Alright. Truce. I have had my share of hostilities as well.
Don't be suprised if I am corrupted by the dark side soon(I think right now I am in some sort of strange denial). If the guys that came in all start signing with other teams, and the guys we have are actually going to be our lineup. I will be start ranting and raving.
I just think it is too early to flip out.
As for Boston and the tag. If we placed that tag on him there are some risks. It is not as free-wheeling as has been protrayed here.
If we place it on him I think noone touches him. We don't get two draft picks, we get Boston for 5.6 mil for one year(of sulking and alligator arms.) If we place the tag and then wait and then rescind it, what good does that do? All that does is screw Boston over... And makes us look even worse. I mean right now it looks as if we have no idea what we are doing. What does it look like if we tag him, in hopes that someone else wants to give us two #1 picks and then noone does, and then we remove the tag in the summer and he signs w/someone else anyway?
To me what they are doing SEEMS to have some direction.
As for being intolerant to drug users, that is not the case. I am pissed at Boston. I think he forced himself out of here and gave up last year. I go to every game, I saw his mannerisms. Horrible. In return, I take cheap shots at his character.
I hope the next to go is Thomas Jones.
Start over all over again. Should be the damn motto of the franchise.