Hopefully, I'll get some vindication.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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I think we'll be just fine...sorry k9 and cheesebeef.

are you implying that we're hoping WE WON'T BE FINE? If so (and there's really no other way to read that sentence), that's just flat out ********, plain and simple.

mods, please let me know if I'm out line calling something as offensive as the above "********". I would change the phrase if you deem necessary but implying that any Cardinals fan hopes the team will suck is about as inflammatory as it gets, and it all but calls K9 and myself trolls. Way to be civil there spanky, like you claimed you would be in your "I'm back" thread... but then again, after seeing the inconsistencies between reality and what you remember as reality in this thread, I should expect nothing less from you as far as being consistent with your own words.
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Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
are you implying that we're hoping WE WON'T BE FINE? If so (and there's really no other way to read that sentence), that's just flat out ********, plain and simple.

mods, please let me know if I'm out line calling something as offensive as the above "********". I would change the phrase if you deem necessary but implying that any Cardinals fan hopes the team will suck is about as inflammatory as it gets, basically calling K9 and myself trolls. Way to be civil there spanky, like you claimed you would be in your "I'm back" thrad... but then again, after seeing the inconsistencies between reality and what you remember as reality in this thread, I should expect nothing less from you as far as being consistent with your own words.

What's this? Your latest screenplay?


Registered User
Jun 18, 2003
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pope will do well, whis was a h bac/tight end so he know the position, whether rolle has gotten all his speed back from his injury remains to be seen, wilson has always been a fan favorite to my recollection as has dansby,

pace i see contributing in a limited roll and i don't see blackstock doing much but togafau/sp looks like he may have been a great pickup, like hayes hes a little undersized but leverage position and schemes can and will make up for any shortcomings from these two,

as far as arrington the juries out but the skills are there as long as he keeps his head in the game and feels he has the confidence of the staff,


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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I think Rolle is going to be better this year. But, I'm far from certain that he'll ever be a top CB in the NFL. Unfortunately, other than Hood, we did nothing at CB. We're counting on Rolle and Green all the way this year.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
We WILL miss Okeafor...we WILL not miss Ross....and if Berry can stay healthy, the loss of Okeafor can be minimized.

What have Pace (now into year four) and Blackstock (now into year three) done for us? Correct....not much. But what opportunities have they really been given....not much. Therein lies the rub.

But where was Okeafor (or Berry for that matter) at similar stages of their careers....nothing special. They developed however, at about this time frame and I truly believe that so will Pace and Blackstock....cuz it's now or never and they know it. The difference is, they now have the opportunity....and they are being deployed in positions that are made for them.

Hayes has pro bowl talent and has come into his own. But the darksiders would have gotten rid of him two years ago. Wilson...he was a bum in the eyes of the darksiders for his first three years. Now he's a pro bowler.

Bryant Johnson.....can't catch a ball...yeah, right!

JJ Arrington...gutless....he's probably running as well as either Shipp or Edge right now.

Pope....can catch, but can't block.....yeah right. He looked just fine to me against Oakland....and he is still a kid for cryin out loud.

Dansby...the darksiders were saying he was a head case....a complainer....what's with this toe stuff....get rid of the bum. Good thing the FO didn't listen to them.

Al Johnson....what was Graves thinking signing him in FA? Sure held his own in pre-season game #1.

Rolle...cut his ass.

Totally agree with your assessment Spanky. I saw a lot of good things happen in that game and I do agree that those runs by Arrington were the best I've seen him make in the NFL. He looks like a completely different runner than he was last year. He initiated contact rather than shy away from it and I have never seen him do that before. Wouldn't it be great to have 3 top notch backs?


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
We WILL miss Okeafor...we WILL not miss Ross....and if Berry can stay healthy, the loss of Okeafor can be minimized.

What have Pace (now into year four) and Blackstock (now into year three) done for us? Correct....not much. But what opportunities have they really been given....not much. Therein lies the rub.

But where was Okeafor (or Berry for that matter) at similar stages of their careers....nothing special. They developed however, at about this time frame and I truly believe that so will Pace and Blackstock....cuz it's now or never and they know it. The difference is, they now have the opportunity....and they are being deployed in positions that are made for them.

Hayes has pro bowl talent and has come into his own. But the darksiders would have gotten rid of him two years ago. Wilson...he was a bum in the eyes of the darksiders for his first three years. Now he's a pro bowler.

Bryant Johnson.....can't catch a ball...yeah, right!

JJ Arrington...gutless....he's probably running as well as either Shipp or Edge right now.

Pope....can catch, but can't block.....yeah right. He looked just fine to me against Oakland....and he is still a kid for cryin out loud.

Dansby...the darksiders were saying he was a head case....a complainer....what's with this toe stuff....get rid of the bum. Good thing the FO didn't listen to them.

