First to Worst: How and Why It Happened


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Much of what I am about to write is purely speculation---speculation spawned by inference---

None of us knows what really goes on inside the Cardinals' organization. In fact, sometimes it seems that even the Cardinals' beat reporters are completely in the dark as to what is going on within the organization, as they were with the Leinart situation.

That said...I am going to try to connect the dots as best I can.

The harrowing question I keep asking myself is, how could HC Ken Whisenhunt---seemingly the best and brightest HC the Cardinals have had since the days of Don Coryell---suddenly seem so obtuse and obstinate in his decision making?

My theory is that there is a rather closely-veiled but simmering power struggle going on between Whisenhunt and the front office---and it's been building for quite some time---perhaps even to the point where the ultra-frugal Bidwills might actually be considering eating KW's new contract in favor of bringing in a new head coach...

But---imagine the perceptions around the league if the Bidwills showed the temerity to fire the coach who brought the franchise out of the duldrums and just three years ago had the Cardinals within 2:37 of winning the Super Bowl.

It all goes back to the day Whiz was hired---under the condition that he agreed to keep DC Clancy Pendergast---and under the expectation that Whiz would groom Matt Leinart into a Pro Bowl QB.

Not only did KW insist on firing Pendergast two years later---in many respects the timing of the move---following the defensive meltdown in the Super Bowl---made Pendergast the scapegoat.

The Bidwills could not put a classy spin on those developments, despite their affinity for Pendergast and his family.

What hurts Whiz's part in all this is that his hiring of Bill Davis as DC has not been the answer to the team's continuing defensive meltdowns and woes. And Whiz is so loyal to his coaches---one wonders if he would ever relieve Davis of his duties.

On to Leinart...

We've all saw how the situation played out. Whiz holds three different press conferences in 5 years to announce Leinart as the clear starter---says Leinart is "the guy"---only whenever it becomes fish or cut bait time, Leinart finds himself demoted, or as was the case this year, he finds himself released on the last week of the pre-season.

The question is...who really scheduled those press conferences? Was it Whiz?...or really Rod Graves?...or Bill Bidwill? Michael Bidwill?

Then there was the one leak to the media this year that Whizenhunt and his coaches had pleaded to the FO to go and sign UFA QB Marc Bulger when Bulger became available after the draft.

Certainly the Bidwills---having trimmed a cool $30M from the team's total player salaries in 2009---had plenty of money to invest in other free agent acquisitions---yet---they apparently refused to sign Bulger---


The Bidwills wanted what they had been hoping for the day they hired Whiz---they finally wanted Whiz to turn Matt Leinart into the QBOF.

Yet---when you look at Leinart's game---did Leinart ever seem like a match for Whiz's system?

Do you think Whiz ever thought Leinart was a match?

When Leinart threw a pass that was a tad late and high to Fitz in the first pre-season game (which was reminiscent of the pass in the last week of the season last year which resulted in Anquan Boldin's injury)---and Fitz limped off---Whiz had all the ammo he needed. If the star WR fears playing with the incumbent QB---the incumbent QB has to go. general, apparently his teammates thought Leinart was "soft."

Cris Carter---spoke nationally of Fitz's concerns about Leinart---and while there was much debate over whether Carter had the inside dope on the situation or not---let's just say that Fitz, when given ample opportunity to diffuse the hearsay---did not speak in a voice that was loud enough for anyone to hear.

Whiz's plan would have been to have Marc Bulger be the starter---but instead Whiz was left with Derek Anderson (clearly a panic signing made by the urgings of recently hired DOPP [Director of Pro Personnel], T.J. McCreight---formerly of---yup you guessed it---the Cleveland Browns).

One simply cannot imagine Ken Whisenhunt wanting any part of Derek Anderson.

Thus Whiz was saddled with both Leinart and Anderson---

But Whiz was at least encouraged by the prospects of the two rookies that he had a hand in bringing in: John Skelton and Max Hall.

Hall, in fact, came into camp showing that he was already completely fluent with the playbook---something that Matt Leinart in his first year with Whiz struggled so much so with that Whiz appointed Kurt Warner as the hurry-up QB in order to lessen ML's role.

