I’m down! A prequel set 300 years prior. It will be a 10 episode season.
I’m down! A prequel set 300 years prior. It will be a 10 episode season.
I’m down! A prequel set 300 years prior. It will be a 10 episode season.
If it actually happens. They cancelled the last one.
Nope. Not going to help fund the shyster that wants to be lazy and make more money and give a giant eff you to the readers he hooked in the first place.
I get being frustrated with not having the books finished. But man that’s some pissy biting off your nose to spite your face talk.
No way. He is literally trying to profit from the property he refuses to finish. Giant middle finger to all the book readers. MASSIVE. I'm a writer, and I find what he's doing freaking disgusting. Besides that, I have serious doubts it'll be any good.
uh, yeah that’s his job. You can argue about artist integrity, yadda yadda yadda, but tough to argue against his taking the opportunity to cash in big time when it’s there. Not so unlike a football player jumping to another team for another big payday. Left something unfinished with old club but limited opportunity for generational wealth. Same thing here.
Does he care more about his millions of readers, or his millions of viewers of his television show, where the money is FAR better? He obviously is concentrating on the television money. Ouchie is right, artistic integrity is questionable, but he's going with where his bread is buttered.Sorry, no. As an artist in the same field, his name is absolute mud now. It isn't just this prequel series. He has literally run around and done dozens of projects and cannot possibly be devoting any significant time to writing the books. He is lying his ass off saying he's working at it.
To follow your sports analogy, it would be akin to Patrick Mahomes getting his team to the playoffs and then begging off to go prepare for preseason baseball. He has a contract (So does Martin--they haven't called him on it because he's a cash cow, but he has contracts and deadlines he continues to miss), but he wants to go make money elsewhere. No. You stay with your team and finish what you damn well started and are contractually obliged to start.
He is a HORRIBLE example to artists out there. Cash grab when you have no cash and need to make a living? I'll not cry foul on lack of artistic integrity. Cash grab before you're rich? Get you that moola. Cash grab when you're richer than Croesus? Shame on you for crapping all over your fans.
Okay, I'm off my hobby horse now
Does he care more about his millions of readers, or his millions of viewers of his television show, where the money is FAR better? He obviously is concentrating on the television money. Ouchie is right, artistic integrity is questionable, but he's going with where his bread is buttered.
I agree it's a huge disservice to the book fans, but it is what it is. You don't know anything about what he is "contractually obligated" to do, so bringing that up is strange.
Does he care more about his millions of readers, or his millions of viewers of his television show, where the money is FAR better? He obviously is concentrating on the television money. Ouchie is right, artistic integrity is questionable, but he's going with where his bread is buttered.
I agree it's a huge disservice to the book fans, but it is what it is. You don't know anything about what he is "contractually obligated" to do, so bringing that up is strange.
I don't know what your problem is other than being upset that he isn't going to finish the book series. If he wasn't already making his publisher money (and you can damn sure believe that they are making some kind of percentage off his GOT earnings), then this would be a bigger deal.His bread has been buttered so well he never has to go to the grocery store again. And I know what he's contractually obligated to do because he has spoken about it. He's under contract for the book, and has mentioned many of the deadlines he was given by the editors that he has missed. Only an author of his stature can get away with that for so long, and even then, it's only because he's bringing them money in with other projects has kept him out of trouble. If he wasn't making money for them, he'd have been toast by now.
I don't know what your problem is other than being upset that he isn't going to finish the book series. If he wasn't already making his publisher money (and you can damn sure believe that they are making some kind of percentage off his GOT earnings), then this would be a bigger deal.
Now, I'm not saying I don't care that he isn't going to finish the books, I'm saying nobody outside of readers like you are going to be really upset about it. Content is king, whether it's books or tv.
After all, you can only read so much description of what people are eating before you decide it's just not worth worrying about.
I think the 72 cuts the other way too then. He’s an older guy. Most are retired by that age. Maybe just allow a man who provided you with entertainment some peace. Is it a bummer if he doesn’t finish? Sure. But man are you guys pissy. He doesn’t owe you anything.You also have to factor in though that he's 72 and already has enough money to be wealthy the rest of his life. At some point you have to think about your legacy too. That's shot with him not finishing his magnum opus. He wanted to subvert Tolkien. Well he succeeded, Tolkien finished.
BTW, the HBO contract is for new stuff and isn't even House of the Dragon. He's supposed to not have much involvement with it. That actually gives me more pause on this series. Where GoT really broke down is when they just had the outline of the story and not George's actual writing and most importantly his dialog. That's all they have for this show too. The Dance of the Dragons story was given more as a history book (x fought y, then a and b happened) story then as a novel. So we really have to hope that the show runners are better writers than Dan and Dave.
I think the 72 cuts the other way too then. He’s an older guy. Most are retired by that age. Maybe just allow a man who provided you with entertainment some peace. Is it a bummer if he doesn’t finish? Sure. But man are you guys pissy. He doesn’t owe you anything.
your second paragraph I get.