More Thoughts and Dare I Ask---A December to Remember?


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
1. What's so mystifying to me is how Whisenhunt could alienate a player like Anquan Boldin. If there was one player to embrace when Whiz was appointed head coach it was Q. Q epitomizes toughness---and his toughness rubs off on everyone else...on BOTH sides of the ball.

But once Q was aliented---we all saw what happened---it was downright ugly at times---beyond ugly, really.

Look at how revitalized and happy Q is playing for the Ravens---he does just want to win---it's that simple. It wasn't all about the money.

2. Players talk all the time. It makes you wonder what Q and others like Dansby and Rolle are saying about Whisenhunt and the Cardinals' coaches.

Perhaps this is one of the main reason why the Cardinals---despite their recent success, having a truly superior stadium to play in---and being in a great area to live---cannot attract impact free agents.

3. When a team rolls over and quits---even in full view on MNF---it is a result of serious internal issues---

It's not as simple as they miss Warner and don't have the same confidence without him.

Heck, the defense could have decided that seeing as how the offense has carried this team the last three years, it was their time to do the carrying---yet---we have seen the exact opposite. Why?

4. Last week, Whiz's excuse for the players was that "they are trying too hard to be perfect."

What has Whiz been watching on the game tapes?

Trying very little at all is not evidence of trying to be perfect---it's evidence of apathy and disinterest...and of quitting.

When Byran Robinson gets blown from the strong side C gap down into the weak side A gap...which part of trying to be perfect does Whiz see?

5. The quotes from the players are just as odd---like Dockett asking, "What are we playing for?"

Darnell, what are the Buffalo Bills playing for? Why are they at 2-9 playing their hearts out?

Then he said, "We are doing our best."


In the words of John McEnroe, "You CANNOT be serious."

6. I was once hired to take over a Varsity football program that hadn't won a game in 4 years. The league was on the verge of kicking the school out of the league.

When I showed up for the first practice...there were 17 players on the field. I couldn't even host a full scrimmage in practice.

I went through the hallways and there were some good athletes and some big boys (weightlifter, wrestler types). I asked them why aren't you playing football? They said they didn't want to get annihilated. I said I understood that, but I asked them what if you could turn the program around, how would that make you feel?

Fortunately, within three days I had 32 players on the field.

One of the main reasons was that I had brought a 6'4" rocket arm QB with me from my past school. Most of the players wanted to try out for WR...but now I had a pair of bookend tackles and I had a 5'6" LSH type RB who was the toughest kid on the team.

I will never forget the bus ride to the first game...while I sat in the front I listened to a cacaphony of hysterical giggles and shenanigans.

I was this far from standing up and ripping into them all...but I didn't really know these kids yet...and I thought I should wait. My assistant coaches were b.s. and wanted to do the same, but I held them back.

We were down 28-0 so was pitiful.

We lost the game 42-6.

I expected the bus ride home to have a much different tone... was even were laughing and giggling like hyenas.

Again...I was this far from exploding. But I sat there instead and tried to figure out why this was happening.

Heck, when you and I played barely uttered a word on the bus on the ride to the game. If you won, the ride back could be festive...if you lost the ride back was quiet and somber. Right?

These kids had NO concept of this at all.

Why? I kept asking myself. dawned on me...laughter is one of the most telling signs of cynicism...the type of cynicism that says why even try, nothing good is going to happen anyway.

I patiently waited for the right was at half-time of the next game following another laughter-filled bus ride. We were down 28-0.

I told the players...look...let's treat this as two games. We got romped in the first one. OK. But let's give everything we have to win the second half. Let's see what we are made of. Let's see if we can win a half.

Now, I also knew that at some point the other team would sub in their 2nd stringers...which could help...but it didn't matter. What mattered was trying our best regardless.

On the last play of the game my LSH RB ran through two tackles and dove over the end zone to win us the second half 13-12. We lost the game 40-13, but we had won the 2nd half.

The players were going crazy and the other team was looking at us like we were nuts.

It didn't matter.

And guess what?

The ride home? could hear a pin drop it was so quiet.

