We've Been Warned: The system Is Ready To Blow


Hall of Famer
Sep 22, 2003
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Good article here.


For the past two centuries and more, life in Britain has been governed by a simple concept: tomorrow will be better than today. Black August has given us a glimpse of a dystopia, one in which the financial markets buckle and the cities burn. Like Scrooge, we have been shown what might be to come unless we change our ways.

There were glimmers of hope amid last week's despair. Neighbourhoods rallied round in the face of the looting. The Muslim community in Birmingham showed incredible dignity after three young men were mown down by a car and killed during the riots. It was chastening to see consumerism laid bare. We have seen the future and we know it sucks. All of which is cause for cautious optimism – provided the right lessons are drawn.

Lesson number one is that the financial and social causes are linked. Lesson number two is that what links the City banker and the looter is the lack of restraint, the absence of boundaries to bad behaviour. Lesson number three is that we ignore this at our peril.

To understand the mess we are in, it's important to know how we got here. Today marks the 40th anniversary of Richard Nixon's announcement that America was suspending the convertibility of the dollar into gold at $35 an ounce. Speculative attacks on the dollar had begun in the late 1960s as concerns mounted over America's rising trade deficit and the cost of the Vietnam war. Other countries were increasingly reluctant to take dollars in payment and demanded gold instead. Nixon called time on the Bretton Woods system of fixed but adjustable exchange rates, under which countries could use capital controls in order to stimulate their economies without fear of a run on their currency. It was also an era in which protectionist measures were used quite liberally: Nixon announced on 15 August 1971 that he was imposing a 10% tax on all imports into the US.

Four decades on, it is hard not to feel nostalgia for the Bretton Woods system. Imperfect though it was, it acted as an anchor for the global economy for more than a quarter of a century, and allowed individual countries to pursue full employment policies. It was a period devoid of systemic financial crises.

Utter mess

There have been big structural changes in the way the global economy has been managed since 1971, none of them especially beneficial. The fixed exchange rate system has been replaced by a hybrid system in which some currencies are pegged and others float. The currencies in the eurozone, for example, are fixed against each other, but the euro floats against the dollar, the pound and the Swiss franc. The Hong Kong dollar is tied to the US dollar, while Beijing has operated a system under which the yuan is allowed to appreciate against the greenback but at a rate much slower than economic fundamentals would suggest.

The system is an utter mess, particularly since almost every country in the world is now seeking to manipulate its currency downwards in order to make exports cheaper and imports dearer. This is clearly not possible. Sir Mervyn King noted last week that the solution to the crisis involved China and Germany reflating their economies so that debtor nations like the US and Britain could export more. Progress on that front has been painfully slow, and will remain so while the global currency system remains so dysfunctional. The solution is either a fully floating system under which countries stop manipulating their currencies or an attempt to recreate a new fixed exchange rate system using a basket of world currencies as its anchor.

The break-up of the Bretton Woods system paved the way for the liberalisation of financial markets. This began in the 1970s and picked up speed in the 1980s. Exchange controls were lifted and formal restrictions on credit abandoned. Policymakers were left with only one blunt instrument to control the availability of credit: interest rates.

For a while in the late 1980s, the easy availability of money provided the illusion of wealth but there was a shift from a debt-averse world where financial crises were virtually unknown to a debt-sodden world constantly teetering on the brink of banking armageddon.

Currency markets lost their anchor in 1971 when the US suspended dollar convertibility. Over the years, financial markets have lost their moral anchor, engaging not just in reckless but fraudulent behaviour. According to the US economist James Galbraith, increased complexity was the cover for blatant and widespread wrongdoing.

Looking back at the sub-prime mortgage scandal, in which millions of Americans were mis-sold home loans, Galbraith says there has been a complete breakdown in trust that is impairing the hopes of economic recovery.

"There was a private vocabulary, well-known in the industry, covering these loans and related financial products: liars' loans, Ninja loans (the borrowers had no income, no job or assets), neutron loans (loans that would explode, destroying the people but leaving the buildings intact), toxic waste (the residue of the securitisation process). I suggest that this tells you that those who sold these products knew or suspected that their line of work was not 100% honest. Think of the restaurant where the staff refers to the food as scum, sludge and sewage."

