Hold onto the ball, Murray!
It almost certainly is, and it is a freaking crime.It is a wash, so thorough a wash that I feel like 2024 is almost certainly a wash too.
It almost certainly is, and it is a freaking crime.It is a wash, so thorough a wash that I feel like 2024 is almost certainly a wash too.
No, this is where @BritCard's arguments fall down. Prater's contract costs us millions but we don't need the space, then he goes on and posts all the time about how we couldn't afford to sign good, young, mid-level FAs this season because we don't have the cap space. So, he argues against himself. And many others seem to agree.
Well, his wild claim that he says is simple fact is that there literally are only expensive and bargain basement young FA, and nothing at all in between. Which lololol
You keep asserting that cheap and big are the only two kinds of free agents out there. I am not in the least beat advocating for cheap; that's what we're failing with right now. Good, young, middle-of-the-road FAs with upside are what I was advocating for. We would have had no problem bringing in a handful of those, if we didn't hamstring ourselves. Yes, they'd cost well more than the cheapos, but no, they wouldn't cost an arm and a leg like the top-end FAs. But according to you, there literally are only bargain basement FA buys and top-end big-ticket FA signings. There's literally nothing in between. Hilariously wrong, of course. You're only asserting this because your narrative would be crushed if you admitted the reality of FA--that we can actually sign decent players for longer than the 1-2 years it will take to rebuild.And you say I'm making stuff up.
I didn't say we couldn't afford to sign "good, young mid level FA's" (Good and mid level don't go together btw).
What I said was that your assertion that we haven't signed "good, young cheap, long term contract" players is Madden nonsense. They don't exist and you haven't shown me one despite me asking twice. Good players don't sign cheap long term deals.
The 2nd thing I said was that good players on long terms deals (which won't be cheap) don't want to come to a team with a starting QB out with an ACL and an almost certain losing season ahead. Why would they? Anyone good enough to sign a multi year deal will have multiple suitors.