How the Cards scheduled their short week


Too much good stuff
Jul 2, 2003
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Is everything
Interesting and very detailed article about the Cards short week schedule from Peter King.

Put this in the "take the home team on Thursday night" file..........

The NFL puts teams at a huge disadvantage --particularly road teams -- by having them play on the Thursday night NFL Network package.

The aftermath is great. "Like having a mini-bye-week,'' said Arizona coach Ken Whisenhunt, because a team that plays on one of the eight Thursday nights doesn't play again for either 10 or 11 days. But that doesn't make up for the trials a road team faces in the quick turnaround. I am not blaming the travel and Thanksgiving night game for the Cardinals' pathetic performance at Philadelphia, but you're deluding yourself if you think the short week didn't play a part in it.

I examined the short week of the Cardinals in advance of their game at Philadelphia and found three distinct disadvantages they faced:

1. They were coming off a very physical game with the New York Giants, likely the best team in football.

2. They were unfamiliar with the Eagles. Only two of Arizona's 16 coaches and 19 of the 53 players were with the Cardinals the last time they played Philly, in 2005. Four of the eight Thursday night games this year match division foes, meaning the teams wouldn't have to prepare for the unknown.

3. None of the other 2008 Thursday night visitors will have to travel nearly as far as Arizona's four-and-a-half-hour, 2,369-mile trip.

Whisenhunt shared his game-week schedule with me. "The hardest thing in the NFL is letting go of an emotional game,'' he said in the wake of losing to the Giants in such a hard-fought game. "Something like that is very hard. But in this week, we quite literally had no choice.''

I knew teams obviously had to combine and shorten six days of preparation into three. But I was clueless about much of the way they did so. Here's how the Cards did it:


Two normal days get mashed into one. By 7 a.m., assistant coaches had to have their grades done for each player, which meant most of them were in the office no later than 5. Grading a position group takes from two to three hours. Each play is run back and forth, back and forth, and the assignment and technique and result of each player on the field gets a grade.

From 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., the offensive and defensive coaches broke into groups to break down Philadelphia game tape (very little of the Philly tape prep was done in the Cards' bye week six weeks earlier) and make the game plan. While the coaches were meeting, players straggled in for treatment. One, defensive tackle Darnell Dockett, came in at 9:30 to have his shoulder, knee, ankle and hamstring treated for two hours, went home for an hour, then came back for more treatment before afternoon meetings began at 2.

"All on the same leg,'' Dockett said. "That's what makes it so hard. I'll be happy if I'm 80 percent Thursday. I sure ain't going to be 100.''

From 2 to 4:30, players meet to digest a condensed version of all runs in the game plan, most dropback passes, and all play-action passes. From 5-7 p.m., Whisenhunt held practice, installing what normally would be installed at a Wednesday practice. Players went home. From 8 p.m. to midnight, the coaches met to finish the game plan, working on red-zone, goal-line and nickel plays. Most coaches were at the facility for 17 hours, minimum, on Monday.


A 7 a.m. coaching-staff meeting kicked off the day to polish off the final game plan. Players arrived around the same time to lift and get treatment before the morning 8:30-11 a.m. meetings to digest the rest of the game plan. They practiced for two hours, starting at 11:30, then met with their coaches, went over practice tape and did the individual studying most do during the course of a week.


A combination Friday and Saturday, complete with seven hours of travel time. Players will play in the league 10 years and not ever have as strenuous a midweek day as this one. It's impossible. "I've never done anything like this day in all my years in football,'' said Dockett. Players reported for meetings at 6 a.m., with the coaches teaching the usual Friday stuff -- short-yardage, goal line ad two-point plays. Whisenhunt ran a two-hour practice beginning at 7:45 a.m. (as was the case all week, no pads were worn, and no players were ever hit in a practice) with the final play installation.

After showering and loading their bags for the trip east (and putting them through airport screening at the practice facility so they can just walk onto the charter at Sky Harbor airport), players boarded buses at 10:45 for the short trip to the airport. They were airborne at noon Mountain Time, on the ground just before 6:15 Eastern Time in Philadelphia, and at the hotel by 6:45.

