Happy Birthday, Michael Bidwill - check out the Twitter responses


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
I’ve got no problem with Michael Bidwill. I don’t believe for a minute that he doesn’t want to win as bad as any other owner.
He wants to win as much as, like, Mike Brown does. He doesn’t want to win as much as Dan Snyder and Jerruh do.

I also think he has lower standards and expectations than the Rooneys or Maras.

Imagine being an embarrassing failure for like 28 out of 31 years. I’d be burning to succeed.


Keepin' it real!
Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2003
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Orange County, CA
He wants to win as much as, like, Mike Brown does. He doesn’t want to win as much as Dan Snyder and Jerruh do.

I also think he has lower standards and expectations than the Rooneys or Maras.

Imagine being an embarrassing failure for like 28 out of 31 years. I’d be burning to succeed.
Interesting choices of owners for comparison.

In the last 10+ years (since 2012), the Cardinals are 1 game below .500 in the regular season, with 1 playoff win.

The Bengals are +2 (with 3 playoff wins), Washington -28 (0 playoff wins), Cowboys +25 (2 playoff wins), and Giants -36 (0 playoff wins).

Since the Cardinals stadium opened in 2006, the Cards are 7 games below .500 in the regular season with 5 playoff wins.

The Bengals are -9 (with 3 playoff wins), Washington -50 (0 playoff wins), Cowboys +41 (3 playoff wins), and Giants -18 (but with 2 Super Bowl wins!).

(I left out the Steelers because they've been amazingly consistent at winning so there's obviously no comparison there.)

Bottom line... excepting the Rooneys, it doesn't look as though there's much correlation between "wanting to win" and winning. Having higher "standards and expectations" may be what helped the Steelers be consistently great... or maybe it was having a HOF QB and Coach the entire time.

Having higher "standards and expectations" certainly hasn't helped the Maras in the last 10 years, or the last 16 aside from two miraculous Super Bowl wins. Maybe the Giants' Super Bowl wins in the 2000's were the result of higher "standards and expectations". :shrug:



Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
I’ve got no problem with Michael Bidwill. I don’t believe for a minute that he doesn’t want to win as bad as any other owner.
He has a funny way of showing it. Why fire the guy ruining the roster even when he gets ANOTHER DUI and continues to suck? It really showed how much he wants to win when he later penned the same guy to a 5-year extension for no plausible reason. Suuure he wants to win so bad lol


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
Interesting choices of owners for comparison.

In the last 10+ years (since 2012), the Cardinals are 1 game below .500 in the regular season, with 1 playoff win.

The Bengals are +2 (with 3 playoff wins), Washington -28 (0 playoff wins), Cowboys +25 (2 playoff wins), and Giants -36 (0 playoff wins).

Since the Cardinals stadium opened in 2006, the Cards are 7 games below .500 in the regular season with 5 playoff wins.

The Bengals are -9 (with 3 playoff wins), Washington -50 (0 playoff wins), Cowboys +41 (3 playoff wins), and Giants -18 (but with 2 Super Bowl wins!).

(I left out the Steelers because they've been amazingly consistent at winning so there's obviously no comparison there.)

Bottom line... excepting the Rooneys, it doesn't look as though there's much correlation between "wanting to win" and winning. Having higher "standards and expectations" may be what helped the Steelers be consistently great... or maybe it was having a HOF QB and Coach the entire time.

Having higher "standards and expectations" certainly hasn't helped the Maras in the last 10 years, or the last 16 aside from two miraculous Super Bowl wins. Maybe the Giants' Super Bowl wins in the 2000's were the result of higher "standards and expectations".


I think that's probably true, although the sample size is pretty questionable here because it's based on what some blowhard on a message board typed out on the can after two Old Fashioneds.

Having an owner who cares the median amount about winning reaps the rewards of NFL Parity -- a record hovering around .500 and a smattering of playoff wins.

Having an owner who cares deeply about winning can produce outsize results in both directions.


Sep 2, 2002
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In the last 10+ years (since 2012), the Cardinals are 1 game below .500 in the regular season, with 1 playoff win.
One playoff win a decade! In a league defined by parity.

football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
I’ve got no problem with Michael Bidwill. I don’t believe for a minute that he doesn’t want to win as bad as any other owner.
I agree that Mike wants to win

but that isnt enough.

by background: i used work on turn-arounds of failing businesses. By the time i walked in, the failure was unmistakable to that business.

