar 29, 2016
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It would be virtually unprecedented for Byron Leftwich to go from coaching intern to head coach in less than three seasons. Even Mike Vrabel had to put 7 years in college and pros before "earning" the Tennessee job. He was throwing passes for the Steelers six years ago!
The cardinals make firsts for quite everything ... expect for Lombardis ... so ... who knows ...


ASFN Lifer
May 16, 2002
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Surrounded by Rams and Chargers
Wilks is toast, not only does the record reflect his coaching, his decisions were dumbfounding.
I will give him the benefit of doubt that the offense was McCoy’s fault.
His defensive decisions were unacceptable.

Changing to a 4-3 zone was a terrible strategy. I was in favor of it, but if it didn’t work or confused the players, adjustments were to be made. Instead of switching back to a familiar defense he allows a zone nickel. Its like he’s a Vince Tobin. Lets the coordinators make the calls and he just stands around the sidelines, no plan, strategy or scheme. Not even an outline.

Keim had very bad drafts, he drafts players on physical attributes over fit, scheme or ability. He makes it up on FA signings and trades, but his talent evaluation is piss poor. Overall he’s an average GM.

I would get rid of the coaching staff.

Kinda wonder what if we chose the Bettcher/Norv Turner/Chuck Pagano staff.


ASFN Lifer
Aug 23, 2009
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Flagstaff, Az
I actually thought that OC's and DC's normally call the games, except for maybe a few exceptions?


Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2012
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I don't believe Keim will be making any decisions it's all in Michael Bidwill's court. MB has to agree to eat three year's salary to get rid of Wilks and that comes out of his and his family's pocket. Don't think they are going to do that he will keep them both for another year or two.

He's going to have to get creative with reasoning for the fans and advertisers to keep them renewing the seats and ads.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


Have a Nice Day!
Mar 14, 2003
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Monroe NC
I am on team "Blow it up" but if I am being honest, I will be shocked if Bidwill eats three years of contracts for both Keim and Wilks. I also have a tough time seeing Bidwill keeping one and firing the other.

Flip side, I definitely do not see Bidwill firing Keim and forcing Wilks onto another GM. Far more likely that Bidwill would keep Keim and hire the next coach to a three year deal.

So, either both are gone, both stay, or Keim stays with a new coach on a 3 year deal.

I agree these are the most likely 3 scenarios. I just hope he doesn't fire Wiks and then a year down the road decides to get rid of Keim. Talk about a recipe for disaster.

football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
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going on history:

1. Wilks gets lets go. Coaching options with a young QB, adequate cap space and a top 5 pick make the opening attractive.
2. Keim survives based on long time service, but is on notice.
3. If the new HC is defensive oriented, and Leftwich shows something, expect the Cards FO to "strongly suggest" that Leftwich is retained.
4. If Todd Bowles gets let go in NY, pencil his name in immediately.

Dback Jon

Killer Snail
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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going on history:

1. Wilks gets lets go. Coaching options with a young QB, adequate cap space and a top 5 pick make the opening attractive.
2. Keim survives based on long time service, but is on notice.
3. If the new HC is defensive oriented, and Leftwich shows something, expect the Cards FO to "strongly suggest" that Leftwich is retained.
4. If Todd Bowles gets let go in NY, pencil his name in immediately.

Good plan


Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
hopefully the dude gets to work.

it is highly likely both wilks and keim will be here next season.... we needed an overhaul and that takes time.

of course we were hoping to overhaul without fielding a natural disaster in the process but we failed in that department due to inept offense.

The plan is to look for positives that can be built upon. watch for offensive improvement and see if less time on the field results in defensive improvement....as long as that happens nobody is going anywhere.

Mike McCoy was a stopgap from the get go. I mean come on, we all know how denver worked out... he never even moved his family to the valley.. he was temporary and he knew it. when you combine that with Lefty being retained from the previous staff it indicates he was the plan for OC all along... they just likely were not expecting it to be so soon.

But Keim?? That dude just needs to get to work designing a plan for the draft and free agency. I expect this will be the year we see those big signings everyone is always hoping for. Not who or as many as some fans will want...but they will be there.
Keim has a history of trying to fill all of his holes prior to the draft so he doesnt have to make a need pick. Thats why he signed SB and MG quickly last season...just in case he didnt get one of the first round rookie QB's...we all knew he was still gonna draft a QB if the opportunity presented itself.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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My takes is that the rest of the season is basically a make-good tryout for Leftwich to be the next HC. If he shows anything I could see him saving Keim’s position, but with forcing him to make a major reshuffling of many people’s duties (like Wilks moved to DC to salvage some of his contract cost)

I’m also thinking Keim’s responsibilities will be scrutinized much more closely, with the possibility of the scouting department having wholesale changes and a strong personnel director being put in place to oversee his decision making activities.

If Leftwich is no better than McCoy (hard as it is to imagine) then this is the excuse MB has to can the whole group, apologize to the fans for the mistake and let everyone know we’re in a rebuild cycle with Rosen the centerpiece of the new look Cards.

Personally I’m okay with whichever way this plays out unless it’s maintaning the status quo, because I can forgive mistakes but not blatant stupidity.


I would bet big money this has got more to do with an organization which is poorly structured more than any one person being the problem.

They need someone to create a killer process by which great organizational decisions are made.

I'd be happy to offer my services for a fee and if I'm so lucky as to get that opportunity I'd be happy to invite a few here to help that would be fun!

They promote people constantly and give them zero effective support.

It's probably dated now but if people want to Google the Peter Principle you'll basically see what's going on.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
going on history:

1. Wilks gets lets go. Coaching options with a young QB, adequate cap space and a top 5 pick make the opening attractive.
2. Keim survives based on long time service, but is on notice.
3. If the new HC is defensive oriented, and Leftwich shows something, expect the Cards FO to "strongly suggest" that Leftwich is retained.
4. If Todd Bowles gets let go in NY, pencil his name in immediately.

I know you didn't necessarily endorse this yourself, but it has a MAJOR flaw. #2 undermines the entire process. He's either fired along with Wilks or he has long-term stability. You CANNOT POSSIBLY let him hire another coach, take a top-5 pick, then fire him the next offseason. That would CRUSH this franchise, because now you have to tempt in a top GM candidate who is saddled with a 1-year coach. The new GM might want to fire said coach, further destroying organizational stability.

No, you fire Wilks AND Keim. What better time to hire a top GM candidate than when you have a top-5 pick, good cap space, and a promising young QBOF?

Willie D

Jan 4, 2007
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I assume he's prepping for his time at the 4th Avenue Jail, since Sheriff Penzone closed down Tent City. At least he won't have to smell the Animal Control Shelter incinerating horseys every night.