ESPN: Kliff might quit

football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
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Anybody have an ESPN+ subscription?

some excerpts from 98.7:


Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
Anybody have an ESPN+ subscription?

some excerpts from 98.7:

I do...lemme see what it says.
football karma

football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
from the 98.7 summary:

there are a fair number of references to "sources close to Kingsbury" where they basically blame the organization


ASFN Addict
Apr 9, 2005
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If Kliff quits and forfeits $20M+ he’d be a fool but it’d show he’s got a good moral compass knowing he’s not earning his keep.

I wonder if Bidwill waits him out rather than paying him to leave so this ends up being a game of chicken.

Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
Anybody have an ESPN+ subscription?

some excerpts from 98.7:

Talks about the toll the season has taken on him...

Keim's presence in the building has been far less than years past, making it difficult for Kliff to make roster decisions...

Kliff wanted Kugler gone well before the Mexico fiasco...Bidwill wouldn't buy out Kugs contract, but it seems Kliff wanted him gone a long time ago...

This points to Kliff being frustrated at his lack of being able to hire/fire and have control over coaching personnel (I know he had zero say when he was hired, but they haven't given him any latitude since...I can see why he'd be frustrated. He's being held accountable for wins and losses, but doesn't have any control over roster or coaching staff.)

"He knows that it's not a situation that lends itself to him being happy and successful and at his best for that organization, which he wants to be," a source close to Kingsbury said. "They won't let him. They won't let him be great."

Talks about how strained the relationship is between the coach, the owner, the GM and the QB...

I think it's actually a good write up. I can remember back to last year, when Kliff was answering questions in a presser, how he talked about the emotional impact he was absorbing and how badly he wanted to win. I think he's a good guy and actually could be a good coach, but he's been hamstrung by morons running the team. By now he should have some say in roster and coaching staff. It shouldn't take an international incident to get a coach fired. If he's going to be held accountable, he needs to have some leeway.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Talks about the toll the season has taken on him...

Keim's presence in the building has been far less than years past, making it difficult for Kliff to make roster decisions...

Kliff wanted Kugler gone well before the Mexico fiasco...Bidwill wouldn't buy out Kugs contract, but it seems Kliff wanted him gone a long time ago...

This points to Kliff being frustrated at his lack of being able to hire/fire and have control over coaching personnel (I know he had zero say when he was hired, but they haven't given him any latitude since...I can see why he'd be frustrated. He's being held accountable for wins and losses, but doesn't have any control over roster or coaching staff.)

"He knows that it's not a situation that lends itself to him being happy and successful and at his best for that organization, which he wants to be," a source close to Kingsbury said. "They won't let him. They won't let him be great."

Talks about how strained the relationship is between the coach, the owner, the GM and the QB...

I think it's actually a good write up. I can remember back to last year, when Kliff was answering questions in a presser, how he talked about the emotional impact he was absorbing and how badly he wanted to win. I think he's a good guy and actually could be a good coach, but he's been hamstrung by morons running the team. By now he should have some say in roster and coaching staff. It shouldn't take an international incident to get a coach fired. If he's going to be held accountable, he needs to have some leeway.
Kliff isn’t a bad dude. He’s just not cut out to be an NFL football coach or major college football coach. Just doesn’t have the personality or brains to set a culture and have guys follow him. It’s not really his fault, he never should’ve gotten the job as the entire football world knew.

But at same time he’s been hamstrung by front office both from a talent and infrastructure perspective. Kyler didn’t help either.
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Pawnee, Skidi Clan
Feb 1, 2012
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Mesa, AZ
I just read the article on ESPN site, and what I took from it is that the Cards have 3 different pieces that simply cannot all go together, like trying to combine a square, rectangle, and circle into something uniform.

The weakest unfixable piece is Keim. There is just no hope or any way for improvement there. There is still hope for KK if given the right healthy pieces, yet his relationship with the franchise QB seems past the healing point knowing their personalities.

We are stuck with Murray. Keim has to go if Cards have any winning future. And KK is simply going to be a casualty of circumstance. Bidwill has to bite the bullet and hire a fresh QB guru type coach to get the value and production out of Murray or all that money is just wasted.

And most of all, unless you want to revisit this same scenario every couple years, Bidwill has to go out of shop to get a good football mind as GM to secure a decent future for the team. It really is clear and simple, but will require a cost I am not sure the Bidwill mindset can accept.

The Cards must sit down with KK and Keim individually and discuss a buyout for both, find the best GM out there, and then bring in the QB oriented coach, preferably older, experienced, and one whose very presence brings instant authority and respect by all.

A new beginning, not done piecemeal, and not drawn out. Amputate and get on with growing the team we all want and deserve as fans.



Supporting Member
Banned from P+R
Jan 2, 2003
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Kliff isn’t a bad dude. He’s just not cut out to be an NFL football coach or major college football coach. Just doesn’t have the personality or brains to set a culture. He never should’ve gotten the job as the entire football world knew.

But at same time he’s been hamstrung by front office both from a talent and infrastructure perspective. Kyler didn’t help either.
to further that point...

this is just not a Head Coach of any legitimate team outside pee-wee level football. He won't critique players in public... fine. different strokes for different folks with coaches. But he won't actually pinpoint specific players' problems/mistakes in private either? Talks more in generalities? Maybe that works in pop-warner where you don't want to kill a kid's ego early on and it's more about fun than winning, but the NFL... or even college or even high school?

