Jason Whitlock on Vince Young


Sep 26, 2007
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I read about half of that article before I seen it was more of the same ole same ole Whitlock trying to be a hero for white folks in his shock value tatics..


After Sean Taylors murder Whitlock wrote an article truly disgusted me, here is a sample.

Within hours of his death, there was a story circulating that members of the black press were complaining that news outlets were disrespecting Taylor's victimhood by reporting on his troubled past
No disrespect to Taylor, but he controlled the way he would be remembered by the way he lived. His immature, undisciplined behavior with his employer, his run-ins with law enforcement, which included allegedly threatening a man with a loaded gun, and the fact a vehicle he owned was once sprayed with bullets are all pertinent details when you've been murdered.

Never mind the fact that Taylor was slain in his own home in front of his wife and kid and not in the streets, where his first article on the incident would lead you believe.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2007
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I agree with you GEE. I think it is too early to write off matt leinart or vince young completely. and whitlock is very similiar to skip bayless as far as constant negative reporting goes. whitlock has been an anti Vince Young guy from day 1 and said bad things about young throughout his college career. In fact he once said that young was terrible and would never lead texas to a top 5 finish. now if he's right about young not amounting to anything in the NFL then good on him. He's only stating the obvious...when you look at all of the other media reports from this week.

this should have nothing to do with race. I'm disappointed that VY felt that bad and I feel for him. It is more important for him to take care of himself off the field first. then maybe one day he can earn his job back.


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Feb 3, 2007
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After Sean Taylors murder Whitlock wrote an article truly disgusted me, here is a sample.

Never mind the fact that Taylor was slain in his own home in front of his wife and kid and not in the streets, where his first article on the incident would lead you believe.
that is terrible if it is true. I know the NFL is rough business and guys are open to critics. but at some point people should have a slight bit of respect and dignity for others as fellow humans. The sad thing is that Whitlock makes money off of guys like taylor and young.

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Well, if some of you bothered to read the whole article, Whitlock did specifically include Leinart in there.

Gee, I'm not buying what you are selling. You probably believe what you wrote but what little I know of you, from some of your posts, your personal filter and bias resent Whitlock's entire outlook on race in America. So I don't trust what you say you heard Whitlock say.

Shogun, your mention of the "black community's opinion" pidgeon holes you as well, in my eyes.

The assumption that there is but one, homogenous community, espousing all blacks, of every economic and social background, into one single like-minded group, is insulting, demeaning and incredibly haughty and condescending.

Do you attribute similar group-think to Hispanics, Muslims or Irish Catholics like me? Maybe American Jews? I'll answer that. No, you don't. Because it would be ludicrous.

If the "black community's" opinion is held in special high regard by you, it is no wonder you dismiss Whitlock. But Whitlock's very existence and writings give proof to the fiction that is "the black community."

In your world, Whitlock does not exist.

Very insightful of you, Skkorp. I agree 100% with your post.


Jan 16, 2007
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annapolis, md
Very insightful of you, Skkorp. I agree 100% with your post.
Is it just me or has Skorp been extra on-point with with his posting lately? Everytime I read a thread and and scroll down to respond I see that he has already written what I intended to write, but better. Well done Skorp.

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
This article is an unconscionable spewing of ignorance.

On Sportcenter last night one of the ESPN anchormen asked a Tennesse reporter: "How can a football star millionaire like Vince Young possibly be depressed and suicidal?"

Again...the ignorance here is astounding.

Mental illness is a disease that afflicts those pre-disposed to it, regardless of a person's affluence or place in society.

Before I continue, consider the following poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson:

Richard Cory

Whenever Richard Cory went downtown,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean-favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said.
"Good morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich--yes, richer than a king--
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head. (1897)

What this poem suggests is that people who are put on pedestals may either not warrant the envy of others because of just how simply human and vulnerable they are, or they may be finding it painfully lonely residing up on that pedestal alone.

While perhaps one or both of these reasons may apply to some degree to pro athletes like Vince Young...there may be another simple reason why the man is depressed...it may be a hereditary affliction...those pre-disposed to depression are far more likely to become depressed and all the fame and money in the world cannot prevent it.

The greatest myth about people who are depressed and of mental illness is that it's a condition that the afflicted person chooses and can readily turn off. Those of you who really know what depression is like would immediately avow that certainly no one intentionally signs up for it, and no one has the power to snap his/her fingers and have it go away.

