Wake Up Ebenezer


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
On the eve of what appears to be NFL's Christmas, where teams will go on fast and furious shopping sprees---it is my profound wish that Mr. Ebenezer Bidwill and his parsimonious business partners, Bill Jr. and Rod The Snail Graves, will be visited by three spirits tonight, starting at the stroke of midnight.

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Ghost: "Wake up Ebenezer."

Bidwill: "Who is it? What do want from me?"

G: "I am the Spirit of Christmas Past. I wish to take you on a journey---here touch my robe."

B: "Where are you taking me?"

G: "Look for yourself."

B: "Why it's our practice field---there's Coach Whisenhunt---why yes, there's Anquan Boldin...there's Kurt Warner!"

G: Why are they here on a Christmas morning?

B: Coach Whisenhunt called a practice. The team was horrendous in the snow in New England. We are heading to the playoffs. We do not wish to embarrass ourselves."

G: Speaking of the playoffs, what do you see now?"

B: Why yes that's me and Kurt Warner on the podium. look at all our cheering fans. Look at all the confetti!

G: What is that your are hoisting?

B. It's the Halas Trophy! My Cardinals won the NFC Championship!

G: What is Kurt Warner saying?

B: He is praising the good Lord.

G: He is a kind fellow that Kurt Warner, isn't he?

B: He is.

G: Look at him here.

B: Yes, why, it's the Super Bowl! Yes! There he is! Why look at that pass! Yes! Run Larry Run! Touchdown! The Cardinals lead the Super Bowl! 2:37 to go!

G: Now look at him here.

B: Yes, well there he is with his wife Brenda and his family.

G: Why is he lamenting?

B: I don't know.

G: Let's listen in.

KW: Honey, I just don't understand why they can't pay me what I deserve. I took them to the Super Bowl on a 5 mil salary. I mean it's not simply the money---it's the recognition---you know---it's the principle. I mean after all, think of how many of the tornado and flood victims in Iowa we could help---if we only were offered the just compensation---especially without having to practically beg for it.

BW: Oh, that Ebenezer Bidwill, he's just a parsimonious old fool.

KW: Oh my dear, he took a chance on me when no one else would. I owe him that much, my dear.

BW: Yes, but you led the hapless Cardinals---of all teams---to the Super Bowl and what does this miser do?

Phone rings.

KW: Yes, this is he.

MS: Hey Kurt it's Mike. Mike Singletary.

KW: Hey Mike. What's up?

MS: How are negotiations with the Bidwills going?

KW: Not nearly as well as I expected.

MS: Boy, that's a big surprise, isn't it? Ha-ha-ha. Well, seeing as you have been having trouble beating us, ha ha ha, why don't you join us? I mean, with you at QB, Frank Gore at RB and Vernon Davis at TE, and with MY ferocious defense---we could make our own run at a ring...only this time...you will go out a winner.

KW: Gee, Mike, my family seems settled in Arizona. I don't know.

MS: Well, Kurt, nothing quite beats living in the Bay area. Brenda and the kids might relish the San Francisco treats. Listen, we plan to fly our corporate jet down there to pick you and Brenda up. You are welcome to bring the kids too if you wish. We are big into family here.

B: Oh, cruel spirit, I have seen ENOUGH!"

G: No quite all...you need to watch this.

Phone rings.

KW: Yes this is he.

DR: Hey, Kurt, Dave Razzone here.

KW: Hey, Dave! How's your retirement going?

DR: Well, I am actually writing football columns these days and loving it.

KW: Hey, that's great. In a year I will be probably asking you for some retirement advice.

DR: In a year? Didn't you just re-up with the Cardinals for two years?

KW: I did. But I have to tell you Dave, these negotiations have taken the wind out of my sails.

DR: Yeah, nothing like negotiating with Ebenezer Bidwill. He managed to save every penny on you, didn't he?

KW: If it weren't for my family, Dave, and wanting to keep them in place, I would have taken the 49ers' deal---at least the Niners didn't insult me by lowballing me. In fact, they threw a red carpet at me and Brenda.

DR: Yeah, top 5 QBs in the NFL deserve top 5 money.

KW: Apparently, not if you play for the Bidwills.


