So many of our "fans" of this team are just PATHETIC


Jai Guru Deva OM
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, AZ
Fans Speak Out on Attendance

I'm not going to paste it because it's too long... but after reading the first few entries I got both angry and disgusted by these so called "fans" of this team. Everyone knows that Phoenix is known to have fickle fans, but my God, some of these people are REACHING for excuses not to go to the games.

Some of my favorites...

1) The hot drive from Gilbert
2) It's my families diner time.
3) The speakers make my ears hurt
4) The fact that there seems to be some rule I'm unaware of that you MUST eat at the games. I never do because I know it's expensive. I eat before I go so I don't have to bitch about spending 20 for 2 hot dogs and 2 sodas... common sense?
5) Having to show a ticket stub in the bleachers
6) The colors thing -- I'm sorry, but to not support a team because of a color change? You don't deserve to have a team to watch.
7) I don't want to be told to clap my hands
Etc, etc, etc.

I'm sick and tired of this. I know this doesn't apply to most if not all of you here, the ones I consider to be true fans that aren't so superficial about this team and actually care, but I felt the need to voice my frustrations. We've had season tickets since Day 1 and we'll keep our tickets until it's no longer possible because I love baseball and my team, no matter who or what is on the field.

I understand some people have valid reasons to not attend... whether it be work, family, or a financial situation....

Yet, at the same time... I can't help but wonder how many of these people will cry foul if the team were forced to move to a new city if the attendance continued to fall and was no longer financially supportable in this market.... How upset they'd all be that their "team" was no longer around when for years they made sure they weren't there helping the cause.

And that's my 2 cents. :soapbox:

Gila Monster

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
After reading that article for about 5 minutes and sifting through about 10 of the most asinine things I've laid my eyes on in awhile, I bring up a few rebuttals. Mrh, sorry if any of these cross in to comments you already made but I share these views in this case as you.

1) I have been on as much as a fixed income as anyone here, yet my wife, daughter and I have managed to make about 6 games and have yet to pay over 100 dollars for any of the games. Sorry, but if you're gonna bitch about the price of the tickets, don't get front row. What exactly do you think you're going to pay for those kind of seats, and please tell me that there's teams in ANY sport that don't charge top dollar for front row seats? I can tell you this, 15 dollars at Chase Field gets you within earshot view of Chris Young, Eric Byrnes and Justin Upton. 15 dollars at US Airways Center gets you the highest of nose bleeds. 15 dollars at University of Phoenix Stadium? Same thing. Yet people seem not to mind paying that kind of money freely, but will bitch about Diamondback ticket prices.. Nice try, next excuse.

2). As Mrh said, last I checked there's no unwritten rule that states you HAVE to buy food and drinks at the game. There are plenty of options to eat BEFORE the game, so that excuse too sucks.

3). Gonzo leaving? Jerry Colangelo's departure?? Are you people fans of the Arizona Diamondbacks or Luis Gonzalez and Jerry Colangelo? Yes, Gonzo was the face of the franchise.. But not moreso than Joe DiMaggio, Don Mattingly, Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig were to the Yankees, yet the fan base didn't seem to lag and the Yankees didn't seem to lose too many fans when those gentlemen retired/ were unceremoniously dropped. Again, another fickle excuse.. Oh and by the way? Since Colangelo's such the fan favorite here, perhaps you should ask the 2004 team and the bare farm system (which oh by the way, Josh Byrnes and the "crappy new owners built up to one of the best in baseball, thank you very much) how much Jerry Colangelo's free spending ways were appreciated. No question, he deserves all the respect in the world for getting baseball in Phoenix, as he does for building the quick fix, win now team that went to the playoffs in quick order and won the 2001 World Series. Yet, how about the fact that this team is STILL paying for a guy who hasn't made a single contribution to this franchise in YEARS? Yes, Colangelo is respected, revered... However, the guy wasn't exactly a saint with the money either and a lot of the later problems this franchise faced were because of his spending ways. Lastly on this topic, I could care less who the owner is, who the players are. I don't root for this team because of the players, I root for the players because of the team.. As for the owner? I don't know too many people who root for a team because of the owner.. Actually, quite to the contrary.

4). The colors?? You have to be friggin kidding me???? What is this? Paint By Numbers or Major League Baseball?

5). Location?? Hmm.. Why does this issue NOT seem to be a problem for the Suns? Being the two teams are located within a spit from one another? Thank you, please try again.

6). If you want silence, go to the golf course or library.

