You're the one who started this part of the thread by quibbling with
@BritCard's comparison of Murray and McCoy's stats by stating that the comparison was invalid because Murray didn't have Hopkins for 6 of 9 games. My claim is that having Hopkins for 3 games and Hollywood for 6, PLUS Ertz in all 9, was better overall than what McCoy had with Hopkins but no Hollywood OR Ertz.
And you're the one who said, "I don’t know the numbers, and I’m not going to look them up" - so i did, and now you're claiming that I'm arguing comparing yardage.

As i said... Hopkins is GREAT, but if you want to claim that it's not valid to compare (3/9 Hopkins + 6/9 Hollywood + Ertz) to (Hopkins + no Ertz), then why don't YOU provide something to back it up?
Reading comprehension, my buddy!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!