Some observations from the pm practice

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Folks, I'm bummed. I was more than halfway through my pm thread when I lost it somehow. Pushed a button I wasn't supposed to push. Oh well. If any mod or computer genius can retrieve it, let me know.

So here is a shorter version of my observation.

The summer monsoons rolled in from the west an hour or so before practice began and kept us company for the remainder of the afternoon. There was an intermitten rain throughout the practice. This created a bit of a problem for the 3 on 2 drills. That's what I call the drill where the qb assumes the position and has two wideout do the same. There are two cbs defending.

Lance Long, the same guy that only this morning I wrote couldn't break the top 4, did it again. He just keeps catching everything thrown his way. He made one especially pretty catch with Leinart tossing him the rock.

Leinart, by the way, did much better this pm. In fact, he performed better than Warner, IMO. Could have something to do with age. Warner was not as peppy in the afternoon session. He was still sharp, but Leinart did stand out quite a bit more.

In the trashcan drill, where the qbs stand at about the 10 yard line and toss the ball to the corner of the endzone trying to make it into a large rubbermaid trashcan, they all did equally average. No one hit the bullseye. However, after the drill was called, Warner challenged one of the coaches (Miller of Chandler I think) to take a stab at it, but apparently he refused. Warner then shouted, "What do you say!" to the crowd as he waved his arms upward as if trying to do half of a jumpin jack. The crowd roared, although I'm not sure they knew what they were roaring about. The coach took the ball and threw. He missed. The crowd groaned. The sky thundered. A few drops fell. I hid my digital camera under my Cardinal's t-shirt so as to shield it from the moisture. Life is full of disapointments I suppose.

Just then something caught my attention.

As the others walked away, Kurt turned around, walked back, picked up a football, and tossed it at the trashcan. This guy just had to have the last word. Love it.

Oh, and by the way, he missed. Terribly.

So, Lance Long keeps making plays, but so does Jeremy Urban. ASFNers, Urban is honest to goodness forcing his will upon the team. He is playing lights out. I'm watched him make difficult catches all day long. Lance Alworth sound familar to anyone? Although there is also a little Matt Jones in him from where I stand. Not the tweeker aspect, but the mellow, heaven may care kinda aura he puts out. I like him, though. He may very well break out this year. At least that's how he looked out there today.

Which brings me to the defensive backs.

Either our recievers are Autobots and Decepticons all rolled into one and our dbs are merely human, OR, our dbs are not as ready for primetime as many of us think. Seriously, the recievers, all of them, had their way with our dbs. DCR, Brown, Toler, McFadden, Adams, Rolle (who got seriously burned by someone other than the big 3 this pm.

I overhead a guy next to me say, "That's why he plays safety and not corner." Uh, ya think?

In 3 on 2 drills...

Fitz had his way.

Let me repeat that.

Fitz had his way with these guys. Way too easily.

And it's not like the dbs concede anything, it's just that God, er, I mean Larry is that good. The most noticable aspect about Fitzgerald's game this year is his speed. Real speed.

Did I refer to him beautiful already this weekend?

Guys, gals, puppies, kittens, listen up: he is bigger and better than all of us put together. He is the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs. He is the Ming Dynasty. He is Moses parting the Red Sea and NOAH, all at the same time.

Oh, by the way, Stephens Howling is a bit smaller than he appeared this morning. Chalk that up to my Christmas morning perspective earlier today. Doesn't matter, dude plays with a chip on his shoulder and is still going to be a player for us.

If the dbs cause me some concern, the OL downright worries me. I watched them for a bit against our d-line in a drill where only one d-lineman rushes, targeting a specific o-lineman.

The result: Alan Branch is a freak.

When we drafted him I read that he could be unstoppable at times. Today was one of those times. He brought it. Funny thing is, he still appears to be only working at 70 percent. I don't know if its the lack of muscle definition, or the pillsbury doughboy body language, or the Captain Kangeroo beard, but the guy just perplexes me. That said, if you folks would have seen him collapsing our o-line, you too would be salivating at the prospect of this guy smothering Frank Gore an Stephen Jackson. He was especially harsh on Seindlen. Tossed him aside like bag of chips on more than one occassion.