I knew then the players were starting to care...they were struggling a little with it...but they deep down inside wanted so badly to care...every player does. You did, didn't you?

The next week was our Homecoming and first home game and we were playing the best team in the league...and to be honest it was one the best high school football games I have ever been a part of or seen. We lost on the last drive of the game 42-38.

In the locker room after the game several players were crying their eyes out.

I told them the next time we cry it will be tears of joy.

Two weeks later they won what was the school's first football win in five years.

They won the week after as well.

All the giggling...

What I have learned on a much smaller scale but can be true at all levels---is all about being cynical and thinking nothing good will ever happen anyway.

Right now these Cardinals don't care...they don't believe...and they are wallowing in cynicism and self-doubt.

7. As crazy as this sounds...and I don't mean to raise false hopes...but if the cynicism can be erased in time for Sunday's game versus the Rams...the Cardinals might find what it takes to run the table...and if they wind up at 8-8 with the Rams, the Cardinals can still win the title.

Maybe the laughing incident was the best thing that could have happened last night.

You never know.
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football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
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a few thoughts on your stuff above:

1. Q was a great player. Lets not turn him into a saint. Of course he is happy now: he got the new deal he wanted. As long as the Cards had Fitz as 1A and Q as 1B (and that is exactly how they had it), Q wasn't going to be happy.

2. Have the Cardinals tried to attract high profile free agents? Their stated philosophy has been to sign the "solid, competent vet" type guy. I just don't think this is an issue.

3. Yep. Its my biggest concern. Performances like that suggest its far beyond ability or scheme.


Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
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This will be a December to forget and and hope never happens again.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
As crazy as this sounds...and I don't mean to raise false hopes...but if the cynicism can be erased in time for Sunday's game versus the Rams...the Cardinals might find what it takes to run the table...and if they wind up at 8-8 with the Rams, the Cardinals can still win the title.

Maybe the laughing incident was the best thing that could have happened last night.

You never know.

Love your story there Mitch but at this point in your post I think you may have gone off the deep end. There is a better chance of me winning the Heisman than there is a chance of the Cards running the table.


Drive By Poster
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Oct 13, 2004
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Viva Las Vegas!
If there is such a thing as "good chemistry" then its opposite must also hold true, which is what I believe we're seeing now.

Whiz was very perceptive this past summer when he realized that Leinart was completely out of step with both the staff and his surrounding cast of fellow players - and last night brought us the proof of that insight. I guess Leinart evidently wanted to win and took losses very personally while the rest of this sorry group, well, not so much.

We would have been better sending 52 guys to Houston and rebuilding around one who cared. And if you guys don't think it was hard to type that previous sentence about the bong boy, you'd be wrong. :)


Good read, btw - Thanks, Walt

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
1) Q became PO'ed at Whiz because he got involved with his negotiation. So yes it was all about the money.

2) We go after mid-tier FAs and try to build through the draft. They've said this many times.

3) Lack of talent at key positions (namely OLB) and a moronic DC - Some big factors that hold them back. Early in the season they seemed to be holding their end (to the point that they were outscoring our offense in a couple of games) but this offense is so abysmal that there is no saving it and have since given up to a certain extent

4) Brian Robinson shouldn't be playing period. Thats just a bad example. I'm sure he's trying just like DA is trying but effort doesn't overcome their lack of talent.

Dan Williams should be starting as should Washington as should any QB but DA. That's the real problem. Our coaching staff has put intangibles above talent and as a result are losing more games and in turn the team.

5) Agreed that's just moronic. In the immortal words of Nick Van Exel "3, 2, 1, Cancun"

This will be a December to forget and and hope never happens again.