But--if you think about it---Whiz's handling of the QB situation this year and his stubbornness about keeping DA the starter and not wanting to rush the best young talent on the team in John Skelton---this combined with Whiz's consistently poor, unaggressive play calls---especially on 3rd downs and on electing to punt time and time again on 4ths and 1---Whiz was and has been sending a clear message to the FO---this has been Whiz's way of saying this is what happens when you handcuff the HC.

Bill Parcells---embroiled in a similar power struggle---left the Patriots saying, "If you want me to cook the meal, you think you ought to let me shop for the groceries."

This year's QB debacle is just another part of a series of FO mismanagements...

The embarrassing way in which the FO conducted the Kurt Warner negotiations---one could argue and even see that those negotiations took a lot out of Warner---they dispirited him quite significantly---perhaps more than people realize.

Warner's contract was for two years. He played it for one.

There was the situation with Anquan Boldin---the star WR who was supposedly promised a new contract by the FO---but in the process developed a disdain for Whisenhunt after Whiz meddled in the talks.

It would seem that of all the Cardinal players Whiz inherited, the two he did not want to piss off and alienate were Anquan Boldin and Adrian Wilson...both Pro Bowl caliber players who exemplified the toughness and comeptitiveness that had been so glaringly lacking from the past personnel in Arizona.

But---whatever was happening within the organization---the truth of the matter is, of all the Cardinals' top players who had the chance to leave Arizona in the past two years, only Adrian Wilson remains.

How can players from a team that came within a whisker of winning a Super Bowl be so quick to want to leave town?

Boldin tried to force his way out of town for three years---and the FO simply let Boldin's ire linger and linger.

Not good.

Then---say and think what you will about the way in which the FO handled the Dansby and Rolle situations---here were two guys who were adored by their teammates---heck, Dansby's best friend is Adrian Wilson---and yet why then wouldn't Dansby not want to re-sign with the Cardinals?

He never did want to re-sign with the Cardinals, did he?


The stigma...

It all comes down to the the stigma of perceptions that the Bidwills are cheap at the core---that the Bidwills do not know how to run a winning NFL franchise.

And for every happy Adrian Wilson and Darnell Dockett...there are the Calvin Paces, the Antonio Smiths, the Anquan Boldins, the Karlos Dansbys, the Antrel Rolles, the Edgerrin Jameses---

The players are the ones most aware of such perceptions...and players---who have plenty of time at their disposal---talk, text and tweet. What do you think the Cardinal defectors are saying about the organization?

Do we have to even speculate about that?

Sure we can argue that it's undeserved at this point---and should be a thing of the past---but, if this year is any further proof---we fans got screwed because our owners decided to trim $30M and, in doing so, left us vulnerable at several positions, especially at the most important of all: QB.

You would think that after three great years from Kurt Warner anyone working for the Cardinals would understand that.

The interesting thing now is---has Whiz made his point with the FO?

Will the FO give Whiz more say and take more of a back seat in terms of personnel? Especially in terms of the team's QBs?

Whiz's saving grace?

Aside from salvaging some sorely needed grains of respect through the encouraging play of QB John Skelton...

It's that Fitz says he loves playing for Whiz.

And if the Bidwills let Fitz get away---

The stigma may last forever.
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Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
Nice job, Mitch. I'd like to know more about Mr. B's background. He was born in Chicago in 1931 so he grew up during the Depression. Granted in a very well off family so I doubt anyone was selling apples or standing in line for soup. But Chicago during the Depression was not a happy place to be. I know. I grew up on the stories of what happened in that city and to the people who lived there during that time. It was pretty horrendous.

I think that is in the back of Mr. B's head all of the time. You never know where your next nickel is coming from (even if you're Scrooge McDuck and are swimming through your riches) and so you save nickels, and pinch them, wherever you can. It's an ingrained attitude among people who grew up in the Depression.

I've been asking all season "Who signs the paychecks?". How much of the day to day does Mr. B have his hands on? As long as he's an active participant and it's HIS team (and it is his team) he's not going to change.

I think we'll see change only if/when Michael B. takes over. He was raised in a dfferent time and place. God bless Mr. B. but there's a whole attitude that is in his make-up because of the generation he belongs to.


Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Nice job, Mitch. I'd like to know more about Mr. B's background. He was born in Chicago in 1931 so he grew up during the Depression. Granted in a very well off family so I doubt anyone was selling apples or standing in line for soup. But Chicago during the Depression was not a happy place to be. I know. I grew up on the stories of what happened in that city and to the people who lived there during that time. It was pretty horrendous.

