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    • TRW
      TRW replied to the thread Fallout (Amazon Prime).
      Never played the game or knew anything about it but loved this show. Looking forward to next season. Coggins is just awesome, as usual.
    • TRW
      TRW replied to the thread RIP: Dave Loggins (1947-2024).
      Of course. Old man brain strikes again.
    • TRW
      TRW replied to the thread RIP: Dave Loggins (1947-2024).
      R.I.P. Mr. Loggins. Loggins & Messina were a good duo/band back in the day.
    • TRW
      TRW replied to the thread RIP: Shannen Doherty (1971-2024).
      So young and fought that damnable disease for so long. R.I.P. young lady.
    • TRW
      TRW replied to the thread House of the Dragon (HBO).
      It really didn’t get any better after you quit. I persevered to the end but it got a big “ meh” from me.
    • TRW
      TRW reacted to Cardsmasochist's post in the thread House of the Dragon (HBO) with Like Like.
      I watched the first 4 episodes of season one and it was a chore. Never got into it and quit after the episode about marrying a little...
    • TRW
      TRW replied to the thread House of the Dragon (HBO).
      Had free trial and watched the first episode of season two and let it lapse. Can’t get into these characters AT ALL. Forgot how I...
    • TRW
      Skip Bayless says "Hold my beer.". Smith is horrible but Bayless is a complete moron. Just my opinion, they are both neck and neck on...
    • TRW
      TRW replied to the thread RIP Willie Mays - age 93.
      Best all around baseball player EVER, at least IMO. When you take into account his 2 years in the military and the 2 years in the Negro...
    • TRW
      Annnnnnddd....he gone. Pistons fired him this morning. No link, just saw on Get Up on ESPN.
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