CTC's 2009 predictions for all 32 teams including playoffs...


ASFN Addict
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
Hope you guys enjoy it, it took me four hours!

AFC East Synopsis
Despite last year’s success, I still feel that this division overachieved last year. Miami clearly benefitted from Tom Brady being out last season by winning the division. Does anyone here really think that the Pats only go 11-5 with Brady? Look for the Dolphins to fall back to Earth. Miami will still be the second place team as the Jets are still trying to find their way especially on offense. Buffalo will struggle.

New England Patriots 11-5: Brady is back, but from a major injury. Other QB’s with the same injury struggled coming back to the level they played at before they left. They have a solid Oline so as long as they keep Brady protected and Maroney can stay healthy and run the ball consistently they should be ok. It should be interesting to see how he performs. On the other side of the ball, their D-line is great, but their LB’s are getting old and their secondary is young and inexperienced. The Pats should hold on for another year or two, but they are starting to feel the pressure.
Miami Dolphins 9-7: They drop a couple of spots. They really need a viable WR and that is going to hurt them, especially with NE secondary being their weak spot on D. Their saving grace could be their defense. They have a pretty decent LB corps and their secondary is adequate. If Vonte Davis can play up to his potential he could make a huge impact on this team. Ultimately the first place schedule will trip them up this year.
New York Jets 8-8: I cannot figure this team out. The talent is there, but they can’t seem to get it together. They really did have an addition by subtraction when Favre left. Leon Washington gives them a powerful 1-2 punch when coupled with Thomas Jones. Their O-line is great and should give Sanchez sometime in the pocket, but like Miami their lack of a true WR will hurt this team. They have an average D, but Rex Ryan could fix that in a hurry by getting some guys from Baltimore. The Jets could easily win extra 2-3 games this year if things work out.
Buffalo Bills: 6-10 A young sporadic QB coupled with TO. Enough said. Too bad too because they really have a good D with some nice players like Schobel, McKelvin and Whitner.

AFC North Synopsis
One of the more intriguing divisions. The Ravens get older but yet seem to be in it every year. Pittsburgh is clearly the class of this division and won the Super Bowl last year and they should walk through to another AFC North Division title. The real race will be for last place between Cincinnati and Cleveland. Mangini has seemed to ruffle a lot of feathers. I expect Cleveland to not only finish last in the division, but quite possibly contend for the 2010 number one pick.
Pittsburgh Steelers: 14-2 They had a helluva season last year, and it was possibly with one of the hardest NFL schedules in modern NFL history. This year they get a much easier schedule. BR has proved himself to be an elite QB, and the D continues to get the job done. There is no reason to think that this team cannot get back to the Super Bowl and repeat as champions again. Limas Sweed should come on line this year and Mendenhall should be back and make some sort of impact this year. The Steelers are the NFL’s most complete team right now from coaching on down.
Baltimore Ravens: 10-6 Joe Flaco looked pretty good last year and improved with each game. He also led his team to the playoffs as a rookie. A lack of a WR could hurt the Ravens and Flaco’s growth but their running game is awesome. Even though they are aging they still have one of the best defenses in the game and that will help Flaco in the long run. This D is equipped to handle a young QB in that the O can make mistakes and the D will be able to help mitigate it.
Cincinnati Bengals 4-12: This team has turned into an absolute train wreck. The loss of TJ will hurt. Chad Johnson’s antics are past old and are have to be a distraction. Coles is a nice pickup and should help offset the loss of TJ. For a defensive minded coach, it’s hard to believe that Marvin Lewis’ front seven is nothing special. It almost seems like this team has been building from the perimeter in. Rey Maualuga was a steal for them and should bolster their LB corps. Still won’t be enough though.
Cleveland Browns 3-13: Mangini and co, started off in Cleveland on the wrong foot apparently and that could hurt. Jamaal Lewis is going to be 30 and the Browns have no real threat beyond him. Losing Winslow will hurt and Braylon Edwards has yet to reach his full potential. Their defense is also a mess. It ranked 26 last year and Cleveland did very little to address that this offseason. 3 wins might be stretching it.

AFC South Synopsis
This is the strongest division in all of football IMO. Houston has quietly assembled a formable defense. Tennessee did the same thing. Jacksonville fell apart last year, and it will be interesting to see where they go from here. The real mystery is with Indianapolis. I really believe their best days are behind them, and I really see them starting the downhill slide this season.
Tennessee Titans 9-7: It was hard for me to peg this team before. I think they have what it takes and the defense will lead them where they want to go. Kerry Collins has found a home and should be just as good this year especially with the running game Tennessee sports. Their weakness is WR. If they didn’t play in such a bruiser of a division, they would have more wins.
Indianapolis Colts 9-7: It’s a little ironic that the other AFC South teams built formidable defenses to slow Indy’s superior offense. Trouble is that Indy never really built that great of a D and their offense is showing signs of slowing. That was apparent when they drafted a RB to compliment Addai. Losing Marvin Harrison won’t hurt that much, but there seems to be something lacking in the Rush D with them. They were 24th in the league against the rush. They have to see Slaton, Johnson and Jones Drew twice a year each. Indy’s downward slide could begin this year.
Houston Texans 9-7: This is my favorite up and coming team. They have done it quietly and will spring a big surprise on the NFL in 2010 I think. They remind me of the Cardinals 5 years ago. A lot of talent, just not a lot of depth. They have to get their defense to produce more. If they do and Schaub can stay healthy they should be ready to take over the AFC South in a year or two. Barring any unforeseen problems this could be a 10+ win team next season.
Jacksonville Jaguars 6-10: There seems to be a consistent theme in the AFC this year. Teams that could be better, but the lack of a WR will hurt them. There may be no more disappointing team than the Jags the past 5 years. A lack of a solid QB, WR and an average Oline will hurt them on offense. Their Defense is also an area of concern. They are mediocre at best and were poor against the run last season and only average against the pass. JAX may have to go back to the drawing board after this season.