I think that is in the back of Mr. B's head all of the time. You never know where your next nickel is coming from (even if you're Scrooge McDuck and are swimming through your riches) and so you save nickels, and pinch them, wherever you can. It's an ingrained attitude among people who grew up in the Depression.

I've been asking all season "Who signs the paychecks?". How much of the day to day does Mr. B have his hands on? As long as he's an active participant and it's HIS team (and it is his team) he's not going to change.

I think we'll see change only if/when Michael B. takes over. He was raised in a dfferent time and place. God bless Mr. B. but there's a whole attitude that is in his make-up because of the generation he belongs to.

Now this is what I've been trying to say without the grace and insight.
I have 2 aunts (inlaws) that are from the same era and act exactly the same way. They don't have Bidwill money but they are far from poor and squeeze every penny until Lincoln gets a nose bleed.

It is impossible to prove all of your theories and reading of tea leaves Mitch but it makes a lot more sense then Whiz got stupid all of a sudden.

My tea leaves tell me that Graves and Michael and Whiz are pretty much on the same page. I have zero proof and never will but as Dems pointed out we still have a guy who signs the paychecks that has a make-up that won't change and I'll add that doesn't work in todays NFL.

Second Deck

Jul 1, 2002
Reaction score
The way I feel if their is a power struggle then Whiz should resign and air put the laundry. I don't like the way Edge was handled at the end of his career and the cutting of Leinert with no proven QB on the roster. On top of that to let both Dansby and Boldin walk is not what it takes to be winning franchise.

I have been a season ticket holder since the arrival of the big red and even in the bad years thought they were trying to improve. Now it does not seem like winning is much of a priority with the Cards. Will be very hard to renew next year.

football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
I've been asking all season "Who signs the paychecks?". How much of the day to day does Mr. B have his hands on? As long as he's an active participant and it's HIS team (and it is his team) he's not going to change.

I think we'll see change only if/when Michael B. takes over. He was raised in a dfferent time and place. God bless Mr. B. but there's a whole attitude that is in his make-up because of the generation he belongs to.

Sr has big picture influence, but Micheal runs the day to day.

I think you pegged the overall attitude in the organization. Run pretty conservatively. No surprise that with a looming lockout, the team pulled back the reins and didnt want to commit to players they dont know very, very well.


Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
The way I feel if their is a power struggle then Whiz should resign and air put the laundry. I don't like the way Edge was handled at the end of his career and the cutting of Leinert with no proven QB on the roster. On top of that to let both Dansby and Boldin walk is not what it takes to be winning franchise.

I have been a season ticket holder since the arrival of the big red and even in the bad years thought they were trying to improve. Now it does not seem like winning is much of a priority with the Cards. Will be very hard to renew next year.

If Mitch and Dems is on the right track then Whiz knows that he isn't fighting an entire FO and that he will get enough support to get the job done. If he quits and tattles to the press then he never ever gets another shot at a HC job.

I have zero issues with how Edge was handled at any point in his time with the Cards.

I truly don't know if the Cards could have retained Dansby not matter what. The Dolphins were going to keep bidding until we dropped out because they knew we have budget and ceiling.

Boldin was such a tricky mess that was probably mismanaged and then bobbled and Q simply made up his mind he wasn't going to stay. At least we did get some draft picks for him.

I bet that when the new CBA is in place the Cards will open up the checkbook again. They have spent a lot of money up until this year and most teams have cut back on there spending a ton this year.


Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
It is impossible to prove all of your theories and reading of tea leaves Mitch but it makes a lot more sense then Whiz got stupid all of a sudden.

My tea leaves tell me that Graves and Michael and Whiz are pretty much on the same page. I have zero proof and never will but as Dems pointed out we still have a guy who signs the paychecks that has a make-up that won't change and I'll add that doesn't work in todays NFL.

I absolutely do not think Whiz went all stupid. And I think he's pounded on the table more than once. Probably in Michael's office because a man like Whiz isn't going to do that in Mr. B's office. As a matter of respect. And I can see Michael saying, "I know Ken, but my dad..." and Michael trys talking to his father and gets absolutely no where.