A coach who can't criticize players in public is one thing, but one who won't hold them accountable behind the scenes either isn't a coach... he's a bad freaking babysitter that just wants the kids to like him even as they're throwing crap against the walls and calling him a douche.

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
Talks about the toll the season has taken on him...

Keim's presence in the building has been far less than years past, making it difficult for Kliff to make roster decisions...

Kliff wanted Kugler gone well before the Mexico fiasco...Bidwill wouldn't buy out Kugs contract, but it seems Kliff wanted him gone a long time ago...

This points to Kliff being frustrated at his lack of being able to hire/fire and have control over coaching personnel (I know he had zero say when he was hired, but they haven't given him any latitude since...I can see why he'd be frustrated. He's being held accountable for wins and losses, but doesn't have any control over roster or coaching staff.)

"He knows that it's not a situation that lends itself to him being happy and successful and at his best for that organization, which he wants to be," a source close to Kingsbury said. "They won't let him. They won't let him be great."

Talks about how strained the relationship is between the coach, the owner, the GM and the QB...

I think it's actually a good write up. I can remember back to last year, when Kliff was answering questions in a presser, how he talked about the emotional impact he was absorbing and how badly he wanted to win. I think he's a good guy and actually could be a good coach, but he's been hamstrung by morons running the team. By now he should have some say in roster and coaching staff. It shouldn't take an international incident to get a coach fired. If he's going to be held accountable, he needs to have some leeway.
Nobody from the front office came in and directed him to run such a p!ss poor job of game management and player development. He could be an OC, but he is way over his head as a head coach
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The problem
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
I just read the article on ESPN site, and what I took from it is that the Cards have 3 different pieces that simply cannot all go together, like trying to combine a square, rectangle, and circle into something uniform.

The weakest unfixable piece is Keim. There is just no hope or any way for improvement there. There is still hope for KK if given the right healthy pieces, yet his relationship with the franchise QB seems past the healing point knowing their personalities.

We are stuck with Murray. Keim has to go if Cards have any winning future. And KK is simply going to be a casualty of circumstance. Bidwill has to bite the bullet and hire a fresh QB guru type coach to get the value and production out of Murray or all that money is just wasted.

And most of all, unless you want to revisit this same scenario every couple years, Bidwill has to go out of shop to get a good football mind as GM to secure a decent future for the team. It really is clear and simple, but will require a cost I am not sure the Bidwill mindset can accept.

The Cards must sit down with KK and Keim individually and discuss a buyout for both, find the best GM out there, and then bring in the QB oriented coach, preferably older, experienced, and one whose very presence brings instant authority and respect by all.

A new beginning, not done piecemeal, and not drawn out. Amputate and get on with growing the team we all want and deserve as fans.

Keim is gone thankfully.

He not only sucks at his job but has a trainwreck of a personal life and is a jerk behind the scenes as well.
football karma

football karma

Happy in the pretense of knowledge
Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
Kliff isn’t a bad dude. He’s just not cut out to be an NFL football coach or major college football coach. Just doesn’t have the personality or brains to set a culture and have guys follow him.
this captures it

in my career i have run across all sorts of people who where technically good at their given specialty, but couldnt manage

i think this is Kliff. probably a good X and Os guy who cant drive the precision necessary to be successful in the NFL

i think the Murray issues are two fold: 1. A challenging personality, and 2. He likely doesnt respect Kliff


Sep 5, 2009
Reaction score
Talks about the toll the season has taken on him...

Keim's presence in the building has been far less than years past, making it difficult for Kliff to make roster decisions...

Kliff wanted Kugler gone well before the Mexico fiasco...Bidwill wouldn't buy out Kugs contract, but it seems Kliff wanted him gone a long time ago...

This points to Kliff being frustrated at his lack of being able to hire/fire and have control over coaching personnel (I know he had zero say when he was hired, but they haven't given him any latitude since...I can see why he'd be frustrated. He's being held accountable for wins and losses, but doesn't have any control over roster or coaching staff.)

"He knows that it's not a situation that lends itself to him being happy and successful and at his best for that organization, which he wants to be," a source close to Kingsbury said. "They won't let him. They won't let him be great."

Talks about how strained the relationship is between the coach, the owner, the GM and the QB...

I think it's actually a good write up. I can remember back to last year, when Kliff was answering questions in a presser, how he talked about the emotional impact he was absorbing and how badly he wanted to win. I think he's a good guy and actually could be a good coach, but he's been hamstrung by morons running the team. By now he should have some say in roster and coaching staff. It shouldn't take an international incident to get a coach fired. If he's going to be held accountable, he needs to have some leeway.

Not a fan of him but definitely he was/is the only nfl head coach with very limited making decision powers i remember
Didn't have a say about the hiring coaches process and certainly roster management
To get his chance for the NFL he accepted a weaker role and now his future in the nfl is in jeopardy
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Hall of Famer
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
Anybody have an ESPN+ subscription?

some excerpts from 98.7:

I do, can i post the full article? Portions?

Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
By the way MB is going to go ballistic when this article hits his email. The coach airing dirty laundry is a big no no. He likes his employees drinking the kool aid not anonymously leaking the organizational dysfunction. This reads to me like Kliff daring MB to fire him.
It's not Kliff direct, but "sources close to Kliff" Maybe he's outsmarting everyone and trying to get fired, instead of quitting.


Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
God i hate mike bidwill
I wonder how many people in the know around the NFL knew this guy wasn't going to change squat for this culture once dad gave the keys away.. seems like he was only a thing for us hopefuls. Bummer.