
ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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Vomit Boy said:
If this is true the Denny Green has violated one of the mandatory rules of the NFL by hiding injuries from the League and more imporatntly from bookies and gamblers who feed of off that information.

Look for Denny Green to face a stiff $$$ penalty and possible banishment from the NFL for conspiring with known gamblers if this is indeed true.

I knew he couldn't be trusted!

Actually I don't see how any of this would violate any NFL rules.

Certainly not Shanahan-style.

As much as I dislike the way Green does a lot of things, I don't think this was any deliberate attempt to deceive anyone per se. If Josh did have a concussion, which seems very, very likely after that hit he took, then all you can do is observe his behavior during the week and make a judgement call based on what you do/don't see.

Was there some typical Dennis Green too many mind games going into the Detroit game? Yeah, I think so. But nothing that would violate the rules.


Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
Tangodnzr said:
I also agree that sitting Josh, as long as it's not just another self inflicting ego move on Green's part permantently ending any chance Josh has at the QB position, may actually be the best thing right now.

I do think that he may be able to learn a little more watching a couple of games or so.

I mentioned that after the game. He saw (or should have, anyway) King make some risky and not all that great of throws downfield, floating the ball up where Fitz could go up and get it, is something Josh should emulate in some situations.

As long as King doesn't turn into another Blake/Leon, I really think he can be a decent back up quarterback. I view him much like Renaldo Hill on defense. A decent player, but not what I really would want as the regular full time starter.

I think King has the type of mentality to be a good 2nd string QB, to be able to come in, in certain situations and give the team a boost, or fill in for injury to the starter...but not what I'd want as the main man in the long run.

I think Josh has now proven that not only does he have all the "tools", he's tough as nails, courageous, and really does want to learn, improve, and be a "team" member. As long as Green isn't permanently trash canning him forever, I'm OK with King starting in the short term.

As usual, I just don't like how Green usually goes about doing some of the things he does.

We shall see!
As you say Tango, Players with tools, that show they have Moxie and wants to learn and improve should not be permanently trash canned for someone with no longterm upside. We have a young team with young impact players that will get better. Josh needs the same time in live action to get it going. I hope the move doesn't cost us the playoffs this year but Josh being hurt, I'm not sure that DG had any other choice. I hope King proves us wrong and gets the offense going. He will need alot of help.