And Whiz will never say anything to the press. He's not that kind of man and it probably goes against his code. That is the kind of thing we'd only hear about if he goes to another team as HC, wins the SuperBowl, writes a best seller about picking yourself up from the bottom of the heap, and some of the details about Mr. B are told with a bit of humor. Because he has a ring on his finger and can look back and laugh at what happened when he was with AZ.
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ASFN Addict
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Chandler, AZ
It is interesting this comes up now. I mentioned in another thread that Mr. B was out on a cart with Michael in the F lot, and I assume elsewhere before the Christmas game. He did not look to be in the best health, and it had a very strange feel to the whole situation, like Mike was taking his dad around the crowd for the last time. Is that even something he normally does even?

If this is truly Mr. B's doing, I don't see how much longer he cant continue to control the team and purse strings.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Nice summary Mitch. It's all speculation of course, but IMHO, I think you have captured the entire situation pretty darn accurately.

When a ship sinks this quickly, this dramatically, it's never just one single event or person that is at fault. Heck, the Titanic sank not only because it was steered into an iceburg...
However, ultimately, there is typically a root cause that can be identified as the leading factor in such an enormous collapse. And, as I said, I think you nailed it.

I do believe that there is a growing rift between Whiz and the Bidwills. To be sure, Whiz has played his part in this collapse as you clearly pointed out - his playcalling and stubborness has absolutely been a problem! However, at the root is our QB situation and here, I agree with your version of the story. That Whiz wanted Bulger and the Bidwills never stepped up. We in fact ended up with SCUD, not because Whiz wanted him, but because the Bidwills gave Whiz no other option...

Your depiction of the Matty situation is also one I agree with. I have heard enough to conclude that Fitz and other players were not at all behind Matty. Coupled with his lazy approach to training - I really think what pissed off Whiz the most was Matty's apathy - Leinart was never long for this team in a post-Warner era.

Back to the Whiz vs Bidwill thingy... Heard on Sirius Radio this morning, an "expert" media guy report that Arizona is one of several teams that could be exploring a change at the HC position. Could be nothing to it of course, but then again.... :bang:


Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
I do believe that there is a growing rift between Whiz and the Bidwills. To be sure, Whiz has played his part in this collapse as you clearly pointed out - his playcalling and stubborness has absolutely been a problem! However, at the root is our QB situation and here, I agree with your version of the story. That Whiz wanted Bulger and the Bidwills never stepped up. We in fact ended up with SCUD, not because Whiz wanted him, but because the Bidwills gave Whiz no other option...

Your depiction of the Matty situation is also one I agree with. I have heard enough to conclude that Fitz and other players were not at all behind Matty. Coupled with his lazy approach to training - I really think what pissed off Whiz the most was Matty's apathy - Leinart was never long for this team in a post-Warner era.

Yes. And I don't think Matt leaving had a thing to do with him being the Orange County party dude. Coaches live with that all the time. (Weeb Eubanks/Joe Namath.) Matt wasn't producing what Whiz thought the team needed at QB. Whiz took a real deep breath and ousted him.

Whiz goes to the FO. All roads lead to Mr. B. who said (if my Depression-child theory is correct and my gut tells me it is) "We have two perfectly good quarterbacks that I'm already paying for. Use them." It's the mind-set.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
If this is truly Mr. B's doing, I don't see how much longer he cant continue to control the team and purse strings.

This is utter speculation, nothing more. As far as we know MB has already taken over, that was supposed to have happened what 3 years ago ?


Registered User
Jul 15, 2002
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section 8 row 10
If my memory is still good (doubtful) Rolle and Dansby were offered like contracts to the one they signed. They had decided to go. Rolle to blast in the glory of New York I hope he has a shovel, and Dansby to the Florida humidity.
So we picked up a fine safety in FA and what could end to be a great pick in Washington and O'brien. We didn't exactly stand still.

You can't replace a player like Q. Just not possable. He was angry and we were stupid for driving him away. This was a huge mistake on Whiz and the FO's part. I guess we were hoping Doucet would pick up most of the slack and that just didn't work as he spent the season hurt.

As far as Lienart is concerned many of us would have lkiked him to stay. This turned out to be the worst mistake of all of them. But hindsight is 20-20 and who really knew how bad this guy Anderson would be. We weren't expecting Warner numbers, but he turned out worse than Tupa!