Yet, in 100% of the cases -- the people in charge were convinced that their strategies were mostly correct but just needed fine tuning or they just had some bad luck, etc.

They wanted to succeed, but also didnt think they needed to change much --even in the face of circumstances telling them they really needed to change things. I fear that is where Mike B is


Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
I agree that Mike wants to win
Everyone wants to win! Only a total psychopath would intentionally sabotage their team. But wanting to win and performing the actions required to win are two different topics.
They wanted to succeed, but also didnt think they needed to change much --even in the face of circumstances telling them they really needed to change things. I fear that is where Mike B is
Yep, that 1 playoff win in a decade is confirmation the system works!


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
I’ve got no problem with Michael Bidwill. I don’t believe for a minute that he doesn’t want to win as bad as any other owner.
What somebody “wants” means absolutely nothing, it’s all how they execute. MB struggles in that regard most notably his mistaken loyalty to Keim.
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Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
What somebody “wants” means absolutely nothing, it’s all how they execute. MB struggles in that regard most notably his unfounded loyalty to Keim.
What if I want to be a billionaire? Is that how it works? I really want it!

Anyone who keeps a loser like Keim around cares about hanging with his buddies, not winning championships.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Everyone wants to win! Only a total psychopath would intentionally sabotage their team. But wanting to win and performing the actions required to win are two different topics.

Yep, that 1 playoff win in a decade is confirmation the system works!
The standard is the standard.


Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
Fat people want to be thinner and healthier.

But they still eat more pasta than salad, pass the oranges to get to the ice cream..... and skip the gym because the new CoD came out or PoE is starting a new season.


Jan 10, 2020
Reaction score
I’ve got no problem with Michael Bidwill. I don’t believe for a minute that he doesn’t want to win as bad as any other owner.

Mikes record since he became owner is by far the most winning period in Cardinals history. Since he took over in 2007 the team is 125-126-2. That's the 16th best record in that period. We have achieved mediocrity which is a big step up from the previous 85 years. I don't question that he wants to win.

Imagine being a Jags fan who are 82-171 since 2007.

I do however think he only wants to win within a certain set of paremeters that include him being able to be involved in day to day football operations. And that requires a friendly GM that will put up with it so why not his good buddy Steve?

Mike wants to win but only on his terms. We would win more if he hired a better GM and he kept his nose out of football affairs. We will always be limited by his need to be overly involved.

It's part of what's so infuriating about this franchise because you can argue this point both ways. On one hand there is no doubting that Mike has been the best principle owner the Cards have ever had and on the other there's no doubt he's limiting how successful we can be.

Ultimately I think he's more of a hinderance now than not. Being better than all time dog crap is not good enough if he's limiting us to being mediocre.
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ASFN Lifer
Jan 10, 2019
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Mikes record since he became owner is by far the most winning period in Cardinals history. Since he took over in 2007 the team is 125-126-2. That's the 16th best record in that period. We have achieved mediocrity which is a big step up from the previous 85 years. I don't question that he wants to win.

Imagine being a Jags fan who are 82-171 since 2007.

I do however think he only wants to win within a certain set of paremeters that include him being able to be involved in day to day football operations. And that requires a friendly GM that will put up with it so why not his good buddy Steve?

Mike wants to win but only on his terms. We would win more if he hired a better GM and he kept his nose out of football affairs. We will always be limited by his need to be overly involved.

It's part of what's so infuriating about this franchise because you can argue this point both ways. On one hand there is no doubting that Mike has been the best principle owner the Cards have ever had and on the other there's no doubt he's limiting how successful we can be.

Ultimately I think he's more of a hinderance now than not. Being better than all time dog crap is not good enough if he's limiting us to being mediocre.
I truly believe he wants to win but he doesn't have the football connections with the right people to figure out who to hire. He found a GM that got us to a SB & he still believes in him, basically he's thinking that will happen again. He's comfortable with Keim & buddies so I don't see Keim going anywhere.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Mikes record since he became owner is by far the most winning period in Cardinals history. Since he took over in 2007 the team is 125-126-2. That's the 16th best record in that period. We have achieved mediocrity which is a big step up from the previous 85 years. I don't question that he wants to win.