Frankly, I'd say these excuses bother me. To a degree they do, because I know for certain these same people making lame ass excuses will be the same ones sporting Diamondback gear and waving their phony signs and ******* themselves for every TV camera and newspaper in site when this team continues to win.

In the interim, I say this. Please keep making lame excuses and stop going. It'll just make tickets that much more accessible for those who REALLY want to be there.
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Feeble Mcjackson

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
I live somewhere
You both hit it on the head on this one. This town always says they will support a winner and this team is in first place with very little support.


ASFN Addict
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
The team management has literally erased any sense of history. I've been to a few games this year and the whole experience seems different. It seems like an expansion team. It's the D-Backs, not the Diamondbacks. It is the only team to ever win a World Series that has changed their colors. I will cheer for them and I will go to games. Its time they bring back the Diamondbacks and scrap the D-Backs.

The other arguement about price of tickets and the drive are lame. Its cheaper to go to a game than the movies.
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May 15, 2002
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
I have to disagree. The team management has literally erased any sense of history. I've been to a few games this year and the whole experience seems different. It seems like an expansion team. It's the D-Backs, not the Diamondbacks. It is the only team to ever win a World Series that has changed their colors. That change was stupid. I will cheer for them and I will go to games. Its time they bring back the Diamondbacks and scrap the D-Backs.

The other arguement about price of tickets and the drive are lame. Its cheaper to go to a game than the movies.

Did you all know:

In 1937 the Brooklyn Dodgers wore green uniforms

The Cincinnati Reds wore all blue, as did the Phillies and Indians.

The Braves switched from primarily red and white to blue and white in the early 70's

The Pirates weren't Yellow until 1947.

St. Louis, Atlanta, Montreal, Milwaukee, Toronto, Philly, KC, Texas, and Seattle all adopted baby blue in the early 80's.

The White Sox wore green (1934), blue (1964), and red (1971) throughout their history as one of the oldest franchises, along with shorts at one point.

The Detroit Tigers didn't have orange in their uniforms until 1972.

The NY Giants used to have the same colors as the football team of the same name.

Houston, of course, went from red and white to orange, blue and yellow in 1975.

The funny thing is, the tradition MLB is full of uniform changes.


Angry Vedder
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
In My Tree
Wow, that's just embarassing. Shame on people. That's bad even for Phoenix.


Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler, Az
I don't go to the games because quite frankly I have a hard time getting into baseball for the most part. Especially now that I have two small children.

We went to 4 or 5 games last year and they were about as exciting as watching grass grow. The last twe seasons the team has had no identity and we never got into the games.

We haven't been to a game this year. For my family it's not worth the time or money to go to a baseball game. The kids are too small (1 and 3 years old) for them or me to enjoy the game. Why spend the money if you are not going to watch the game.

Currently I couldn't name more than 5 players on the team. Where as 4 years ago I could probably name the entire starting lineup. I think that from what I hear these young kids are something special. Maybe if they continue to make a name for themselves, the casual fans might start getting into them more.

I'll admit that young great players like Upton and Webb have sparked my interrest. However it hasn't been sparked enough as a casual fan.

Especially cosidering that it is now FOOTBALL season!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
for me the experience is better this year than any other year i've gone to a game (prior 3 summers) - and that is with smallish crowds

the stadium looks better, the concourses seem more lively, the few fans that are there seem to be into it - this was the first time in AZ that my wife actually really enjoyed being at the game


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Fans? Don't make me laugh

I agree. The excuses given are pathetic.

These people are just trying to come up with excuses for being poor fans. They feel that if they produce enough complaints, their apathy will somehow be validated.

Plus, the true pastime in AZ is whining about money. Should we be surprised that cheap old midwest transplants won't pay money for something they can get for free?

Support this team and shut the hell up, you pathetic whiners!


ASFN Addict
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, so put your money where your mouth is. Prorated season tickets for the remainder of the regular season start at $105 and guarantee you tickets to the playoffs including the world series. Any takers? Come Arizona Sports fans Network, are you real fans?
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Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
that's great value - but no

i'm a marlins fan who likes baseball

i'll probably go to another game this month and a couple in september

i'm already in for a little over 1/3 on cards season tickets, i'm budgeting for sting season tickets and football season is starting up (flying up to seattle for week 1 and they are down here for week 2)

even with that i'll find time to catch at least 3 games - and i'm not a d'back fan - just a baseball fan who enjoys live games and is impressed by the d'backs organization


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Alright, so put your money where your mouth is. Prorated season tickets for the remainder of the regular season start at $105 and guarantee you tickets to the playoffs including the world series. Any takers? Come Arizona Sports fans Network, are you real fans?