You only want it to be memorable that if Whiz can turn this around that we can point this out to him if his ego becomes out of control again. "Hey remember when you thought you could turn DA into a competent QB?"

az jam

Mar 6, 2004
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Scottsdale, AZ

Your story captured me and made me forget about the Cardinals. Thanks.
Even though the season has been a disaster, I would like to see them winning some games and Sunday against the Rams would be a nice start.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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What a terrific post Mitch. You absolutely, 100% captured this moment... I don't know if these Cards (players and coaches) have in them what you and your team had in order to stop the giggling and the bewilderment, to turn things around and actually care enough to at minimum be competitive. This team seems to collectively lack any type of meangingful leadership. With the exception of LSH, there isn't one player who has demonstrated the ability to care enough to want to properly represent this organization, and then translate that care into some degree of NFL-caliber play on the field. Not one. As for the coaches, well.... I have seen John Lott up close and personal. I have seem him demonstrate real emotion, fire and care. However, I can't say the same about any other coaches and sadly, Lott's passion seems to have zero impact. Heck, his strength and conditioning protocol, for which he has consistently received high marks, seems entirely fruitless as this team gets pushed around as if they were a some scrub middle school team playing a state champion varsity football powerhouse - EVERY damn game!!

Further, your comment about Q is incredibly poignant and downright damning... Not just on Whiz but the entire organization. There is simply no justification, no rationalization that they can spew that would properly account for this gross mis-handling of a player who was on his way to becoming the greatest Cardinal in the history of the franchise... none! So what exactly does this say about the leadership of this franchise? What are we to conclude about the leadership's ability to now make all the right moves that are so desperately needed in order to salvage not just this season, but the next 3-5??

Mitch, the imagery of sitting on the bus, traveling to and from games has been re-painted in vivid fashion thanks to this post! I recall it all as if it were yesterday. And I remember well the feelings of despair that emerged in the form of cynicsm you perfectly illustrated below, during a freshman season where we went 1 & 10, that then gave way to the confident silence in my sophomore, junior and senior seasons where we were a collective 29 & 4! FWIW, I was wearing the red & white with a red bird on a white helmet during those years as we were the Mighty Big Red - Greenwich Cardinals!! Good lord man - thanks for the memories!!!!


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Lack of talent at key positions (namely OLB) and a moronic DC

LOL, a perfect example was that college defensive formation with 3 D linemen and 8 defensive backs on 3rd and 15 and the 4and9ers run up the middle for a first down.

Want to know what is really sad/ The Cards have been getting killed whenever they ran that ridiculous defensive alignment all year.


Current STAR
Super Moderator
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
LOL, a perfect example was that college defensive formation with 3 D linemen and 8 defensive backs on 3rd and 15 and the 4and9ers run up the middle for a first down.

Want to know what is really sad/ The Cards have been getting killed whenever they ran that ridiculous defensive alignment all year.

That was soooo embarrassing!


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
That was soooo embarrassing!

I know this is off topic but...Texas came out in that defensive formation on the first play against WYOMING!!!

I knew then that it was going to be a long season for Texas fans.


Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
This December will fully hinder, any chance to remember, superbowls or being winners, chances died back in september, DA signing... season ender, fans co-sign return to sender. Now November, no fun or splender, type smack press enter, cuz I beg to differ. I'm no beguiner, i've had this dinner, were just not contenders, more like pretenders and defenders of all night depressed benders, alcohol renders my abilty to drive to the game. :p
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Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
LOL, a perfect example was that college defensive formation with 3 D linemen and 8 defensive backs on 3rd and 15 and the 4and9ers run up the middle for a first down.

Want to know what is really sad/ The Cards have been getting killed whenever they ran that ridiculous defensive alignment all year.

That was actually a 3-3-5 but go on... :mulli:


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Mitch that was a great story.

The trouble is we're talking about professionals here, who just won a division title last year.

I think their cynical nature comes from being rich beyond your wildest dreams and truly not giving a crap, different idea than you were trying to express.

I was so PO'd at this team when they were on the SB run, yet quit during the year, other teams called them out on it, New England was ticked to be at home as a team like the Cardinals went remember?

So I think it's a bit deeper than being cynical, I think they are quitters, the worst kind IMO.

Grown up babies instead of grown ass men.
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Stone Cold
Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
This December will fully hinder, any chance to remember, superbowls or being winners, chances died back in september, DA signing... season ender, fans co-sign return to sender. Now November, no fun or splender, type smack press enter, cuz I beg to differ. I'm no beguiner, i've had this dinner, were just not contenders, more like pretenders and defenders of all night depressed benders, alcohol renders my abilty to drive to the game. :p

nice,....the beat box was thumping in my head,lol.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
There is no mystery. The Cards traded a bunch of guys with HEART in Dansby, Rolle, Boldin, RWells, Leinart and Okeafor for a bunch of quitters.