Whisenhunt was mindful of the season. Upon arrival at the hotel, the team's Thanksgiving Dinner was served. On the menu: Roast turkey, pork loin, roast sirloin, salmon, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, acorn squash, stuffing, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, sautéed green beans. If anyone had room left in the old boiler, a nearby table had apple pie, pumpkin pie, bread pudding, and assorted cakes, cookies and ice cream.

The coaches liked seeing the players eat turkey, mostly. "Hopefully,'' Whisenhunt said before the trip, "They'll eat plenty. It'll help them sleep. They'll need it.''

Players THEN MET SOME MORE, from 8-10 p.m., to go over that morning's practice tape and also get their final marching orders for the game, as they'd do in a normal Saturday evening meeting at the hotel.

That was it. Whisenhunt wanted the players off their feet Thursday at the hotel. He hoped the coaches and players could use the quiet day to catch up on much-needed sleep. First bus to Lincoln Financial Field for the 8:15 p.m. kickoff: 5 p.m.

One final note: The charter would land back in Phoenix at about 5 a.m. Friday and players would have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Whisenhunt allowed players with family on the East Coast to not fly back with the team if they so chose. The coaches would sleep for a while, then wrap up the game at the practice facility from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For the coaches, Thanksgiving dinner would be Friday night ... but the reward would be ample: They'd have the incredible NFL rarity of two full in-season days off, Saturday and Sunday. After the rout by Philadelphia, I doubt they enjoyed it very much.

football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
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the NFL just shouldnt schedule an east coast / west coast match up on a Thursday.

Its an advantage being the home team to begin with -- add a cross country trip on top of that and its a bit silly.
Nov 15, 2002
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SE Valley
It's still no excuse, the Cardinals stunk it up on Thursday...

But it does illustrate the obstacle of traveling cross country for a Thursday game. It is an unfair advantage to the home team.

Echoing comments others have made about Thursday games; they should only be scheduled between division rivals: 1) the travel time is minimized; 2) familiarity within divison makes it easier to game plan within short week.


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Moderator Emeritus
Oct 10, 2005
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Vegas, baby, yeah!
It's still no excuse, the Cardinals stunk it up on Thursday...

But it does illustrate the obstacle of traveling cross country for a Thursday game. It is an unfair advantage to the home team.

Echoing comments others have made about Thursday games; they should only be scheduled between division rivals: 1) the travel time is minimized; 2) familiarity within divison makes it easier to game plan within short week.

Agreed, schedule 4 turkey day games. Alternate years between AFC and NFC (example - next year would be AFC), one game per division - all division games. Or something like that.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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An experienced coach probably installs the gameplan for that game during the bye week.

They had no time for anything but some film work and I wouldn't have bothered to grade the players that week either.

In going over that he went overboard stuffing everything into a short week, a more experienced coach would of probably just tossed half of that out and focused on only the important parts such as reviewing film.

The gameplan would have had to be done already and probably practiced already worked into the weeks around it as well as the bye week.

It also dosen't explain how we approached the game and it's and exuse o matic that dosen't focus on the fact the other team was tired too.

The travel is bad, that was the only thing to hang your hat on, they should of gone a day early, with laptops and such meetings could be held there and they could have acclimated one more day.

Again the entire piece is an excuse piece.


4 Food groups: beans, chili, cheese, bacon
Supporting Member
May 20, 2002
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Again the entire piece is an excuse piece.

Conrad, in his 10 things I think I think, King wrote that he doesn't trust anything about the Cards anymore after their dismal performance, so at least he did not excuse it ultimately.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
Peter King hates on the Cardinals all the time.

If you don't think that schedule had something to do with the result you are in utter denial. We got screwed by the NFL, I suspect they way the schedule worked out, somebody was going to be screwed and we are the usual choice.

Who was the first team to have a home game sent overseas ?