I don't buy the front office war with Whiz. 2 out of 3 championships a super bowl and still some pretty darn good players. There will be some good things happening this FA season and in the draft. Of course this all depends if we have a football season in 2011. Our drafts have been good and many of our FA have backed up or started games. With the number one being Rhodes.

I will relax till I see our team in action next year before calling for heads. I still have trust in Whiz to try and do the right thing. Hopfully he has learned a lot this year. As an MIT grad he is playing with tons of smarts. Happy New year everyone.


az jam

Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
This is utter speculation, nothing more. As far as we know MB has already taken over, that was supposed to have happened what 3 years ago ?

Wild speculation.
Mr B is not in good health. MB is running the organization. There is a triumverant of power consisting of MB, Rod Graves and Whis. They do get along and reach key decisions jointly. Most of the personnel decisions are made by Whis. Graves tries to give him what he needs. They blew it on the QB position and that impacted the whole season. They know this and will fix it in the off season. The NFC West is still weak. They can turn it around and win it.


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Now this is what I've been trying to say without the grace and insight.
I have 2 aunts (inlaws) that are from the same era and act exactly the same way. They don't have Bidwill money but they are far from poor and squeeze every penny until Lincoln gets a nose bleed.

Great insight here. My grandparent grew up in the great depression and were very careful with it. After they passed away, to our astonishment, they were millionaires. They had socked away a lot of money into bonds, mineral rights, etc.

The Bidwills are truly a throwback in that the team is their only business. Thank God Mike is now running things and actually using the new revenue of the stadium to make this team competitive. That said, I'm sure they have some kind of a plan to keep the team in their hands once Bill Sr. passes away.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Good post.

Thanks Mitch.

Since it is all speculative, I don't think I can debate any of it. But, it was a good read.


Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
It is interesting this comes up now. I mentioned in another thread that Mr. B was out on a cart with Michael in the F lot, and I assume elsewhere before the Christmas game. He did not look to be in the best health, and it had a very strange feel to the whole situation, like Mike was taking his dad around the crowd for the last time. Is that even something he normally does even?

If this is truly Mr. B's doing, I don't see how much longer he cant continue to control the team and purse strings.

Have never ever seen Mr.B out with Michael before and he looked thin.

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Heck, I've only been to a few home games and I have seen Mr. B out in the parking lots riding around in a golf cart so that means nothing. Just because Mitch wrote out this long-winded post does not lend any credence to it. Matter of fact he could summed up first to worst in 4 words and it would have more validity, Anderson instead of Warner. That's it.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Heck, I've only been to a few home games and I have seen Mr. B out in the parking lots riding around in a golf cart so that means nothing. Just because Mitch wrote out this long-winded post does not lend any credence to it. Matter of fact he could summed up first to worst in 4 words and it would have more validity, Anderson instead of Warner. That's it.

Or "Brown to Left Tackle".

Very simple equation: Anderson instead of Warner + Brown to Left Tackle = First to Worst.

Of course that explains how but not why.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
No one who knows anything about the long term history of this team is in the least surprised by this year.

This team should come with a warning sign to any prospective coaches.

This year is vintage Cardinals, and there have been posts about real estate developments going south, which I know nothing about but it wouldn't surprise me.

It's one reason I believe we don't have a GM, a GM requires that you give a budget to them then turn them lose, if you want to bank a ton of money on an NFL team the formula is like shooting fish in a barrel, just get rid of all your players or let them leave then have an epic salary gap in one year, you still get your tv money and you're still getting all the same income.

The outgo goes to nothing and you bank a fortune.

Mr. B is an odd duck owner, he dosen't have billions he made in something else.

This is what you get IMO when your owner uses the team as an income source and not an expensive toy.

This is America, the NFL rules are put there to protect us from owners like Jones and the FEDEX guy who would buy all the talent.

If they let it go natural wise though, Mr. B would be driven out of business in 5 years or less IMO, only revenue sharing allows him to compete.

Think about it, you get to draft most of your workforce, they can't leave, you get a fat TV money check even if your team stinks to high heavens and now you have a stadium with long term corporate boxes that just print money.

All this no matter how good or poor your team does. It's very communistic and in general it dosen't work out poorly for most teams because it's just a rich owners toy.