Finally, there has been a big change in the way that the spoils of economic success have been divvied up. Back when Nixon was berating the speculators attacking the dollar peg, there was an implicit social contract under which the individual was guaranteed a job and a decent wage that rose as the economy grew. The fruits of growth were shared with employers, and taxes were recycled into schools, health care and pensions. In return, individuals obeyed the law and encouraged their children to do the same. The assumption was that each generation would have a better life than the last.

This implicit social contract has broken down. Growth is less rapid than it was 40 years ago, and the gains have disproportionately gone to companies and the very rich. In the UK, the professional middle classes, particularly in the southeast, are doing fine, but below them in the income scale are people who have become more dependent on debt as their real incomes have stagnated. Next are the people on minimum wage jobs, which have to be topped up by tax credits so they can make ends meet. At the very bottom of the pile are those who are without work, many of them second and third generation unemployed.

Deep trouble

A crisis that has been four decades in the making will not be solved overnight. It will be difficult to recast the global monetary system to ensure that the next few years see gradual recovery rather than depression. Wall Street and the City will resist all attempts at clipping their wings. There is strong ideological resistance to the policies that make decent wages in a full employment economy feasible: capital controls, allowing strong trade unions, wage subsidies, and protectionism.

But this is a fork in the road. History suggests there is no iron law of progress and there have been periods when things have got worse not better. Together, the global imbalances, the manic-depressive behaviour of stock markets, the venality of the financial sector, the growing gulf between rich and poor, the high levels of unemployment, the naked consumerism and the riots are telling us something.

This is a system in deep trouble and it is waiting to blow.

[email protected]



I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
A lot of this is on purpose IMO.

The one message I have to everyone is keep your eye on who keeps trying to ride to the rescue here, each crisis it should of seen, should of stopped.

Why you'd almost think it was trying to purposefully kill the world financial markets, but why?

Just keep your eye out for the plan.

They'll hatch it in the darkest hour they can find and you can bet it'll suck worse than anything has ever sucked before and they'll use imminent disaster as cover to implement it.



Drive By Poster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2004
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Viva Las Vegas!
A lot of this is on purpose IMO.

The one message I have to everyone is keep your eye on who keeps trying to ride to the rescue here, each crisis it should of seen, should of stopped.

Why you'd almost think it was trying to purposefully kill the world financial markets, but why?

Just keep your eye out for the plan.

They'll hatch it in the darkest hour they can find and you can bet it'll suck worse than anything has ever sucked before and they'll use imminent disaster as cover to implement it.


Krasting is one of the more level-headed contributors over there which makes this even more interesting. Or scary. Or both.

The storm clouds are gathering, there's no doubt. I have to think BB feels that a gauntlet was thrown by Perry and he's going to show 'em who's boss, not that this wasn't planned from the get go. The Jackson Hole conference is next week and the same situation as now was occurring last year when QE2 was announced. If QE3 gets the greenlight then the market is going to explode like Zimbabwe, if not then the smoking crater of a stock market will be so large it will be seen from space. The ten year less than 2, gold setting a record - these are contradictory and yet telling. The lemmings are being driven into a trap, but which one is the feint?

I thought we had at least a year before the center began to fail.

Somehow Yeats seems appropriate tonight:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.



That's Mr. Riff-Raff to you!
Jan 13, 2003
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Mesa, AZ
So...aside from stockpiling non-perishable food, water, and ammunition, how do we prepare for this impending Apocalypse?


Drive By Poster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Viva Las Vegas!
So...aside from stockpiling non-perishable food, water, and ammunition, how do we prepare for this impending Apocalypse?

You forgot gold and silver, pharmaceuticals and a good generator but other than that I think you have the bases covered. :)

But seriously I'm not sure how to answer the question. We have Depression level unemployment here in Las Vegas (14% U-3, around 24% U-6) along with 60 to 70 percent declines in home values and yet we still go to our kids' cross country meets and have a beer or two with friends around the b-b-q. Life goes on.

