Yao Ming 'manufactured'


The buzz is back!
Oct 30, 2002
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A NEW book reveals 1.98m China basketball sensation Yao Ming was far from being a chance creation.

It claims he was knowingly bred for the sport, forced into it against his will and subjected to years of dubious science to increase his height.

The Houston Rockets centre also underwent years of punishing training as one of hundreds of thousands of potential China athletes who endure miserable childhoods in boot-camp conditions.

The revelations in Operation Yao Ming, by former Newsweek journalist Brook Larmer, are likely to raise further disquiet over China's Soviet-style sports system ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Larmer said Yao, China's first successful basketball export and its most famous face worldwide, was the product of a harsh and antiquated program which has changed little since it was set up more than 50 years ago under Mao Zedong.

"Yao on one hand is this great symbol of China's modern advancement, a commercial icon that can stride across the Pacific and play the role of a bridge between east and west," he said.

"But he's still the product of this system which is one of the last bastions of socialism in China."

Larmer says Yao's birth had been anticipated for decades by communist officials – desperate to boost national pride through sports – who had been tracking his family for two generations.

He describes a system where doctors, armed with special growth-predicting manuals, measure youngsters' bones and pubic hair to identify future athletes. Weightlifters must be squat with strong torsos; divers need tiny hips to minimise splash; basketball players must simply be tall.

"It's no accident that there have been generations of players who have continued to get taller," he said. "One of the first NBA scouts was blown away when he went to northern China and saw more than 20 seven-footers."

Yao's grandfather, one of Shanghai's tallest men, was discovered too late for basketball but his son, the 2>05m Yao Zhiyuan, soon found himself dragged into the sports system.

There he was paired off with the 1.85m Fang Fengdi, China's women's captain who had been a feared Red Guard during the murderous Cultural Revolution.

The two were encouraged to marry in a system with undertones of eugenics, the controversial gene-pool manipulation espoused by the Nazis and previously trumpeted by Beijing.

"It wasn't a national breeding program, it was a desire among Shanghai officials for them to get together," said Larmer.

"But when Yao was born everybody in the sports community in Shanghai and nationally knew he was something special."

The giant infant, who was just eight years-old when he reached the average Chinese male's height of 1.67m, was recruited for basketball despite his parents' objections and his own hatred for the sport.

"Even when his parents resisted at first to put him in the same system that had caused them some suffering and bitterness, there was not a lot of choice," said Larmer said.

"He hated the game for a decade. He didn't like it, he wasn't any good at it."

The eight-year-old Yao embarked on a program of intense, repetitive training under disciplinarian coaches who offered little encouragement or variety.

Meanwhile, scientists fed him a steady stream of mysterious concoctions designed to make him taller, raising the spectre of possible hormone treatment at a time when China was suffering a series of doping scandals.

"In Yao's case I don't have any proof ... (but) in that period of time in the 1990s they were using all kids of experimental stuff to enhance players' stamina and strength," Larmer said.

"One would think that as China can flex its muscle economically, militarily, diplomatically, that it wouldn't need sports as a crutch. But sport is such a visible, exciting measure for China's position in the world, and national feeling is so strong, I don't think that's going to be easy to give up," he said.

"Gold medals have become an addiction. How do you kick the habit when you've reached the top?"

The book also describes the complex negotiations between China authorities and American sports impresarios who, desperate to showcase the NBA in the world's most populous nation, prized Yao away from the Shanghai Sharks in 2002.

It contrasts Yao's case with that of Wang Zhizhi, another member of China's famous "Great Wall" who also moved to the NBA but was denounced by Beijing after refusing to return home the same year.



Registered User
Jul 30, 2005
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Sounds like a bunch of racist, soviet-era communism mongering blab to me. Its only aim is to grab the almighty dollar from racists and conspiracy theorists or the like, such is what happends when you see an extremely tall chinaman you would want to make excuses. Here is an example of why it is all bunk:

Bred for strength and stamina? Yao ming has strength and stamina? HAHAhahahahaaa oh man that is a good one!


Irrelevance Sucks :(
Dec 21, 2004
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Orlando, FL
Sounds interesting.. as bad as it might have been though, he will make over 100 mil at least in his career, and is liked and accepted despite his giant size.
I imagine the real tragedy is in the players who couldn't hack it, burned out, went crazy etc.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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What's this author's problem? He has nothing but speculations and guesses. He is even contradicting himself in his logic. If the parents were supposedly the test subjects of a Nazi-like eugenic program, as the article seems to imply, why didn't they want their test output, Ming, to do the only thing he was supposed to from birth on? Why would they have needed any growth hormones? Just because Ming is taller than his father, then they must have? Because the chinese swimmers got caught that time, he must have?