Imagine being a Jags fan who are 82-171 since 2007.

I do however think he only wants to win within a certain set of paremeters that include him being able to be involved in day to day football operations. And that requires a friendly GM that will put up with it so why not his good buddy Steve?

Mike wants to win but only on his terms. We would win more if he hired a better GM and he kept his nose out of football affairs. We will always be limited by his need to be overly involved.

It's part of what's so infuriating about this franchise because you can argue this point both ways. On one hand there is no doubting that Mike has been the best principle owner the Cards have ever had and on the other there's no doubt he's limiting how successful we can be.

Ultimately I think he's more of a hinderance now than not. Being better than all time dog crap is not good enough if he's limiting us to being mediocre.
Just curious with you specifically in that you seem to excuse Michael's mediocre overall record simply because his predecessors were awful. Why doesn't said excuse not apply to Kyler's mediocre 2022 season because his predecessors were the likes of Sam Bradford, Josh Rose, Blaine Gabbert, Max Hall, etc?

The entire organization is a clown show - MB is an incompetent goober, Keim is a drunk buffoon, Kliff is an unqualified headcase, and Kyler is a loner and an *******.


Jan 10, 2020
Reaction score
Just curious with you specifically in that you seem to excuse Michael's mediocre overall record simply because his predecessors were awful. Why doesn't said excuse not apply to Kyler's mediocre 2022 season because his predecessors were the likes of Sam Bradford, Josh Rose, Blaine Gabbert, Max Hall, etc?

The entire organization is a clown show - MB is an incompetent goober, Keim is a drunk buffoon, Kliff is an unqualified headcase, and Kyler is a loner and an *******.

What part of "Being better than all time dog crap is not good enough" did you not understand?

But the reason it doesn't apply is because Kyler isn't better than the previous dog crap. He currently is the dog crap.


Sep 2, 2002
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I do however think he only wants to win within a certain set of paremeters that include him being able to be involved in day to day football operations.

Mike wants to win but only on his terms.
So he doesn't want to truly win. He wants to win on his terms, which has produced one playoff win in 10 years. Winners do what it takes to win - MB isn't serious about winning.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
What part of "Being better than all time dog crap is not good enough" did you not understand?

But the reason it doesn't apply is because Kyler isn't better than the previous dog crap. He currently is the dog crap.
Bottom 10 statistical defense, bottom 5 running game (w/out Kyler), below average special teams play, questionable game management decisions galore, off-the-field issues with coaches and players left and right but yeah Kyler is currently the only bad thing going with the organization right now.

I won’t even get into the last comment. Kyler could retire tomorrow and be one of the top 5 Cardinals quarterbacks ever even with this past 15 games on his resume. You’re starting to lose it here with this subject Brit.
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Jan 10, 2020
Reaction score
Bottom 10 statistical defense, bottom 5 running game (w/out Kyler), below average special teams play, questionable game management decisions galore, off-the-field issues with coaches and players left and right but yeah Kyler is currently the only bad thing going with the organization right now.

I won’t even get into the last comment. Kyler could retire tomorrow and be one of the top 5 Cardinals quarterbacks ever even with this past 15 games on his resume. You’re starting to lose it here with this subject Brit.

What has any of this got to do with Kyler being bad?

Kyler being bad is not an argument that everything else is perfect. No team is perfect. There are other problems for sure. But you can say that for plenty of winning teams. The Dolphins, Jets, Ravens, Bengals, Titans, Giants, Commanders, Chiefs, 49ers and Seahawks all have issues.

At the same time, if Kyler isn't complete ass this year and can read a defense, go through progressions and throw beyond 10 yards them we are 7-5 for sure. Despite all the other issues. And then nobody is talking about those issues.

With just average QB play we would have won the first Rams game, the Eagles game and the first Seahawks game and were 7-4.

If Kliff wasn't such a bonehead chicken **** then we win the Chargers too and are 8-4.

We have other problems, but the main reason we are 4-8 is sucky QB play.

Kyler is worse in almost every stat than he was as a rookie, a year we were 5-10-1. So why is anyone surprised our record will be similar? The only stats he is better are 3 yards per game more passing, slightly better comp % and a lower interception ratio.

TD ration, YPA, ANY/A, YPC, Passer rating, QBR are all down on his rookie year. Most of them way down.

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