Poof. Camera pans to Bidwill clutching his bed post and murmuring ENOUGH...when...the clock strikes one.

Ghost of Christmas Present

G: Wake up Ebenezer---I am the Spirit of Christmas Present. It's time to journey onward.

B: Oh must I go, spirit? I am too old. Why do you waste your time with me?

G: Touch my robe and you shall see.

Ken Whisenhunt: Mr. B, I need to talk with you.

B: Come in Ken. What is it?

KW: Sir. I need another quarterback.

B: What? You have Heisman Trophy Winner Matt Leinart and the big-armed player we signed in the off-season, what's his name?

KW: Derek Anderson, sir.

B: We have a lot of money invested in those two.

KW: Yes, sir, But we still are $40M under the cap and the coaches and I have not been impressed with what we've seen in mini-camp from Leinart and Anderson. Marc Bulger just became available---we would like to throw him in the mix.

B: This is out of the question.

KW: But, sir.

B: No buts. Go and get the most out of Leinart and Anderson.

KW: But, sir.....

B: Move on, spirit. MOVE ON!

B: Why it's the Ram game---we are at home---look, spirit, the stadium is full!

G: Yes, true...but look at the faces of your fans. Why do they lament?

B: Yes, yes I know. Three home games in the last four weeks versus our NFC West rivals---and---

G: And what?

B: We lost all three by the combined score of...

G: Of what?

B: Er---82-30.

G: Look at your fans. They continue to spend their hard earned money to come to your games. Yet, this year, you elected to hoard $40 million dollars...


G: I have one last request of you.

B: What is it?

G: Of course you know Dan Bickley of the Arizona Republic?

B: Yes. Not a big fan.

G: Here, you must read Mr. Bickley's column in today's paper on the Christmas Eve of the 2011 NFL Season. Here I will read it to you.

DB: The new CBA establishes a higher threshold of minimum spending. This will help the Cardinals, a franchise WITH MISERLY TENDENCIES IN ITS DNA. Last year, the team was nearly $40M under the salary cap, FEARFUL of how a prolonged work stoppage would IMPACT the BIDWILL BOTTOM LINE.


Poof! The camera pans to Bidwill grasping his bedposts with ferocity as he murmurs 'bottom line...bottom line." The clock strike two!

Ghost of Christmas Future

G: Wake up Ebenezer. I am the Spirit of Christmas Future. It's time to ride you into the shadows that lie ahead.

B: But, can't you see? I am too old. Too set in my ways. Let an old man lie. Leave me to myself.

G: For the sake of Cardinal coaches, players and fans everywhere, you must ride this last journey with me. Touch my robe.

G: Do you recognize where we are?

B: Why yes! It's the annual owners convention. Look! There's my customary chair near the head of the table. There's Jerry Jones. There's Dan Rooney. There's Arthur Blank.

G: Why is your seat empty?

B: I should be arriving any minute.

G: Let's listen in, shall we?

JJ: Got to hand it to the old man---hey, he got them to The Show.

DR: Came within a whisker too of winning the danged thing.

AB: Sure had their way with us that year. We had the lead at half-time and things were going our way until Rolle picked up that fumble and raced it in.

JJ: Too bad the old man couldn't hold on to the best thing that ever happened to him.

DR: Yes. I have always said, what separates the true winners from losers is how you handle success. The old man didn't seem quite equipped to do that.

AB: Man, they went from first to worst in a flash, didn't they? Weakest division in football too.


G: One more peek into the future and our journey will conclude.

G: Do you recognize where we are?

B: Sure, it's my U of P stadium. But what have we here?

G: A record number of empty seats.

B: What happened to my fans?

G: Guess they were protecting their own bottom lines.

B: Is that my son coaching?

G: Yes, it is.

B: He's no coach!

G: Yes, but, no other coach wanted to work for the organization. Look at the scoreboard. Seattle 56 Arizona 3. Look at the game banner.

B: Why does it say BYE BYE BIRDIES?

G: You will need to listen in to your son's post-game presser.

BBJr.: Well, this is a sad day in Cardinal football history.

Kent Somers: Will you remain a fan of the franchise?

BBJr,: Well, having just sold the organization to LA...and worse of all, when the LA people insisted that they not be required to retain the Cardinal name, there really are no more Cardinals to root for, are there?