This author is like a parasite trying to profit on the product/phenomenon that is yao ming. Period. What a (racist?) scumbag!

And for Yao haters, if you listen to his carefully, you will find that he is actually more intelligent than 90% of the NBA players. He will not be the best player out of his draft class, that is Amare, the future best NBA player alltime. But he is still a very good player, and really good for the NBA as a whole.


Croissant Eater
Jul 6, 2005
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Michael said:
A NEW book reveals 1.98m China basketball sensation Yao Ming was far from being a chance creation.

I won't give any credibility to a guy that doesn't know how to convert feet to meters (1,98m equals 6'6''), I'm sorry...

And all that make-up story about genetic selection is flat-out ridiculous : they are 1,2 billion people, what's so surprising to find some 7 footers among them?

It's almost as plausible as saying that Manute Bol was created by a secret sudanese government agency as a weapon of mass shots deviation, or writing that Gheorge Muresan guy was a then-communist romanian product designed to drive us crazy (if you have seen My Giant, you know what I mean, this movie is horrible)...
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Oct 14, 2003
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Apparently this author would have us believe that Yao is the basketball equivalent of Ivan Drago. A killer basketball player, designed to destroy the NBA, using Shawn Bradley as the model. That's some funny stuff.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2003
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Cave Creek
You guys are really naive if you don't think this is at least distinctly possible in the China of the past 50 years. Why would communist China -- one of the most openly totalitarian governments around -- be any different than old Russian-bloc countries? There have been a few similar reports from other sports in China - Gymnastics and diving/swimming, among others.


Croissant Eater
Jul 6, 2005
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AZZenny said:
You guys are really naive if you don't think this is at least distinctly possible in the China of the past 50 years. Why would communist China -- one of the most openly totalitarian governments around -- be any different than old Russian-bloc countries? There have been a few similar reports from other sports in China - Gymnastics and diving/swimming, among others.

Come on, there's a big difference between creating big sports academies where, after selection based on physical potential, young athletes are maniacally trained (and doped if necessary) 'til they're good enough (I think everyone here will agree that China does or have done that kind of things), and building an army of genetically modified players via genetics... this article is built without the merest hint of verifiable evidence or documentation.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 27, 2004
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Ollie said:
Come on, there's a big difference between creating big sports academies where, after selection based on physical potential, young athletes are maniacally trained (and doped if necessary) 'til they're good enough (I think everyone here will agree that China does or have done that kind of things), and building an army of genetically modified players via genetics... this article is built without the merest hint of verifiable evidence or documentation.
did you even read the article? because that is basicly what was described.


Croissant Eater
Jul 6, 2005
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myrondizzo said:
did you even read the article? because that is basicly what was described.

Yes I've read it, and for my understanding, the whole point is to say that his parents have been chosen by chinese officials to give birth to Ming Yao, the great überbasketball player that China waited for decades, before feeding him with growth hormones and jailing him in a sport academy... no evidences, and a pathetic description of how hard must have been the life of poor Ming, who "supposedely" hates basketball by the way, in his "boot camp".

The fact he attended that sport academy ("supposedely" against his will) seems to back up the fact he has been genetically selected, when it's a normal way to select athletes in many countrys of the world (after scouting, Parker and Diaw among others attended this kind of etatic sports academy during their teens).

And if the whole chinese logic was to build an army of bigs to dominate the world paints, well that wasn't really successfull, because he's still the only chinese player at NBA level and their other bigs sucks.


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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CaptainInsano said:
Sounds like a bunch of racist, soviet-era communism mongering blab to me. Its only aim is to grab the almighty dollar from racists and conspiracy theorists or the like, such is what happends when you see an extremely tall chinaman you would want to make excuses. Here is an example of why it is all bunk:

Bred for strength and stamina? Yao ming has strength and stamina? HAHAhahahahaaa oh man that is a good one!

Half of the article there is true. The Chinese have been "breeding" divers, gymnists, even ping pong players for the Olympics. A lot of times, children are taken at birth.


Registered User
May 13, 2002
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Your Mamas
CaptainInsano said:
Sounds like a bunch of racist, soviet-era communism mongering blab to me. Its only aim is to grab the almighty dollar from racists and conspiracy theorists or the like, such is what happends when you see an extremely tall chinaman you would want to make excuses. Here is an example of why it is all bunk:

Bred for strength and stamina? Yao ming has strength and stamina? HAHAhahahahaaa oh man that is a good one!