I've put down over $300 to attend another 6 games before the season is over. With football season upon us, it is going to be difficult attending Sunday games, so I picked weekends where I could actually attend.

Being a true fan isn't about having season tickets or going to every game. It is about supporting the team and going when you can, rather than making excuses for why you never go.


Angry Vedder
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
In My Tree
These excuses are what are horrible. If you don't like baseball enough to go to a game, that's one thing, but to make excuses such as the team colors, or it's too hot in the summer is ridiculous.

It doesn't mean you have to go to every game, and certainly people are still watching on TV, but people didn't have these excuses 7-8 years ago. We drew a good number almost all year.

I just think this team is going to have to prove people wrong, since we tend to have sooooo many fairweather fans here in the valley. I'd almost rather not have those people show if they're not excited to be there. I went to two games last week and I had a great time even though the stands were pretty empty (Pirates series). It was fun because I was surrounded by passionate D-Backs fans who were there to root their team on, and talk D-Backs baseball with those around them.

I hope one day more people will join in on the fun and come to the park on a more regular basis. For the product the D-Backs put on the field on a nightly basis, the tickets are very cheap. They start at $5. My wife and I went to a game and only spent $15 including tickets and we had a great time.


Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
You can't compare 81 baseball games to 8 football games and 41 basketball games in a much smaller venue.


Jai Guru Deva OM
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, AZ
These excuses are what are horrible. If you don't like baseball enough to go to a game, that's one thing, but to make excuses such as the team colors, or it's too hot in the summer is ridiculous.

It doesn't mean you have to go to every game, and certainly people are still watching on TV, but people didn't have these excuses 7-8 years ago. We drew a good number almost all year.

This is my point -- If you aren't a baseball real baseball fan that enjoys going to the games -- or you have a valid reason not to go, then who cares? No one is blaming you.

It's these people that come up with this bull%^&* about why they won't attend a game that shouldn't have the luxury of living in a city with a team in first place baseball.

My dream would be for maybe.. 10-20 years from now, the D-Backs (assuming they are still here) are a club like the Yankees or Cubs... where almost every game is sold out. The talent we have on the team right now is young and good and have the potential to put together a LOT of good years coming up.

Hopefully winning and getting to the playoffs will bring back some of these "fans"


Jai Guru Deva OM
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, AZ
You can't compare 81 baseball games to 8 football games and 41 basketball games in a much smaller venue.

It's not about every game...

But a first place team.... on a Saturday night... with an amazing rookie and a potential back-to-back Cy Young candidate pitching... and we're drawing 30 thousand people?

How many people live in Phoenix?


ASFN Addict
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
I will admit that I used to go to way more games 5 years ago, but my life was way different back then as well. I was single and I could go out late, but now I have to get home and help take care of the little ones, and quite frankly, that is what I would rather spend my time doing. Maybe I'm not a big baseball fan anymore. I make time for the Cards and Sun Devils, but weeknight baseball in the summer, with 162 games, just isn't a priority for me anymore. The part about the colors, I think it is a big deal because when you are a relatively young team, you want to establish tradition and I think the new direction erases history. That said, I support them by wearing their gear, cheering for them on TV and If there is a big game, maybe I'll go. But I will probably never again go see a Wednesday night game vs. the Rockies. Sorry, it isn't going to happen.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Alright, so put your money where your mouth is. Prorated season tickets for the remainder of the regular season start at $105 and guarantee you tickets to the playoffs including the world series. Any takers? Come Arizona Sports fans Network, are you real fans?

I may have to get in on that when I get back from vacation. I love going to the ballpark.


Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sec. 450
i try to get out to like 2 games a week... and i yell at these games until lame people tell me to be quiet....:bang:


Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, that's just embarassing. Shame on people. That's bad even for Phoenix.


:thumbdown not cool bandwagon Phoenix fans, not cool. US Airways center is right there and you manage to sell it out almost all the time, yet the Dbacks go unnoticed. :soapbox:


Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler, Az
the stadium looks better, the concourses seem more lively, the few fans that are there seem to be into it - this was the first time in AZ that my wife actually really enjoyed being at the game

That is probably my biggest hurdle. My wife and I used to go to about 5-7 games a year since the Dbax opening season. We are not big baseball fans but enjoy supporting our home teams. Most of my "sports" money goes to Cardinals season tickets.