Like I said Mr. B is an odd duck IMO, no way this works out in a true competitive enviroment.
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Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
if this team loses Fitz, you might as well fold up the franchise.

Seriously, if a team three years after the Super Bowl can't convince Fitz, Boldin, Dansby, Rolle or Kurt Warner to stay or play out their existing contracts, why the hell would we expect ANYONE to ever stay again with the current management?


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
It is interesting this comes up now. I mentioned in another thread that Mr. B was out on a cart with Michael in the F lot, and I assume elsewhere before the Christmas game. He did not look to be in the best health, and it had a very strange feel to the whole situation, like Mike was taking his dad around the crowd for the last time. Is that even something he normally does even?

If this is truly Mr. B's doing, I don't see how much longer he cant continue to control the team and purse strings.

Mrs. B is in poor health from what I gather but obviously that has taken it's toll on Mr B. Mike Bidwill has run the team for some time now but while better than the old man is not without his own flaws as an owner (vanity being the main one). But I'll take vanity over frugality every second.

The reason people left are different. In Kurt's case it was his health and family. In Dansby's case it was money, same with Boldin, Antrel, Pace, and Antonio Smith. Fitz if he does leave it will be because his primary goal is championships and not money. Really the only two FO blunders were Karlos and Pace (note huge LB problem this season). Everyone else was probably the best move or beyond their control.

There's so many points to address in Mitch's hyperbolic post so I'll try to sum up as much as I can. Yes, the Cards went cheap this year. No debating or defending that. We should expect this type of behavior with a one horse owner who has no clue about the impending labor situation. I wasn't surprised and quite frankly if I was running a business I'd have probably done the same thing.

As far as the struggles between FO and coaching. Well, yeah, there's always going to be disagreements. But for the most part everyone seems to be on the same page. Whiz is nowhere close to being fired although I'm sure the Bulger leak made some splashes over there that were quickly resolved.

The doom and gloom crowd really does amaze me considering I was once a member of the darkside contingent as we're really only filling a few holes away from being a playoff caliber team again. In fact the losing streak probably wasn't the worst thing from a big picture standpoint in that it allowed the entire organization to step back and re-evaluate everything. We'll know what we need this offseason and won't be taken by surprise like in the past nor will we have to endure a coaching/systemic change. The most important things to note going forward that are not speculative like the majority of Mitch's post are this:

1) We have a pretty solid core of young talent in and before their primes
2) FO and coaching staff are on the same page
3) Fan interest and support is present

Get a QB and a couple linebackers and we'll be fine. The organization knows this too which is why they made a PSA in the third quarter apologizing for the results this season and promising to get better.
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Plucky Comic Relief
Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2004
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I still don't get the angst over Boldin leaving. It was such a luxury to have Fitz and Boldin on the same team, but I don't see how an NFL team can pay for two No. 1 receivers unless EVERYTHING ELSE is already in place. The Cards weren't that team, so they made what I thought was a *shrewd* FO decision to let Boldin walk.

Not every free agent that walks away from the Cardinals is going to be worth what they're asking. Boldin probably was, but in the age of salary caps, you don't want to see them overloading one unit in the budget.

I think it's fair to ask why that money wasn't spent elsewhere. Letting Dansby walk was more of a detriment to the team because there was literally no one there to replace him, and the team went totally budget on fixing that problem. No way Dansby was going to be worth what he was asking over the course of his contract. I get that. But you have to show a financial commitment to that very important position -- and the whole unit, for that matter.

I'm not a passionate Cardinals fan. I'm way out on the periphery and watch with almost total detachment. So when I observe the Cardinals FO the past few years, it looks far more competent than any years since they've been here. I think some people are still stuck on Bidwill being cheap, but lately I think it looks a little more savvy than someone looking at each player like a budget line regardless of talent. I think there's some room to question, but in no way do I think anyone can justify calling the Bidwills cheap. Not anymore, anyway. Not as a football ownership family.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
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Dallas, TX
I would not be shocked to see Wiz fired because it's happened before. What you usually expect from ownership with the Redbirds usually ends up the opposite. It would be a stupid firing, but it's a possibility given that it has happened in the past.

I know it's a terrible thing to say, but the Cards misfortunes will not change until Mr. B is in heaven because IMO he still has the final say in what takes place with his $$$ & his team.