I guess it's like anything else, it all depends on your own situation. If you have a secure job like a doctor then you make do, if you're working for the government or in a purely discretionary field then you should be preparing for a period of no cash flow. As far as investments go - who knows? One thing could be as bad or good as another, it's basically gambling at this point.

If foreign countries like China begin to asked to be paid in gold you could see real strains on the social fabric. $10 dollar gas, etc. etc. Read about what happened in Argentina in the early 2000's to get an idea of what can happen when the civilized veneer of a society is suddenly stripped away by a currency crisis. But again this is situational. Las Vegas will be scary because all of our food is brought in by truck, Omaha on the other hand might not miss a beat.

On the other hand there is a reason why they call it a depression, because everyone is depressed. Perhaps this is a good thing because depressed people don't revolt, angry people do.



I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
So...aside from stockpiling non-perishable food, water, and ammunition, how do we prepare for this impending Apocalypse?

A quick short list.

Get out of debt, learn multiple useful skills, make friends.

It's important to note that we're IMO already in a gigantic depression, the media of course downplays this but just because people aren't lined up in soup lines people think the Great Depression was worse.

You really need to measure the standard of living before, during and after using metrics not made fuzzy by government math to understand what's going on.

Even if nothing collapses and order is maintained which is more than a little likely, peoples wealth has been decimated by this.

Most of the devastation is going on in the drop of the value of the dollar, it's also expressing itself in any asset class that is normally financed long term like housing and real estate.

Even if you have cash you're right now getting killed by the falling dollar.

So if you were rich you'd be diversifying into emerging markets, out of the dollar etc but you have to find places that aren't doing the same thing and racing our currency to the bottom to put your money.

A lot of people have piled into Swiss currency, it's partially backed by gold, of course there's those who are piling into the metals, like gold.

There's currently a bit of a rush on farmland.

If I lived in the desert I'd move, it's not place to be in a collapse, you want to live where you can grow food if you have to.

Most likely Mad Max aint happening, most likely some social order will always be maintained but there's a small chance it won't.

Dimitri Orlov, you can Google him he explains what happened during the Soviet Unions collapse.

Everything mostly just stopped but basic food and shelter was maintained, no one paid much attention to the central government, you had more problems with local knuckleheads and gangs.

He suggested making friends with a crazy badass criminal type, this is a delicate thing to do, you want crazed by not certifiable, you want badass but not mean to friends, basically you want someone who likes you and will help you without sliting your throat in your sleep, so chose wisely here. :)
Last edited:


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
You forgot gold and silver, pharmaceuticals and a good generator but other than that I think you have the bases covered. :)

But seriously I'm not sure how to answer the question. We have Depression level unemployment here in Las Vegas (14% U-3, around 24% U-6) along with 60 to 70 percent declines in home values and yet we still go to our kids' cross country meets and have a beer or two with friends around the b-b-q. Life goes on.

I guess it's like anything else, it all depends on your own situation. If you have a secure job like a doctor then you make do, if you're working for the government or in a purely discretionary field then you should be preparing for a period of no cash flow. As far as investments go - who knows? One thing could be as bad or good as another, it's basically gambling at this point.

If foreign countries like China begin to asked to be paid in gold you could see real strains on the social fabric. $10 dollar gas, etc. etc. Read about what happened in Argentina in the early 2000's to get an idea of what can happen when the civilized veneer of a society is suddenly stripped away by a currency crisis. But again this is situational. Las Vegas will be scary because all of our food is brought in by truck, Omaha on the other hand might not miss a beat.

On the other hand there is a reason why they call it a depression, because everyone is depressed. Perhaps this is a good thing because depressed people don't revolt, angry people do.


I've written a lot about the idea of complexity before which I got mostly from Nassim Taleb.

Modern society is very complex, it's interwoven, this is what allows someone to be a specialist on asian tropical fish sales here in the states.

You could even become a TPS report coordinator :)

The point is if true collapse happens that's all gone, now the guy who can fix your broken down truck might ask to sleep with your wife to fix it.

So have a good looking wife?

I kid.

I'd rather learn how to fix the truck, it's not that hard, learn some skills.