Batman Begins


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Bridgeton, NJ
Watched this for the first time in a while today and I've forgotten how awesome this movie is. This is a great re-telling of the Batman saga while it stayed pretty faithful to the comics. Bale is better in this than he was in The Dark Knight. Why he decided to speak though his nose in TDK I'll never know but he wasn't annoying in this. The buildup of the Batman was great and the introduction to a great villain in Ra's Al Ghul was a nice touch. The only drawback is the Crane/Scarecrow character. They skimmed the surface of him but then pretty much dropped him from the story. He's a much more complex and deeper character than what was showed and he deserved a better fate. They also showed us Victor Zsasz but didn't tell us who he was which is a shame because he is another good villain. I hope The Dark Knight Returns is a nice sendoff of the series.