Better off silent
Did anyone watch? Any thoughts, if you did?
Originally posted by Chaplin
So instead, they blackballed Scorsese!
Originally posted by FischerKing
Watched it and my party was a huge success.
Big surprise for me - Polanski winning best director. It wasn't because I didn't think he was deserving, I personally thought he should win hands down, but I really truly thought that the Academy would blackball him again. I was extremely happy that they decided to reward him for a masterful job he did with the Pianist.
Originally posted by Brian in Mesa
I can't believe anyone, especially you, would be happy for a convicted child rapist who's been on the run for 26 years. If that's not enough of a reason to blackball someone, I don't know what is.
I guess 26 years is the Academy's Statute of Statue Limitations...
Originally posted by mdamien13
Sorry, I have to chime in here.
Polanski didn't get a DUI or get caught w/ some drugs (although that was part of the crime). He drugged and RAPED a teenage girl. Rapists are the lowest scum of mankind. A victim of rape is forever robbed of anything remotely similar to a normal existence. It's a trauma the victim will never get over. Unless you've been subjected to what Polanski put this girl through, you have absolutely no way of comprehending the affect it has on life.
Under current laws, sex offenders are often released after serving minimum sentences if they're even prosecuted. It's a less severe sentencing process than drug offenders go through. The Academy of Farts and Sciences giving an award to a sex offender is just another example of this country's apathy towards this crime.
I never watch the Oscars - this year I was reminded why.
Also, the director of "Jeepers Creepers" was a convicted sex offender. Boycott the crap on celluloid he passes off as art.
Originally posted by Chandler Mike
Well, i'd say this is an Oscar thread, so hence the reason people are talking about the Oscars here...not sure about any kind of influence.