Just because I recognize the problem doesn't mean I'm making excuses, I still wanted to win tbut the deck was most defiantly stacked against us.


Drive By Poster
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Oct 13, 2004
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Viva Las Vegas!
An experienced coach probably installs the gameplan for that game during the bye week.

They had no time for anything but some film work and I wouldn't have bothered to grade the players that week either.

In going over that he went overboard stuffing everything into a short week, a more experienced coach would of probably just tossed half of that out and focused on only the important parts such as reviewing film.

The gameplan would have had to be done already and probably practiced already worked into the weeks around it as well as the bye week.

It also dosen't explain how we approached the game and it's and exuse o matic that dosen't focus on the fact the other team was tired too.

The travel is bad, that was the only thing to hang your hat on, they should of gone a day early, with laptops and such meetings could be held there and they could have acclimated one more day.

Again the entire piece is an excuse piece.

Once again, a gentle reminder that there is a difference between a reason and an excuse:


Main Entry: 1rea·son Pronunciation: \ˈrē-zən\
Function: noun Etymology: Middle English resoun, from Anglo-French raisun, from Latin ration-, ratio reason, computation, from reri to calculate, think; probably akin to Gothic rathjo account, explanation
Date: 13th century

1 a: a statement offered in explanation or justification b: a rational ground or motive <a good reason to act soon> c: a sufficient ground of explanation or of logical defense ; especially : something (as a principle or law) that supports a conclusion or explains a fact d: the thing that makes some fact intelligible : cause


Main Entry: 1ex·cuse
Pronunciation: \ik-ˈskyüz, imperatively often ˈskyüz\ Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): ex·cused; ex·cus·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escuser, excuser, from Latin excusare, from ex- + causa cause, explanation
Date: 13th century
1 a: to make apology for b: to try to remove blame from
2: to forgive entirely or disregard as of trivial import : regard as excusable
3 a: to grant exemption or release to b: to allow to leave 4: to serve as excuse for : justify



Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
That was a great read.

We also keep forgetting that they had a Monday night game the previous week. Which means they played 3 games in 11 days. That is ridiculous for what these players have to go through. I could not imagine how hard it would be on their minds and bodies.

Of course the haters here have already chalked it up to an excuse, but there is a reason there is a full week between games to begin with.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Peter King hates on the Cardinals all the time.

If you don't think that schedule had something to do with the result you are in utter denial. We got screwed by the NFL, I suspect they way the schedule worked out, somebody was going to be screwed and we are the usual choice.

coming out and with no heart from the opening snap and blaming it on the schedule just doesn't wash. The Eagles were in complete disarrary and still came out and kicked the crap out of us. I didn't see the Titans needing any kind of scheduling excuse as they beat the every living snot out of the Lions on Thursday.

the idea that they're out to get us just makes me scratch my head.

And which is it Nidan? You used to complain that we never got any respect and never got on TV. Now we're on TV, but the world's against us?

Who was the first team to have a home game sent overseas ?

uh... the Giants? Unless somehow, a country in North America is somehow considered "overseas". And maybe, just maybe they sent us "overseas" because we had the worst fan support in the game and which meant as a test, it could hurt the least amount of fans as possible when trying this shtick out.

Just because I recognize the problem doesn't mean I'm making excuses, I still wanted to win tbut the deck was most defiantly stacked against us.

Yes, it was a short week, but it was for BOTH teams and both teams had their challenges (the Eagles were in a complete spiral previous to our game). to say the deck was stacked against us... and to imply it was done so on purpose, again, is a head scratcher to me.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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coming out and with no heart from the opening snap and blaming it on the schedule just doesn't wash. The Eagles were in complete disarrary and still came out and kicked the crap out of us. I didn't see the Titans needing any kind of scheduling excuse as they beat the every living snot out of the Lions on Thursday.

the idea that they're out to get us just makes me scratch my head.

And which is it Nidan? You used to complain that we never got any respect and never got on TV. Now we're on TV, but the world's against us?

uh... the Giants? Unless somehow, a country in North America is somehow considered "overseas". And maybe, just maybe they sent us "overseas" because we had the worst fan support in the game and which meant as a test, it could hurt the least amount of fans as possible when trying this shtick out.

