No thanks, Marvel. You already dropped so far in quality I'm no longer interested.Reports that Marvel is considering moving on from Majors/Kang and introducing a new villain.
Also talks about how there are conversations with doing another Avengers movie with the original cast.
Marvel Reportedly Considered Bringing Back Original Avengers Cast for New Movie - IGN
As the MCU grapples with its future, one of the ideas considered was apparently bringing back the original Avengers gang for a new movie, per a report in Variety.www.ign.com
As public criticism mounts, Feige is pulling the plug on scripts and projects that aren't working. Case in point: the "Blade" reboot. With Mahershala Ali signed on for the eponymous role of a vampire, things looked promising for a 2023 release date. But the project has gone through at least five writers, two directors and one shutdown six weeks before production. One person familiar with the script permutations says the story at one point morphed into a narrative led by women and filled with life lessons. Blade was relegated to the fourth lead, a bizarre idea considering that the studio had two-time Oscar winner Ali on board.
I went with "It's Always Sunny in Central City"It's Always Fantastic in Philadelphia!
Same, I'm not big on this casting. He doesn't seem to fit the role.Meh, I like Pedro but he doesn't fit this role imo.