Kelvin Beachum on Kyler


ASFN Addict
Sep 15, 2019
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St Louis, MO
While I do think you're too easy on Murray, you're right on everything here.

I'd bet $100 right now that Murray will have some big time success in his future, but I would be more inclined to bet that success will be with another team.
Thinking back to Beach's comments its a matter of "when" for Kyler. Will he get it under the Cards, when he's on another team or when he's outta the league?
Talent is unique to maturity. LeBron was a 2 time MVP and it took him going to Miami, even that 1st year was rough, for him to finally get it.

I honestly think he could see the cracks in the foundation of this organization and just didnt buy in. Cause in his head there was no one here who could really tell him or show him how to win. Now that some of the major players are gone (on/off the field) all eyes are directly on Kyler.

So he's going to have to adapt and grow. Keim was incompetent, Kliff probably was a NFL HC too soon, but those excuses are gone now. He has a coach that just went to the Super Bowl, with a guy in Jalen Hurts (who in Kyler's head) isnt close to him in talent.
So now he's gotta buy in. I think showing up early for offseason work, constant communication with Gannon are the right first steps to change. Now just gotta be consistent and keep improving.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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The 215
That photo looks good despite the Leprechaun vibes.

The lime green pantsuit was a Total Miss. It's easy to confuse a "Eff the Haters" attitude with a lack of self-awareness. I don't really care what Kyler wears in his personal life, but how he presents himself as a professional (on his social feeds) reflects the person he wants you to see him as.
This is true! I hated it, but ay. You learn to live with the clothing choices these young bucks make.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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The 215
He got the no-socks look from KK.
That ain't KK's trademark. Cats BEEN rocking suits with no socks. Heck my son wore no socks with a suit VERY similar to Kyler's for his prom and that's before Kliff ever got the to the Cards. The only thing I'm giving him credit for is leaving my football team a hot mess on his way out the door.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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The 215
As a true supporter of Murray, I find this post very fair. Does Murray need to improve his leadership skills? Of course he does. Most 25 year olds do. Is Murray an introvert? It’s possible. Doesn’t mean an introvert cannot lead. I’m 65 & some of the best leaders I’ve met in my lifetime were introverts. People lead in many different ways. Murray is a special talent from a pure football standpoint, but Kingsbury failed miserably in helping him to develop as a whole player. We shall see how or even if Kyler will finish that development under Gannon. Until then, I’ll put my trust in the fact that Gannon has explicitly said he took this job mainly because of one man…….Kyler Murray. He’ll sink or swim based on that decision & I‘m OK with that. The sooner we find out what Kyler can be in the NFL, the better.
What's this??!!! A rational and well-thought-out post??!!! I thought those didn't exist!!!!

AZ Native

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed
Apr 30, 2007
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Cave Creek
That ain't KK's trademark. Cats BEEN rocking suits with no socks. Heck my son wore no socks with a suit VERY similar to Kyler's for his prom and that's before Kliff ever got the to the Cards. The only thing I'm giving him credit for is leaving my football team a hot mess on his way out the door.
It was meant as a joke. Obviously, it fell short.


Pawnee, Skidi Clan
Feb 1, 2012
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Mesa, AZ
This thread is getting weird
You can say that again. My flashback to the '60s didn't help much. Growing up poor on the streets of Hollywood back in a magical time of the 50-60s, where class and dignity were all around you in the likes of Grant, Newman, Peck, and the classiest of all, Sidney Poitier, leaves a lasting impression on one. In a way, I suppose I too often project my impressions onto that time.

So, let's say we get back to football. After, of course, all of you get a haircut!

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
I flipped on him a couple years ago, then was hopeful with the growth we all saw last season, then completely fell out of favor this year.

This kid has talent that oozes out of his pores. It has come so easy, for so long, that I'm afraid he will not put the work in that is required to fully achieve what he is capable of.

He's grown up with some wealth around him his entire life. Was always coddled and protected. And his superior talent allowed him to coast through High School and then succeed in College. I just fear that he has never been forced to work hard, claw, and scratch for what he's got. He's been given everything. told he is everything. And when push comes to shove....... he hasn't proven anything over the course of 4 seasons now. In spurts..... Sure. But not over the long grind of a full season that includes the playoffs.

I see unrealized potential. A lot of it. I will still hope for the best and root for him (like @jf-08 said above), but the immeasurable traits I need to see from a champion, so far, do not seem to exist within him. And his team has made more than this comment about it. i think Fitz has said some stuff as well as others that just cement my feelings.

It's a little harsh but it's not unfair.

And I agree that it now comes down to intangibles for Murray. We mock the Max Halls of the NFL because they had the intangibles but limited talent.

But similarly talent without the will to use it (plus discipline) ends up being equally ineffective.

I've never seen a player regress as badly as Murray did last year. He just did not look like the same player as in 19, 20 and 21. It's troubling.

I'm hopeful he'll get back to the MVP level we saw briefly in 2020 and 2021, but that's all Murray fans have right now is hope. All my bravado and "doubt Kyler Murray at your own peril" stuff is on hold for the foreseeable future.

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
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San Antonio, Texas
It is sort of like this. Anyone can suck at what they do right out the gates and continue to be putrid at what they do and therefor deserve that mantel of just not being very good or able to achieve that. Kyler has shown more than once to not only be good but an extremely dangerous weapon, which means that is probably still there and that should take precedent over a completely negative outlook which is reserved for someone like a Max Hall or Josh Rosen

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
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San Antonio, Texas
And if I may, when someone says what is wrong with Kyler Murray, one needs to clarify what that pertains to, why he is a horrible QB or rather why he is not an elite QB :)


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Uh… for those who thought this wasn’t a big deal, I’d say Kyler’s bestie putting Beach on blast says different.

Seriously tho… when a known teammate says a QB has to grow up, that’s kind of big line to cross no matter how many here want to downplay. To me it felt like for a teammate to actually say that outloud, it had to be a much bigger problem than we even know. That stuff just doesn’t happen normally unless there are serious issues inside the team.


May 15, 2002
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York, PA
Already paving the way for its not Murray's fault. Blame the coaches...blame the franchise...blame everyone but Murray. MAYBE, he just isn't as good as he was once projected.
Or maybe he really is good because it’s already been proven that the coaching and the franchise has sucked for decades upon decades.


Comin for you!
Super Moderator
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Uh… for those who thought this wasn’t a big deal, I’d say Kyler’s bestie putting Beach on blast says different.

Seriously tho… when a known teammate says a QB has to grow up, that’s kind of big line to cross no matter how many here want to downplay. To me it felt like for a teammate to actually say that outloud, it had to be a much bigger problem than we even know. That stuff just doesn’t happen normally unless there are serious issues inside the team.

AZ Native

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed
Apr 30, 2007
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Cave Creek
I got you AZ! I'm a stand-up comedian (literally) so I should be able to peep sarcasm. Sometimes an emoji for the humor-challenged helps. LMAO!
Yeah, you told me you were a comedian when I met you with Brian and halftime of a Cardinals game. I have always felt good sarcasm doesn't need an emoji, but that works better in person with voice inflection facial expressions, etc. In print, it can be difficult to pick up.
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