Yes, it was a short week, but it was for BOTH teams and both teams had their challenges (the Eagles were in a complete spiral previous to our game). to say the deck was stacked against us... and to imply it was done so on purpose, again, is a head scratcher to me.



I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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The Bidwills volunteered for the first out of country regular season game. They thought it would help them politicially with the NFL, and give them a much bigger gate than the 49ers would've at SDS.

It's obvious to me that Whisenhunt was completely behind both this story, and the one written by Judge on CBS last week. He sure doesn't want to deal with this sort of situation again. But, his lack enthusiasm couldn't be hid and trickled straight down to his team resulting in the debacle in Philly.


Supporting Member
May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
Cheese, I don't expect you to agree with me as you rarely do.

The Eagles had it easier, they had essentially an extra day to prepare., so like 30% more time. Was that an advantage to them, yes it was.

No I didn't say the world, I said Peter King.

The deck was stacked against us, no that doesn't imply it was deliberate. I think was more a case of somebody had to suffer and the Cardinals are at the bottom of the NFL's give a **** list.

Sorry, I should have said a foreign country, forgive for that slight inaccuracy. It comes from growing up in the UK, where the two statements are the same thing. Nice way to pick some nits though.

As was pointed out I was talking about reasons, you label them as excuses.

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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An experienced coach probably installs the gameplan for that game during the bye week.

They had no time for anything but some film work and I wouldn't have bothered to grade the players that week either.

In going over that he went overboard stuffing everything into a short week, a more experienced coach would of probably just tossed half of that out and focused on only the important parts such as reviewing film.

The gameplan would have had to be done already and probably practiced already worked into the weeks around it as well as the bye week.

Whiz said in his presser that they looked at Philly during the bye week but you couldn't give much to the players because you don't want to confuse them and mess up that week's game plan.

I don't know why people keep having a tough time believeing it was a disadvantage for the Cards last week. It clearly was. On the Dallas game,i can't remember if it was Aikman or Johnston,they said numerous times what a big adavantage they had by having a home game on Thanksgiving every year.

The other thing is people keep saying that it was crappy Philadelphia team. The Eagles were favored to win the game. So, i don't see how there is the thinking that the Cards should have just gone in there and waltzed right through them.

Look at the Jets game this week.Anything can happen. The Jets go into Tennessee and handle them. The Broncos get smashed by a terrible Raider team. THe Broncos travel to the Meadowlands and destroy the Jets. Crappy games happen to every team.


Sep 28, 2003
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Im not trying to diminish the travel to play a football game because this season shows that teams traveling east havent fared well but its only a 4 hour plane ride. Its not like the team had to travel to Japan. I think too much is being made of flying "across the country" Most east coast teams are simply better than west coast teams this year.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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The Eagles had it easier, they had essentially an extra day to prepare., so like 30% more time. Was that an advantage to them, yes it was.

But that is true for any Road versus Home team, short week or not. It is the same disadvatage if we were to play them on Sunday instead of Thursday. Its why one of the reason why road games are harder to win. Thats life of the NFL, hardly someone trying to give us a disadvantage of anykind.

There is only one excuse or reason that anyone has brought up that even comes close to being even remotely a viable excuse or reason IMO. Having to play 3 games in 11 days, now that is brutal.


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Jul 11, 2002
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Plainfield, Il.
But that is true for any Road versus Home team, short week or not. It is the same disadvatage if we were to play them on Sunday instead of Thursday. Its why one of the reason why road games are harder to win. Thats life of the NFL, hardly someone trying to give us a disadvantage of anykind.

There is only one excuse or reason that anyone has brought up that even comes close to being even remotely a viable excuse or reason IMO. Having to play 3 games in 11 days, now that is brutal.

Nobody can do their job as well as they normally do if they are beat up and tired. I don't care if it's painting a room our building a model car.