In 2006 after 3 heartbreaking losses and a loss to Dallas as embarrassing as the one last night the Cards rallied and won 4 of their next 7 including running the table in the division finishing with wins over Seattle, St.Louis and the 4and9ers.

Can we have a do over and send Anderson, Lenon, Rhodes, Faneca and Porter back where we got them and get our old guys back? Because the Cards have been horrible ever since those 5 arrived in the Valley.


Current STAR
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
There is no mystery. The Cards traded a bunch of guys with HEART in Dansby, Rolle, Boldin, RWells, Leinart and Okeafor for a bunch of quitters.

In 2006 after 3 heartbreaking losses and a loss to Dallas as embarrassing as the one last night the Cards rallied and won 4 of their next 7 including running the table in the division finishing with wins over Seattle, St.Louis and the 4and9ers.

Can we have a do over and send Anderson, Lenon, Rhodes, Faneca and Porter back where we got them and get our old guys back? Because the Cards have been horrible ever since those 5 arrived in the Valley.

I'll keep Rhodes thank yo very much. The other 3? TRASH!


Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
As usual you are FOS.

Even the announcers noted that the Cards had 8 DBs in the game.

Cards had 3 dlineman, Porter, Lenon and Wilson playing up in the box and the rest were DBs. Whatever man, even Lenon was credited with the tackle.
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Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
1. It's always about the money!!!!

2. Graves doesn't go after big name FAs. He would rather go after backup players and use them as starters.

3. Maybe because the Defense just isn't that good.

4. Yelling "Fire" in a crowded room isn't going to help this mess get any better.

5. I actually believe Dockett. This defense gave it's best possibe effort on Monday. They just are not that good.

6. So what you are saying is that we need a local HS QB to take us to the promised land. Oh wait...

7. Indeed that is crazy. We are done.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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the obvious question Mitch is... where is that 6'4" rocket armed QB and why haven't the Cards signed him yet.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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I'll keep Rhodes thank yo very much. The other 3? TRASH!

Yep I was wondering how Rhodes got lumped in there, I saw him yelling at his teammates last night, trying to get the crowd fired up, I saw him directing Wilson and telling Adams something etc. If you've given up you don't do that.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Yep I was wondering how Rhodes got lumped in there, I saw him yelling at his teammates last night, trying to get the crowd fired up, I saw him directing Wilson and telling Adams something etc. If you've given up you don't do that.

Probably because Rhodes simply hasn't made any plays recently and you don't see him coming up to make the tackles that Rolle or even Terrance Holt would make.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Probably because Rhodes simply hasn't made any plays recently and you don't see him coming up to make the tackles that Rolle or even Terrance Holt would make.

Nobody made any plays in recent games, not just Rhodes, playing FS you don't always have the opportunity to make big plays.

Again I watched the pregame highlight package of Frank Gore last night and I saw Rolle miss a tackle leading to an extra 30 yards for Gore, and I saw Rolle meet Gore in the hole and get trucked backwards 5 yards for a TD and that reminded me why I am glad Kerry Rhodes is the FS this year not Rolle.

Rhodes isn't perfect, he's missed some tackles, he's had some mistakes, but he understands the basic fundamental of being a FS, be in position because if you're not, there is nobody behind you to cover your butt.

I would add they completed 11 balls last night, it's not the FS to blame for all the rushing yards that's on the DL and LB's and the SS who kept missing tackles.


Apr 30, 2003
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7. As crazy as this sounds...and I don't mean to raise false hopes...but if the cynicism can be erased in time for Sunday's game versus the Rams...the Cardinals might find what it takes to run the table...and if they wind up at 8-8 with the Rams, the Cardinals can still win the title.

Maybe the laughing incident was the best thing that could have happened last night.

You never know.


Wow, that was like a movie with a twist ending.

It does sound crazy, but as it is said, "Crazier things have happened."