Dan Bickley: That is, unless the St. Louis franchise re-claims the name.

B: ENOUGH! HOW COULD YOU SHOW ME THIS! Dear spirit, are these the shadows of things to come...or are they only the shadows of what might be?

G: You must look into you heart for the answers, Ebenezer...the answers are in your heart. The answers are there---and the answers are also HERE (the Spirit opens his robes to reveal two emaciated, squalid urchins crouched at his feet).

G: This girl is IGNORANCE and this boy is WANT. Beware of them both---but most of all, beware of this BOY.

B: (on his knees, clutching the bottom hem of the spirit's robe) I am NOT the owner I used to be...I am NOT the owner I used to be...I am NOT...

May it be said---at last---of Mr. Ebenezer Bidwill...that he "was good to his word... and that he knew how to keep Christmas well...if any man alive possessed the knowledge."

May it be said of Bidwill that he saved the life of this Tiny Tim of a franchise once and for all---

And most importantly, may it be said in the immortal words of Tiny Tim himself, "God bless us, everyone!"
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ASFN Lifer
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Inverness, Il
On the eve of what appears to be NFL's Christmas, where teams will go on fast and furious shopping sprees---it is my profound wish that Mr. Ebenezer Bidwill and his parsimonious business partners, Bill Jr. and Rod The Snail Graves, will be visited by three spirits tonight, starting at the stroke of midnight.

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Ghost: "Wake up Ebenezer."

Bidwill: "Who is it? What do want from me?"

G: "I am the Spirit of Christmas Past. I wish to take you on a journey---here touch my robe."

B: "Where are you taking me?"

G: "Look for yourself."

B: "Why it's our practice field---there's Coach Whisenhunt---why yes, there's Anquan Boldin...there's Kurt Warner!"

G: Why are they here on a Christmas morning?

B: Coach Whisenhunt called a practice. The team was horrendous in the snow in New England. We are heading to the playoffs. We do not wish to embarrass ourselves."

G: Speaking of the playoffs, what do you see now?"

B: Why yes that's me and Kurt Warner on the podium. look at all our cheering fans. Look at all the confetti!

G: What is that your are hoisting?

B. It's the Halas Trophy! My Cardinals won the NFC Championship!

G: What is Kurt Warner saying?

B: He is praising the good Lord.

G: He is a kind fellow that Kurt Warner, isn't he?

B: He is.

G: Look at him here.

B: Yes, why, it's the Super Bowl! Yes! There he is! Why look at that pass! Yes! Run Larry Run! Touchdown! The Cardinals lead the Super Bowl! 2:37 to go!

G: Now look at him here.

B: Yes, well there he is with his wife Brenda and his family.

G: Why is he lamenting?

B: I don't know.

G: Let's listen in.

KW: Honey, I just don't understand why they can't pay me what I deserve. I took them to the Super Bowl on a 5 mil salary. I mean it's not simply the money---it's the recognition---you know---it's the principle. I mean after all, think of how many of the tornado and flood victims in Iowa we could help---if we only were offered the just compensation---especially without having to practically beg for it.

BW: Oh, that Ebenezer Bidwill, he's just a parsimonious old fool.

KW: Oh my dear, he took a chance on me when no one else would. I owe him that much, my dear.

BW: Yes, but you led the hapless Cardinals---of all teams---to the Super Bowl and what does this miser do?

Phone rings.

KW: Yes, this is he.

MS: Hey Kurt it's Mike. Mike Singletary.

KW: Hey Mike. What's up?

MS: How are negotiations with the Bidwills going?

KW: Not nearly as well as I expected.

MS: Boy, that's a big surprise, isn't it? Ha-ha-ha. Well, seeing as you have been having trouble beating us, ha ha ha, why don't you join us? I mean, with you at QB, Frank Gore at RB and Vernon Davis at TE, and with MY ferocious defense---we could make our own run at a ring...only this time...you will go out a winner.

KW: Gee, Mike, my family seems settled in Arizona. I don't know.

MS: Well, Kurt, nothing quite beats living in the Bay area. Brenda and the kids might relish the San Francisco treats. Listen, we plan to fly our corporate jet down there to pick you and Brenda up. You are welcome to bring the kids too if you wish. We are big into family here.