Three games in 11 days in beyond brutal. It's ridiculous. I have never played a contact sport , but I can only imagine how tough that would be.

Thank God we didn't play the Lions. Can you imagine this forum had we lost to them?
Last edited:


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Cheese, I don't expect you to agree with me as you rarely do.

The Eagles had it easier, they had essentially an extra day to prepare., so like 30% more time. Was that an advantage to them, yes it was.

you mean they got an extra day to prepare... like EVERY HOME team gets? Yeah, that's why they call it home field advantage Nidan.

No I didn't say the world, I said Peter King.

The deck was stacked against us, no that doesn't imply it was deliberate. I think was more a case of somebody had to suffer and the Cardinals are at the bottom of the NFL's give a **** list.

you realize we're not the first team to have to go on the road on a Thursday night game, right? That they've been doing these for the last two years every week the second half of the season and were even doing them once a season before that, right? The fact that this was the Cardinals FIRST thursday night game in forever (or is it EVER) kinda blows up your theory that the Cardinals got the nod because they're on the **** list.

Sorry, I should have said a foreign country, forgive for that slight inaccuracy. It comes from growing up in the UK, where the two statements are the same thing. Nice way to pick some nits though.

Nidan, I'm sorry that got lost in translation but when I read it, I thought there is a hell of a lot of difference between a flying 12 hours and flying 3. it was picking nits. Besides the fact that you completely ignored (as aj brought up) that the Cardinals VOLUNTEERED for that game. As opposed to it being "the NFL sticking it to us" or whatever other persecution-complex like statement that you made.

As was pointed out I was talking about reasons, you label them as excuses.

reasons we lost the game have to do with everything on the field, not what happened off it. Yes, I deem anything off the field an excuse. nothing's perfect in the NFL and teams have to deal with all kinds of scheduling issues - BOTH teams.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Once again, a gentle reminder that there is a difference between a reason and an excuse:


Main Entry: 1rea·son Pronunciation: \ˈrē-zən\
Function: noun Etymology: Middle English resoun, from Anglo-French raisun, from Latin ration-, ratio reason, computation, from reri to calculate, think; probably akin to Gothic rathjo account, explanation
Date: 13th century

1 a: a statement offered in explanation or justification b: a rational ground or motive <a good reason to act soon> c: a sufficient ground of explanation or of logical defense ; especially : something (as a principle or law) that supports a conclusion or explains a fact d: the thing that makes some fact intelligible : cause


Main Entry: 1ex·cuse
Pronunciation: \ik-ˈskyüz, imperatively often ˈskyüz\ Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): ex·cused; ex·cus·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escuser, excuser, from Latin excusare, from ex- + causa cause, explanation
Date: 13th century
1 a: to make apology for b: to try to remove blame from
2: to forgive entirely or disregard as of trivial import : regard as excusable
3 a: to grant exemption or release to b: to allow to leave 4: to serve as excuse for : justify


I respectfully disagree.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Nobody can do their job as well as they normally do if they are beat up and tired. I don't care if it's painting a room our building a model car.

Three games in 11 days in beyond brutal. It's ridiculous. I have never played a contact sport , but I can only imagine how tough that would be.

Thank God we didn't play the Lions. Can you imagine this forum had we lost to them?

Fortuneately the other team is suffering the same exact problems in the same league as you so rejoice it's fair.

I'm sure it's on another level of hard it should be for what they get paid.

I'd be a plumber and take a 2x4 randomly to the body if it paid 3 million a year.


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
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Plainfield, Il.
Fortuneately the other team is suffering the same exact problems in the same league as you so rejoice it's fair.

I'm sure it's on another level of hard it should be for what they get paid.

I'd be a plumber and take a 2x4 randomly to the body if it paid 3 million a year.

Yep, and you'd probably do well taking the 2x4 to the body for 3 hours. But then do it again 6 days later. Then 3 days later take a trip across the country while you are trying to heal and on the 4th day take that 2x4 beating again for 3 hours.
Something tells me you are not going to be moving to well before, during and after your third beating.

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