AFC West Synopsis
This will be the weakest division in the NFL this year. Oakland is awful and pretty much the laughing stock of the NFL. Denver and Kansas City are in serious re-building modes and San Diego always seems to fall apart due to injuries, but should win the division by default.
San Diego 12-4: Can this be the year EVERYONE stays healthy and they put it together? The pieces are there and the window of opportunity is closing fast on the Chargers for the AFC and for the AFC West. They showed that they have the potential; they just need to stay healthy. This team has gone to NE in Jan in the AFC Championship and probably would have won if not for injuries. Rivers has one of the best arms in the game and this team is loaded with talent. This could be their year since everyone is overlooking them unlike years past.
Kansas City Chiefs 7-9: Slowly but surely the Chiefs are putting something together in KC. It’s still going to take a few years. Just like in Cleveland though some new guys ruffled some feather. Unlike Cleveland though a lot of the players are young enough where they can buy into the program. I still think KC is at least 2 more seasons away from contending.
Denver Broncos: 6-10: Did Josh McDaniel’s help move this club forward or set them back five years by driving their QBOF out of town? Time will tell but my vote is for the later. Cutler and Royal were starting to build something special in Denver. A Cutler, Moreno, Royal trio could have been tough to defend. Instead the competition is between Orton and Simms. It’s could be tough for Denver to put points on the board and that’s not good especially when the D is less than stellar. The addition of Brian Dawkins to the D should help. Champ Bailey and Dawkins will make it hard for teams to throw the ball on them, but lets be honest there is not a whole lot of star WR’s to shut down in the AFC West. Teams are going to score A LOT of points against this D this year.
Oakland Raiders 5-11: We all know what Al Davis has done to this team. I think I am being WAY too liberal with my prediction for the Raiders, but they have an easy schedule and they will be disrespected a lot by a lot of people this year and that has to be good for motivating at least 2-3 wins. The Defense continues to be the bright spot for the Raiders, but Jamarcus Russell will have to lead this team to a couple of wins this year, I think if the Oline improves, this offense could surprise some people.

NFC East Synopsis
Always a competitive division, but also an overhyped division. The Giants clearly have a leg up over everyone else in the division and should win it again. Philadelphia is also a strong contender, but I think that there are some key player departures on defense. Washington is always a question mark but they cannot buy themselves out of the basement and have not done a good job of building through the draft. Dallas has a lot of talent, but they seem to lack heart and have serious chemistry issues.
New York Giants 12-4: If PIT is the NFL’s most complete team the Giants are not far behind. I am impressed the way Eli has matured and has been able to go from being in a role of “don’t lose the game” into the “go out and win the game” QB. I would still like to see Manning get a more legit target at WR, but his WR’s are good enough. The Giants have three potent RB’s the best Oline in the game and an elite QB. Their defense is about as complete as you can get and Osi comes back this year. They are young and experienced enough where they could be the class of the NFC for years to come.
Philadelphia Eagles 10-6: It’s tough for me to get a read on these guys. They always seem to sneak into the playoffs and make noise, yet there are big questions about McNabb’s ability to win the big one and Reid’s ability to coach in the big games. Philly is always a legit contender though. McNabb and Reid’s excuses could be running out though as D. Jackson is emerging into a star WR, and LeSean McCoy should add some pop to the running game. Their comeback in the NFCC game was inspiring and Philly does have what it takes. They have gotten better, but age may be catching up with this team. Their window of opportunity may be closed in the next 2 seasons.
Dallas Cowboys 8-8: I like Tony Romo, but I think he may be overrated. TO’s departure should help clear the air in Dallas, but there still seems to be a chemistry problem with this team. There is very little control from the coaching staff on down. This team has the talent and stars, but lacks the structure and discipline of a championship team.
Washington Redskins 5-11: They could easily be an 8-8 team, but there are still some missing pieces. I think Jason Campbell could be a good QB, but I also think he needs a decent O line and WR corps to make that happen. As long as that is missing I don’t think we will see his full potential. Their front seven on D will make it tough for teams to run on them, and their secondary can hold their own. IF DeAngelo Hall can play well the Redskins could have a lights out defense. This was the fourth ranked D last season. They ride or die with the D this year unless the Oline can play better and Randle El, Moss, or Devin Thomas can step up and be an elite WR. If that happens I think this team can be in the mix for a playoff spot.