Treating depression takes months and sometimes years. For those who are treated with anti-depressants, it takes 6 to 8 weeks for the drugs to even start to take effect. Imagine how torturous that is for someone who literally cannot function and enjoy any of life's simple pleasures because s/he is trying desperately to crawl out from under her/his own skin.

Jason Whitlock's insensitivity to Vince Young's situation is not only ignorant, it is typical of the kind of societal disdain ignorant people manifest for those---particularly those tied to privilege--who suffer from this insidious affliction. How dare a rough and tough football star like Vince Young be so weak? How ungrateful and lacking in grace must Vince Young be? What kind of a role model is Vince Young? etc. etc. etc.

If anything being a pro football player would actually increase the odds that a person become depressed. On the one side, the affluence these players attain creates a world chock-full of all of life's comforts and conveniences. By sharp contrast, the physical and mental strain and persistent agony that pro football players have to endure--engaging in--short of actual warfare itself--what has to be one of the most violent endeavors known to humankind.

Harken back to Achilles the bravest, most heralded and best of all the Greek warriors...when Achilles wasn't fighting, he could be found brooding in his tent. Achilles himself was a paradox...and if he had his own druthers he wouldn't have fought at all. Intense conflicting feelings will often cause depression...even to the toughest and bravest of all.

Tomorrow the Cardinals wil be playing against Ricky Williams, who was mercilessly bashed by the press and by his peers for expressing a desire to pursue a life outside of football. It didn't help that Williams was a self-proclaimed marijuana smoker--what heresy that was??? Star pro football players don't smoke pot, do they?

Say whay you will about Williams, but he, like millions of young Americans, was trying to discover his true identity and spirituality...he was drawn to India much the way Pat Tillman was drawn to the top of the watertowers in Tempe. Two young Americans trying to find the truth to what really matters most in life.

To denigrate Williams or anyone else for embarking on such a journey is equally ignorant. All people, be they famous football stars or not, are entitled to their own unique paths. As Henry David Thoreau proclaimed, "How worn and dusty, then, must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts of tradition and conformity!"

What Thoreau concuded so eloquently is that "if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."

The notion that Vince Young could be a little different...the notion that he, despite his stardom and all the affluent triimmings that go with it, could be pondering retirement from the most violent team sport in the world...and, sadly, the notion that he has been feeling so conflcted and depressed that he has even pondered suicide, should arouse symapthy and compassion, not disdain and incredulity.

Credit the Titans and Jeff Fisher for being so vigilant...and perhaps they will continue to try to do all they can to help Vince Young help himself and his family. If it means putting Young on IR for the year...which certainly the Titans would hate to do...let's hope they do it and thereby make the statement to all those watching that a human life is more important than a professional football game.

I, too, love Richard Cory.

And the rest of your post is quite eloquent. Especially at it relates to "too many" posters on this board.

I have no problem with Whitlocks article, as there doesn't seem to be a history of depression with Vince. That said, his take is as valid as yours. Now, could his article be way off base and your post right on? Absolutely. In fact, I'd be willing to bet on it. But since VY didn't pull this (that I'm are aware of) in high school, or college when they were winning the National Championship) his article is legit, IMO.

Anyway, I hope things work out for him.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2007
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Clearly you've been reading through a lot of the threads lately.
just ASFN....but I've read a few of whitlock's columns in the past when he used to write about Texas often. he is a negative guy.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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Q: People say you play the race card far too frequently. Your response?

Black people think I�m too hard on black people. They write me and tell me I�m a sellout. White people say I play the race card too much when I question the timing of Charlie Weis� contract extension. But those same white people write me love letters when I blast off into the way the media and a prosecutor tried to crucify the Duke lacrosse players on the word of a couple of black criminal escorts. I�m going to write about race because race is an issue in America and my life experience has put me in a position to have something insightful and intelligent to say about race. I don�t have an agenda when it comes to racial issues. There�s enough stupidity on both sides of America�s black-white dilemma to keep me typing for years. I don�t have a guilty conscience about race. The people in my life know that I choose my friends solely on the content of their character. And I don�t choose sides in my column based on the color of anyone�s skin.

The whole thing is classic Jason, again, anyone who calls Lupica "an insecure mean busybody." is alright in my book, LOL.

Again, Whitlock is a cool guy IMO.
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