B: Oh, cruel spirit, I have seen ENOUGH!"

G: No quite all...you need to watch this.

Phone rings.

KW: Yes this is he.

DR: Hey, Kurt, Dave Razzone here.

KW: Hey, Dave! How's your retirement going?

DR: Well, I am actually writing football columns these days and loving it.

KW: Hey, that's great. In a year I will be probably asking you for some retirement advice.

DR: In a year? Didn't you just re-up with the Cardinals for two years?

KW: I did. But I have to tell you Dave, these negotiations have taken the wind out of my sails.

DR: Yeah, nothing like negotiating with Ebenezer Bidwill. He managed to save every penny on you, didn't he?

KW: If it weren't for my family, Dave, and wanting to keep them in place, I would have taken the 49ers' deal---at least the Niners didn't insult me by lowballing me. In fact, they threw a red carpet at me and Brenda.

DR: Yeah, top 5 QBs in the NFL deserve top 5 money.

KW: Apparently, not if you play for the Bidwills.


Poof. Camera pans to Bidwill clutching his bed post and murmuring ENOUGH...when...the clock strikes one.

Ghost of Christmas Present

G: Wake up Ebenezer---I am the Spirit of Christmas Present. It's time to journey onward.

B: Oh must I go, spirit? I am too old. Why do you waste your time with me?

G: Touch my robe and you shall see.

Ken Whisenhunt: Mr. B, I need to talk with you.

B: Come in Ken. What is it?

KW: Sir. I need another quarterback.

B: What? You have Heisman Trophy Winner Matt Leinart and the big-armed player we signed in the off-season, what's his name?

KW: Derek Anderson, sir.

B: We have a lot of money invested in those two.

KW: Yes, sir, But we still are $40M under the cap and the coaches and I have not been impressed with what we've seen in mini-camp from Leinart and Anderson. Marc Bulger just became available---we would like to throw him in the mix.

B: This is out of the question.

KW: But, sir.

B: No buts. Go and get the most out of Leinart and Anderson.


And most importantly, may it be said in the immortal words of Tiny Tim himself, "God bless us, everyone!"

Okay Mitch....How many bottles of Grey Goose did it take to do this??


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Okay Mitch....How many bottles of Grey Goose did it take to do this??

Actually, lobo...one large bowl of steamy Christmas punch did the trick!

Hope you, everyone at ASFN and the Cardinals have a merry Christmas. Enjoy! It's going to be fast and furious!


A real American hero
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Bah humbug-Warner just didn't want to get hit anymore or prepare like he knows he should. Had nothing to do with money.

I like the present and future but the past is pure christmas pudding!


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
The good news is---there is a minimum cap at a little over $106M. Teams can even go as much a $6M over the $120M max this year if they pay it back on next year's cap.

The question is---how close to the $120M will the Cardinals spend?


Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Very creative and as always well written Mitch.

I doubt Warner retired because of the negotiations but it was a process that should have been avoided.

I think the essence of your post is that Bill Sr still needs to evolve to help this team regain recent success and I do mostly agree. Being an optimist I have faith that Michael has enough pull to limt the Ebenezer in Sr.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Very creative and as always well written Mitch.

I doubt Warner retired because of the negotiations but it was a process that should have been avoided.

I think the essence of your post is that Bill Sr still needs to evolve to help this team regain recent success and I do mostly agree. Being an optimist I have faith that Michael has enough pull to limt the Ebenezer in Sr.

I remember how exasperated Warner looked at his press conference following his re-signing with the Cardinals. What should have been a very exciting press conference---seemed quite awkward instead. The whole process was unnecessary and was completely avoidable (as you suggest). They should have paid him $30M for 2 years, which would have put him in the lower part of the top 5 QBs.

Remember what Warner had to go through just to finally be the starter---and remember too that he and his agent wanted to rework his deal prior to the 2009 season (after Warner had led the Cardinals to a 5-3 second half record @ 28 ppg)---and the Cardinals not only said no, they re-appointed Matt Leinart as the starting QB.

If you or others believe as I do---Warner should have been compensated in his next contract for leading the team to the Super Bowl on what was the all-time bargain salary of $5M. He deserved a handsome reward for his outstanding play and leadership---not a series of lowball offers and an embarrassing red carpet trip to SF just to finally leverage decent money.