They had a long article stating the same thing as this one. The thing I do not get, that blows my mind, "Is how in the hell do you guys not believe this!!!" It's a 7"8 Chinese dude, I mean the dude is like 4 times the size of anyone in his damn Country!! Yao Ming was bred, they took the tallest Basket ball players in China and had him put in B-Ball from day one, he was engineered.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
DevonCardsFan said:
They had a long article stating the same thing as this one. The thing I do not get, that blows my mind, "Is how in the hell do you guys not believe this!!!" It's a 7"8 Chinese dude, I mean the dude is like 4 times the size of anyone in his damn Country!! Yao Ming was bred, they took the tallest Basket ball players in China and had him put in B-Ball from day one, he was engineered.

Yeah, I don't get how anybody in the world could believe something like this wasn't engineered.

I mean, Robert Wadlow was 8'11". And people try to argue that he wasn't cross bred on the planet Raflongar Six. Come on, people! What's going on here!?!?!?!?!?


Oct 14, 2003
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fordronken said:
Yeah, I don't get how anybody in the world could believe something like this wasn't engineered.

I mean, Robert Wadlow was 8'11". And people try to argue that he wasn't cross bred on the planet Raflongar Six. Come on, people! What's going on here!?!?!?!?!?

Oh come on. Everyone knows all the genetically superior beings are bred on Ceti Alpha Six.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I can hardly wait to see what the Chinese say about Jaden Gil Agassi in ten years.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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It doesn't even surprise me ONE BIT that Yao was "forced" to play basketball.

Guys, I am from Taiwan. :)

This kind of thing is VERY common... not just in sports. The government will find the "most suitable" people doing the most suitable job. That's how they compete.

When I grew up in Taiwan, sports was never that popular. Hell, I didn't even have a basketball court to play! lol I had to keep studying ever since I was in grade 3. I had tons of homework and there was hardly any time to play after school. There were tutorial classes to attend after school and I had to sleep early 'cause I lived a bit far from the city.

After we moved to Canada, man, things are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DIFFERENT. The teachers are so nice (well, most of them) and the classes are soooooooooooooooooo much easier. I felt like I was playing most of the time instead of "going to class". lol Of course things get a lot harder when you get to high school. Learning English was like the #1 task for me though. lol

Oh well... just want to share my opinions about this subject. I didn't read the whole article but I am not surprised one bit that Yao was forced to play.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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Oh, man, how can the Chinese not be evil! I was soooo naive that I forgot this simple fact!


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Dec 3, 2004
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cly2tw said:
Oh, man, how can the Chinese not be evil! I was soooo naive that I forgot this simple fact!
Hey. I am Chinese and I don't find that as "evil" as you think. Let's just say things are "different" around the world.

While the North American "free" ways are nice, they are not always the best ways. I am not saying I support Communism but being "told" what to do isn't all that bad. Just like the arrange marriage thing. It's not as bad as most NA people think.

I have background both Chinese and North American ways and I tend to think the combination of both is the best choice/education for me. lol


Croissant Eater
Jul 6, 2005
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elindholm said:
I can hardly wait to see what the Chinese say about Jaden Gil Agassi in ten years.

:D especially if his parents put him in Bolletieri's tennis academy against his will.


Registered User
May 21, 2005
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Wow, if the Chinese government has been working decades and the best they came up w/ is Yao, I think its just further proof that communism doesn't work.


Oct 28, 2003
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HooverDam said:
Wow, if the Chinese government has been working decades and the best they came up w/ is Yao, I think its just further proof that communism doesn't work.

I don't know what happened to my smilies, but that was very witty.....thanks for the laugh.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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HooverDam said:
Wow, if the Chinese government has been working decades and the best they came up w/ is Yao, I think its just further proof that communism doesn't work.

I sort of agree. lol Too bad we Asian people are just not atheltic enough. We have very tall people but those tall people are slow as hell. You can hardly find somebody like Lebron in Asian community. lol the painful truth.

But we do very well on Table Tennis!!!! lol


Aug 27, 2003
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Apparently, the Chinese government didn't realize that Yao would need long arms, too. ;)

Seriously, if Yao was such a big deal, why weren't his parents allowed to have more than one child? My guess is that Yao's growth and development wasn't high on anybody's list of priorities.

It is kind of funny to think of his mom (or anybody's) in the Red Guard. Now she's just an old lady who runs a Chinese restaurant...


Oct 28, 2003
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The last of the Gang of Four died recently. His name? Mr. Yao. Coincidence? I think not......