Canfield looked small. He did alright in drills, suprising me, but he does look light for the position.

In those same drills, Cody Brown absolutely destroyed Mike Gandy on one play. Brown is bad.

Jason Wright contined to impress me. And he signed my cap. :D

Herman Johnson looks every bit the behemoth that was advertised. And he's got the cool fro as well. I saw him on a couple of plays, and he stood up the defensive player. He did give the impression of being a bit disinterested in the whole thing. I don't know. Something to keep a eye on.

Lastly, let me say a few words about Sean Morey.

He is Neil Rackers on steroids. Scary, huh? The guy has the mentality of a marine in the trenches when he plays football. Watching him run around out there -- I finally get why wiz loves the dude.

He reminds me so much of, dare I say, Pat Tillman.

And with that, I bid you good night.

Skkorp, I hope you enjoyed today's practices as much as I did.

Go Cards!

Uhm, please forgive typos and such as the Patron and Michelob Ultra is flowing...
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Jul 28, 2007
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Love your analogies and comparisons Red! Thanks again for keeping us informed. Wish we were there. . .


Average Fan
Jul 23, 2008
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I watched and wrote about several practices last year. Sometimes I wondered if other people writing their perspectives even watched the same practices I did. Whether or not I would have seen everything the same as you does not matter. I can tell that you are writing from the perspective of being a fan of the team more than any single player. I wish I could see it with my own eyes before next week, but until then I am very thankful to see it through your eyes. Great job!!! (What color of kool-aid are your sungalsses? I want to get a pair)
red desert

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
I watched and wrote about several practices last year. Sometimes I wondered if other people writing their perspectives even watched the same practices I did. Whether or not I would have seen everything the same as you does not matter. I can tell that you are writing from the perspective of being a fan of the team more than any single player. I wish I could see it with my own eyes before next week, but until then I am very thankful to see it through your eyes. Great job!!! (What color of kool-aid are your sungalsses? I want to get a pair)

Cardinal Red I suppose.

Isn't that what Training Camp is supposed to be about? Seriously, I watch and listen to kids as they take in the scene at training camp, and find myself relating to them in every way. As I posted earlier, goosebump city, baby.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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Cardinal Red I suppose.

Isn't that what Training Camp is supposed to be about? Seriously, I watch and listen to kids as they take in the scene at training camp, and find myself relating to them in every way. As I posted earlier, goosebump city, baby.

This is like one of those "who cried during 'Ol Yeller" moments... Yes - I cried and YES - I get the goose bumps when up at camp as well!!



Average Fan
Jul 23, 2008
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RD, your enthusiasm rocks. I sure hope to read more tomorrow.


ASFN Addict
Dec 27, 2008
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Portland, Oregon
Another phenomenal read. Your posts are the most informative reports from practice, by far.

If Long gets the return thing down, I think he sticks. Sorry, Mr. Garvin. Hopefully, the DB's pick it up tomorrow. It might take them a couple of days to get up to speed. I'm also excited to see more positive reports on Wright. Sounds like he'll be a fine mentor to Hightower and Beanie.

Jersey Girl

Stand down
Supporting Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Super Scottsdale
LOVED the post, including the reference to Skorrp and Patron.

Hey, ASFN, how does it feel to have the best WR, well, hell, arguably the best player in football, on your team?


Timm Rosenbach

Bye Bye DJ
Sep 11, 2005
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Cody Brown and Alan Branch, if they play to their potential, could really provide the muscle that this team needs on the D-Line and the LB Corps.