The problem is that the last couple of years for the Dbax have been so bad that my wife has completely lost interest in baseball. I can't blame her because I too have lost interest in them. There just wasn't any identity to the team.

The only thing that might change that for us is if they continue to play well. That and when some of these young players start to make a name for themselves on a national level. That is when I think the casual fan will become more interested in this team. When they start to see players who they recognize show up in the media more often.

Like I mentioned before, I probably couldn't name any of the starting positions on the Dbax right now. However I'm starting to here names like Upton that have sparked my interest again.

Gila Monster

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, so put your money where your mouth is. Prorated season tickets for the remainder of the regular season start at $105 and guarantee you tickets to the playoffs including the world series. Any takers? Come Arizona Sports fans Network, are you real fans?

In a heartbeat, and yes I've already contacted the Diamondback Season Account Specialists to get my hands on three of these pro-rated tickets.

Trust me, if I didn't have a wife that works and a 5 year old who's just starting school, not to mention being in the middle of a rough financial year which just now seems to be turning the corner, I'd have bought Season Tickets for the FULL season. In fact, that's my big investment for next season, and the money is slowly being put aside so I can drop whatever the price for next season's STs will be. I have no qualms with doing this.

Also, I have zero problems with people not being able to make it for valid reasons.. Key word, VALID. Not the fact that they're doing it to protest the new colors of the team... People have to work.. Not everyone's able to work a 9-5 shift unfortunately. People have kids and don't want them out until 10-11 PM on school nights. I get it. These are reasonable and understood. Not going to protest the new colors is both idiotic and nonsensical.

It truly does to me sound like a LOT of people in that article were just speaking to hear themselves speak and threw up the first illogical excuse they can think of.

I'm sorry, but as someone else here noted-- the fact that this team has the best record in the National League, the second best in ALL OF BASEBALL (just a few behind the Red Sox), is playing with a pulse for the first time since 2004 (yes, that team sucked out loud but at least a majority of them played like they cared), and are easily playing their best baseball since 2001, while bragging of a Cy Young Award winning pitcher (who oh by the way was on the hill that evening), as well as an outstanding young nucleus, which includes a guy who's EASILY the most exciting prospect to hit baseball since A-Rod and Junior Griffey and yet still can't draw above 30,000 on a Saturday night is disgusting and shameful.

Also, the "what do we get for going" argument made by some? Guess what? I don't go to Harkins Theatre to get free gifts (they sure don't hurt but) I go to the theatre to watch a movie and enjoy myself. Growing up, I used to go to as many baseball games as I could and didn't give a damn if I got some little gift for being one of the first 25,000 fans through the gates or not. That too... Excuse.


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
A person can support the team and not go and use those excuses...all at the same time. Nobody tells you how to spend your money or criticizes the stupid excuses you use for not doing other things that people do.

Good God people. Can we whine any more?

I have been to 11 games this year and got a couple more in me.

The problem with your rants on this subject is, at least IMHO, they ignore the real issues that are manifested in these "lame" excuses.

Get off your soapbox and let people live their lives as they see fit and not going to games does not make one less of a fan.


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Also, I have zero problems with people not being able to make it for valid reasons.. Key word, VALID. Not the fact that they're doing it to protest the new colors of the team... People have to work.. Not everyone's able to work a 9-5 shift unfortunately. People have kids and don't want them out until 10-11 PM on school nights. I get it. These are reasonable and understood. Not going to protest the new colors is both idiotic and nonsensical.

Those who use team colors as a reason have a much deeper reason than the colors...the color is just how they manifest their displeasure IMO. Once people understand alot of the things I think are underlying here, the better everyone will understand the seeming lack of support.

And some of the reason rest in another part of your post.


Jai Guru Deva OM
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, AZ
A person can support the team and not go and use those excuses...all at the same time. Nobody tells you how to spend your money or criticizes the stupid excuses you use for not doing other things that people do.

Good God people. Can we whine any more?

"The drive from Gilbert is hot" is as weak an excuse as telling the teacher "the dog ate my homework"... there is no way around that.

No one is demanding that these people have to go to the games... it's the pathetic excuses people come up with NOT to go that is my problem.

If they said "I can't afford it" or "I don't have time" or even "I dont like baseball".... then no big deal, it's a legit reason.

But to complain about free tickets turning into an $80-$100 night.... thats where I don't buy it.

I've gotten free tickets before, paid $5 to park (split between a buddy of mine) and enjoyed the game just fine. These people make the choices to spend all that money when they go, then complain about it afterward.

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