The irony of it all---we know now how the whole Leinart thing played out---and even worse, had Warner played last year, one could justify giving him $20M and the Bidwills would have still hoarded $20M on the cap---and with Warner (providing he stayed reasonably healthy) the Cardinals would still be NFC West Champs.

When it was reported by Dave Razzone last week that Warner told him he felt lowballed and that was one of the main reasons why he retired---even though Warner publicly dismissed this notion (Warner knows how to play the politics)---I guarantee you this was major factor as to why Warner felt "the fun had been taken out of the game."

The Cardinals' success was all on Warner's shoulders---and he knew it---like the Packer playoff game---he knew he had to be perfect to win that game, and unbelievably perfect he was...and the defense still almost lost it, and ironically ended up winning it.

The combination of having everything on his shoulders and not feeling 100% appreciated by the organization was the reason why Warner retired. The slight concussion versus the Rams and blasting he took in the Saints' game didn't help either---but Warner is one tough nut---and he would have played last year had his spirit not been broken.

Look---what I am talking about organization-wise is also manifested in the Boldin, Dansby and Rolle situations---it's HOW the organization treats the players. With the Cardinals it almost always seems "too little too late."

In Warner's case I am convinced of it---"too little too late."
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Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
I remember how exasperated Warner looked at his press conference following his re-signing with the Cardinals. What should have been a very exciting press conference---seemed quite awkward instead. The whole process was unnecessary and was completely avoidable (as you suggest). They should have paid him $30M for 2 years, which would have put him in the lower part of the top 5 QBs.

Remember what Warner had to go through just to finally be the starter---and remember too that he and his agent wanted to rework his deal prior to the 2009 season (after Warner had led the Cardinals to a 5-3 second half record @ 28 ppg)---and the Cardinals not only said no, they re-appointed Matt Leinart as the starting QB.

If you or others believe as I do---Warner should have been compensated in his next contract for leading the team to the Super Bowl on what was the all-time bargain salary of $5M. He deserved a handsome reward for his outstanding play and leadership---not a series of lowball offers and an embarrassing red carpet trip to SF just to finally leverage decent money.

The irony of it all---we know now how the whole Leinart thing played out---and even worse, had Warner played last year, one could justify giving him $20M and the Bidwills would have still hoarded $20M on the cap---and with Warner (providing he stayed reasonably healthy) the Cardinals would still be NFC West Champs.

When it was reported by Dave Razzone last week that Warner told him he felt lowballed and that was one of the main reasons why he retired---even though Warner publicly dismissed this notion (Warner knows how to play the politics)---I guarantee you this was major factor as to why Warner felt "the fun had been taken out of the game."

The Cardinals' success was all on Warner's shoulders---and he knew it---like the Packer playoff game---he knew he had to be perfect to win that game, and unbelievably perfect he was...and the defense still almost lost it, and ironically ended up winning it.

The combination of having everything on his shoulders and not feeling 100% appreciated by the organization was the reason why Warner retired. The slight concussion versus the Rams and blasting he took in the Saints' game didn't help either---but Warner is one tough nut---and he would have played last year had his spirit not been broken.

Look---what I am talking about organization-wise is also manifested in the Boldin, Dansby and Rolle situations---it's HOW the organization treats the players. With the Cardinals it almost always seems "too little too late."

In Warner's case I am convinced of it---"too little too late."

You make some compelling points but our debate will always come back to what we think Warner was feeling which is far from an exact science. Razzone has been bashing the Cards whenever and where ever possible so I take it with more then a grain of salt.

Fact is contract negotiations are typically grueling on both sides but once done most if not all is forgotten. Wilson and DD seem pretty happy after their negotiations and extensions so maybe we will have less Dansby & Rolle situations going forward.

Warner has had a career full of being doubted and undervalued so I doubt getting 12 mil per season was the straw that broke his back.


Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
The good news is---there is a minimum cap at a little over $106M. Teams can even go as much a $6M over the $120M max this year if they pay it back on next year's cap.

The question is---how close to the $120M will the Cardinals spend?

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't it get reported that for the 2011 and 2012 seasons the teams would be required to spend 99% of the cap?