Al Johnson....what was Graves thinking signing him in FA? Sure held his own in pre-season game #1.

Rolle...cut his ass.

I think we'll be just fine...sorry k9 and cheesebeef.

First, I am a darksider, and I know I didn't call for Hayes to be cut. I loved the pick, and was sorry he was so injured. I felt that, once he got onto the field, he would be a good pickup.

Second, good point about the parallels between Berry and our young guys. I'm hard on Pace (for good reason), and Blackstock hasn't shown much. It's put up or shut up time for them now. Let's hope at least one of them can step up.

Next, Bryant Johnson.....can't catch a ball...yeah, right! Um, yes, that is correct. I cannot recall a single real clutch catch that he has caught. He's dropped them, sure. Also, JJ needs to actually show something in a real game before I'll start giving him mad props.

I still don't think Pope is a truly serviceable blocker at TE, but he wasn't a blocking TE coming into the league, so I am neither surprised nor disappointed.

With Dansby, he really was playing like a headcase and acting like a bum. Maybe it was displeasure with the Green regime, and maybe not. I didn't want to cut him then; I wanted him to come back and play well. Let's hope he lights it up this season.

And Al Johnson? Good signing, idiotic contract. 'Nuff said.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hayes has pro bowl talent and has come into his own. But the darksiders would have gotten rid of him two years ago.
Guilty. I thought this guy was damaged goods.

Wilson...he was a bum in the eyes of the darksiders for his first three years. Now he's a pro bowler.

I was getting tired about hearing about the guys potential and not seeing it materialize on the field. At one point I called him a headcase, even. I will go 50/50 on this. Listening to his interview on Sirius radio, Wilson admited that in his first few year he was not letting himself be coached, and that when Dexter Jackson was brought in it was a wake up call. Just looking at his play over the year I think this is pretty accurate. At any rate if the ends justify the means, I am happy to have Wilson here and he is playing great....actually he is more than great he is entertaining and a reason to watch Cardinals football.

Bryant Johnson.....can't catch a ball...yeah, right!

I still think he can't. I wanna see him do it in a game, when it counts. Plus he ALWAYS has a huge pre-season and week one he goes and hides under the bench. Was he good last year ? Eh....you can throw stats at me all you want. My question is: How many games did he win for us last year ? How many games did he lose for us last year ?

JJ Arrington...gutless....he's probably running as well as either Shipp or Edge right now.

It is pre-season. He did look good against the Raiders. But one game will not prove to me that the guy has finally realized this is a contact sport. Maybe it is the power running game, and he is more effective in this scheme. We will wait and see about JJ Arrington.

Pope....can catch, but can't block.....yeah right. He looked just fine to me against Oakland....and he is still a kid for cryin out loud.

Best story of the preseason in my opinion. How can you not be excited that the 6'8" beast has finally started to block, and well I might add.

Dansby...the darksiders were saying he was a head case....a complainer....what's with this toe stuff....get rid of the bum. Good thing the FO didn't listen to them.

Guilty. I chalk that up to frustration. You got a guy who is the keystone to your defense and he doesn't show up to camp ready to go (this is in reference to last year) it tends to work on your patience. We are Cardinals fans our patience has run out about 5 years ago. I am happy to see Dansby in camp and ready to go.

Edit point:

Concerning Al Johnson. The signing is what it is. The guy is an average center (above-average if you want to kool aid it up a little) who got a ridiculously huge salary. I think his salary numbers brought some negativety to his name. But his abilities were not bashed as much as his contract was. I remember talking/typing with K9 about it.
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Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
are you implying that we're hoping WE WON'T BE FINE? If so (and there's really no other way to read that sentence), that's just flat out ********, plain and simple.

mods, please let me know if I'm out line calling something as offensive as the above "********". I would change the phrase if you deem necessary but implying that any Cardinals fan hopes the team will suck is about as inflammatory as it gets, and it all but calls K9 and myself trolls. Way to be civil there spanky, like you claimed you would be in your "I'm back" thread... but then again, after seeing the inconsistencies between reality and what you remember as reality in this thread, I should expect nothing less from you as far as being consistent with your own words.

You have every right to be angry. I have no problem with spanky's post until the last sentence. I think it's in volation of the broad rules.

Repeatedly flaming, insulting and attempting to cause fights with other members will not be allowed and can result in a ban. Please be respectful to the board, both to the members and moderators. We are all here to discuss and find the most up-to-date info on the Cards. If you have a problem with another board member, please PM a moderator about it.

The following activities will not be tolerated:

- Aggression or annoyance towards any member whether in forums or private messages. Debate the idea, don't attack the poster.

spanky consider this your warning


That Rapscallion!!
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
If Al Johnson continues to play solidly we will be considering him a bargin.

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