Supernatural (CW)


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Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
Anyone still watching? It's slowed down for me, but I love that Cass is back!


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Still a fantastic show, now that it has a strong through line. What kills the show is the idiocy of showing one episode, waiting a month, showing another one, waiting two weeks, etc. That kills momentum for any show.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Gah, now I wish I'd stopped buying these awesome T-shirts! I have too many as it is, though. The last one I picked up (Tee Fury, I think) was (version on the right :D ):


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Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I still love this show but not bringing back John Winchester's character in some form has completely pissed me off and I can't shake that every time I watch the show. I am just reminded of the unfinished story line. It sucks.

I don't care if they recast the character at this point. They have done that before and because it's "Supernatural" you can get away with it. Sure, I would love to have
Jeffrey Dean Morgan back but I seriously think this is a massive unanswered question about what happened to him.

Plus considering all the things that have happened to Sam and Dean it's unrealistic that the character has not appeared in some form. I remember a few months ago Robert Singer says they keep toying around with the idea but toy time is over.

I will never be satisfied until the show gives some closure on that storyline. I read a few fan polls that validates that most fans feel the same way.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
I still love this show but not bringing back John Winchester's character in some form has completely pissed me off and I can't shake that every time I watch the show. I am just reminded of the unfinished story line. It sucks.

I don't care if they recast the character at this point. They have done that before and because it's "Supernatural" you can get away with it. Sure, I would love to have
Jeffrey Dean Morgan back but I seriously think this is a massive unanswered question about what happened to him.

Plus considering all the things that have happened to Sam and Dean it's unrealistic that the character has not appeared in some form. I remember a few months ago Robert Singer says they keep toying around with the idea but toy time is over.

I will never be satisfied until the show gives some closure on that storyline. I read a few fan polls that validates that most fans feel the same way.

That storyline was from 7 years ago! If you are this upset 7 years after the fact, why did you continue watching the show? That's mind-boggling to me.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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That storyline was from 7 years ago! If you are this upset 7 years after the fact, why did you continue watching the show? That's mind-boggling to me.

It was from 6 seasons ago I think? Also, they have referenced not knowing where he is or asked in subsequent episodes. They have also tried to fill that gap by bringing in other relatives. It's not like the show has let it die or left it behind.

I watch the show because it's a great show that doesn't mean I have to ignore a glaring issue with the story lines. Besides, I have seen you complain about more trivial stuff Chap. Besides as I mentioned I am not the only one, I have seen fan polls about the show that share the same sentiment. It has not stopped them from watching the show either.

Why does complaining about an aspect of the show mean you have to stop watching it or ignore it? That is mind-boggling to me.
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Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
It was from 6 seasons ago I think? Also, they have referenced not knowing where he is or asked in subsequent episodes. They have also tried to fill that gap by bringing in other relatives. It's not like the show has let it die or left it behind.

I watch the show because it's a great show that doesn't mean I have to ignore a glaring issue with the show. So because the show is good it gets a pass? Please, I have seen you complain about shows for less Chap. Besides as I mentioned I am not the only one, I have seen fan polls of the show share the same sentiment. It has not stopped them from watching the show either.

Pretty far from glaring. It may be a minor annoyance, but I'm just surprised you think it's that big of a deal. Still trying to love this season, but over the years and rewatching recent seasons, and I don't even notice John isn't around.

That said, I wouldn't mind if they DID bring him back in some way, but I'm not going to be upset if they never do.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Pretty far from glaring. It may be a minor annoyance, but I'm just surprised you think it's that big of a deal. Still trying to love this season, but over the years and rewatching recent seasons, and I don't even notice John isn't around.

That said, I wouldn't mind if they DID bring him back in some way, but I'm not going to be upset if they never do.

It is glaring when they keep referencing it ever so often or bring in old relatives to try and fill the void. It's pretty transparent what they are trying to do. Not to mention they left fans hanging with that story line. It's not like it was ever given closure. We are not talking about bringing a character back for nostalgia sake.

I will find the article but like I said it's a big want for many many Supernatural fans. This is not the only show guilty of doing stuff like this by any stretch. I call those shows out too. Still love the show but many fans will feel cheated by the end of the series without closure on that story line.

P.S. The fact that there has been all this activity with the Angels and heaven yet nobody knows where he is is complete bull and extremely weak. They avoided it like the plague with no real way to explain it. I call that pretty glaring. Compound that with they have been to hell and limbo as well and not run into him? Come on!!!!!

It doesn't get any more glaring than that.
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Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Still think you're making it a bigger deal than it actually is, but I see your point.

Oh well still a great show. It seems like most shows nowadays don't close every single open storyline (see LOST).

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I believe this got renewed for Season 10 a few days ago.

Yes it did. I think the show does a great job of reinventing itself from time to time. I had read an interview with Jensen Ackles and Jared
Padalecki where they had discussed that they were both contemplating for the past couple years when is the best time to walk away from the show if they renew it or not.

I hope they don't because the show has had some great additions (Cas) and a storyline I want closure for (see previous posts). :D

In the meantime I am still loving this show but I have to admit the show feels very much like it's headed towards the finish line.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Cross posted from the spinoff thread. Man, did they piss me off this week. To the point that I'm considering just being done with the show. The quality has been down lately, so it wouldn't be a huge loss. If there's a chance they decide to sneak another one in on us, I'll definitely be out.

Anyway, here's the post:

"These sumbitches have the temerity to air a pilot for the spinoff during a season? To take the place of a regular episode? Asshats! Needless to say, it was deleted (mostly) unwatched. It took me until I realized what it was to do the "WTF? Delete!"."

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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What a freaking train wreck. See my post in the other thread. It's exactly what I thought it was. Simply put this freaking takes the original shows cannon and tosses out the door. Not only is it completely unrealistic with the world already set but this doesn't even feel likes it's in the same world despite trying to force it.

I would not have minded another pilot if it was awesome. This crap? Dear lord let that other show die a quick death.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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People who are still fans of the show will find A LOT to appreciate here:

I watched this a couple days ago. Loved it. It's amazing how many of the cast they got for this. Awesome job!


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
I watched this a couple days ago. Loved it. It's amazing how many of the cast they got for this. Awesome job!
They've always done stuff like this. I remember when I worked for Warner Bros., I worked closely with the rep that worked on that show and she would go to the set all the time and tell me all kinds of cool stories. Every single member of that cast is just an amazing person.