I am not expecting anything (particularly with Branch), but would be in hog heaven if these guys fulfill their potential in 09


ASFN Addict
Aug 11, 2002
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Scarsdale, NY
RD, a great job. Unfortunately, watching/evaluating a group results in that group doing either well or poorly. And if the answer is that the WR's did well, does that mean that the DB's did poorly? Same as OL/DL. I guess my point is that while it is nice to hear that a player performed very well, well is that because the person playing against him performed very poorly? I'm probably not making too much sense, but hopefully you know what I'm talking about. But I'm really enjoying your analysis.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Thx for your many posts red. To hear that #11 looks faster or better isn't suprising at all to me. I think the guy had a taste in the post season on how dominant he could be last season and working with Rice and Carter before camp shows his desire to get even better. Larry Fitz YOU ROCK!!!:rockon:

Vermont Maverick

Apr 24, 2006
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Williston, Vermont
Red Desert-

This is great stuff, thank you. This, and the pictures posted in other threads, has got me thinking about making a trip out for Training camp next year.

Suggestion: I have lost posts before. I would do one of the following:
1. Just type everything into a Word Document, then copy it to the website using a Control-C (copy feature) in the word doc, and then Control-V (to paste to Website)
2. As you are typing in the website, periodically highlight the entire post, and do a Control-C (maybe every paragraph). Then, just before you hit "Post Reply", do one more Control-C. If you lose the post, "Control-C" would have automatically "saved", so all you have to do is get back to the posting window and do a control-V.

Anyway, thanks again for the great stuff.

Vermont Maverick

Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Williston, Vermont
1. Folks, I'm bummed. I was more than halfway through my pm thread when I lost it somehow. Pushed a button I wasn't supposed to push.

2. Jason Wright contined to impress me. And he signed my cap. :D

3. Skkorp, I hope you enjoyed today's practices as much as I did.

4. Uhm, please forgive typos and such as the Patron and Michelob Ultra is flowing...

My thoughts:

1. See my previous post.
2. That'll happen when you tell a guy he's going to get 10 TDs...
3. Awesome.
4. Michelob Ultra? Ouch. :D


May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Holmdel, NJ
Keep 'em Coming...

Terrific write-up.

A cautionary word for us all - Be wary of hanging your hat on every single catch, drop, decleator or blown coverage in one drill. It's the first day of training camp and a time for smoothing out the rough edges.

That said - there does come a point after several days when all these small, individual high and low spots begin to add up to form a pattern worth considering.

Regarding Alan Branch - Once upon the time a college star from Philly showed up on the NY Knicks named Tom Gola. He had the same rap of not appearing to try very hard, but he kept producing at a high level. Final verdict on the guy was that "he was so athletically smooth, he made everything look easy." Could be the same thing with Branch.

The Lance Long saga continues. He's one of a half-dozen or so "rags to riches" stories that inspire us all. But while I know I personally am pulling for him, I think we all have to put on our "ruthless" hats and view the obvious overcrowded logjam at receiver in terms of (a) who are the top 6 producers and (b) which mix of 6 speedsters, leapers, slot guys etc. will best help our football team. It may very well come down to Long vs. Urban vs. Doucet (& possibly Morey despite his intangibles) head to head. Obviously there will be winners and losers, but in the end what we have to hope for is winding up with the 6 best guys.

I get the feeling that the challenge for both Toler and Garvin will be between the ears. (Their upside is so sick that I spend more time than is realistic thinking about "what might be" should they catch fire).


Apr 28, 2009
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Canfiled is looking small since they want him to weigh 295. He wighed in at 304. He dropped good weight this summer and said he passed the conditioning test with no problem. He loves working with Coach Lott and Coach Grimm.


Aug 14, 2006
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RD --- Great read once again. Those of us who are stuck here in the valley are salivating on your every word. Please keep up the great posts. You are a true breath of fresh air for those of us who are choking on dust and heat. Thank you so,so much!!!
red desert

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Thank you all for the kind words. It really is my pleasure. I will post after today's pm practice since the boys have the morning off today.

That will be my last post as we head back to Albuquerque manana.
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2021 - Prove It
May 15, 2002
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In regards to Cody Brown, I have said for a while that his build and makeup remind me of James Harrison. I won't be surprised if he winds up being the NFL rookie sack leader.


Guy Smiley
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Eye in the Sky
I really enjoy the writing style and info.

Keep 'em coming!


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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Thanks for the stuff.

Also, just a word of caution when watching the OL v DL drills, especially one on one drills. The DL or rusher is going to win 75% of the time. Its just the nature of the drill. So take that for what its worth.