NFC North Synopsis
Another intriguing division, and the addition of Jay Cutler only raise the competition level. Three out of the four teams match up very well against one another, and Detroit seems to be making the right moves to improving. After all they can only go up. I don’t think the addition of Jay Cutler will be enough for Chicago to win the division this year.
Green Bay Packers 12-4: My sleeper team. These guys came from within a whisker to going to the Super Bowl two years ago. Interesting that they almost beat the Giants in the NFCC game the same year the injury riddled Chargers almost pulled off that upset in NE. It could have been GB and SAN in that Super Bowl. This team has done an excellent job building through the draft. Jordy Nelson and Greg Jennings are great targets for Rodgers who is now removed from all that Favre media hype crap who should be more focused and play well this year. I really love this D’s potential but they must play better than last year’s underachieving campaign. They must improve on the rush.
Minnesota Vikings 9-7: This is an awesome example of a one dimensional offense. If you can stop AP chances are good for a W. Interesting note they were 5th in rushing and 25th in passing. These teams’ bread and butter are defense. They play in one of the loudest stadiums and have a stifling D, but I see the Vikings sliding back this year, just a hunch.
Chicago Bears 8-8: Awesome job by the Bears getting Cutler. They will definitely hang some points up on the board, but their defense is going to be a liability. I think there needs to be some additions to bolster this D. Slowly this team has regressed on that side of the ball. They were 21st overall last year and that won’t cut it in the score happy NFC. They have huge holes in the secondary which should make it easy for teams like the Cardinals to exploit. The NFC North is wide open and the Bears need defensive players and quickly.
Detroit Lions 4-12: A 400% increase in wins by last year. Are still a couple years away from being competitive. They have some nice players to build on. I love the addition of Larry Foote and Julian Peterson to the defense. They should pair nicely with Ernie Sims. The fact that players are starting to come to Detroit is a positive sign that things might be turning around. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this team eek out 7 wins this year. A couple of solid O lineman, D lineman and a QB and this team could be good to go. This is definitely a team headed in the right direction.
NFC South Synopsis
A bruiser of a division. A different winner every year. It’s hard to tell who will come out of this division. New Orleans has an explosive offense, Carolina has a tough D, but Atlanta is looking to have all the pieces coming together. I really believe Matt Ryan is the next great QB of the NFL. Much like Peyton Manning or Tom Brady I could really see this kid becoming the face of the league. I think this division could make the most noise come playoffs and am predicting a 12-4 (Atlanta) and 11-5 (New Orleans) to come out of the NFC South. Atlanta has the potential to become the next super power. Out of all the “worst to first” teams last year they are the ones built to last.
Atlanta Falcons 12-4: Watch out for these cats, they are for real. Losing Vick could be the best thing that ever happened to this organization. This team is stacked on offense. They have a solid Oline that gives Ryan time, opens holes for Turner, and Michael Jenkins and Rody White are very underrated WR’s. This team was second in rushing behind a built up Oline and 6th in passing behind a rookie QB. The surprising thing is the way they won. They won a lot of close games, and with the exception of one game in all the wins they hang at least 24 on the opposition. It’s probably the defense overachieved last year, but they should have the confidence moving forward while they continue to add onto their D.
New Orleans Saints 11-5: Explosive Offense. Possibly the best QB in the game today. Poor defense. Well maybe not anymore. Look for the Saints to make a big push this year. Reggie Bush must grow into his own now. No more excuses, all the pieces are in place, and the defense is getting better. Malcolm Jenkins should add some stability to the pass defense which has always been the weakness of this team. The D line is solid and Darren Sharper will add some pop to the D backfield. Sedrick Ellis should be great this year. This could be the year the Saints rise to meet the expectations that have been bestowed upon them for the last two years.
Carolina Panthers 8-8: This team has been the model of inconsistency the past 8 years or so. This year will be no exception. I still can’t believe that contract extension Delhomme got. Their running game is awesome, they should just hand the ball off 60 times a game and let Stewart and Williams do the work. They still have one of the better WR’s duos in the game, but there are some holes on the D with the D line. The LB corps is very good and should be able to plug holes, and the DB’s are still capable of contain the passing for the most part, but I think this is the year that the Panthers regress and this could be Fox’s last year in Carolina. Bold Prediction---If Fox is not the HC of the Panthers after this season look for Cowher to be in the mix for the HC job.
Tampa Bay Bucs 4-12—This team is rebuilding with glaring holes at just about every position. It should be a slow process for the Bucs. Their O line should be good enough that they could throw in Freeman should they want to experiment with them, and he has a couple of interesting guys to play with at WR and at TE with Winslow on board. Graham is a good RB who should take help the QB whether it be McCown, Leftwich or Freeman. Defense is the trouble spot though. Losing four key players on Defense will hurt this young group.
NFC West Synopsis
The Cardinals made us proud last year, and their playoff run showed us that they are here to stay. This team I think is going to resemble the Pats in the sense that they have done such a good job building through the draft and adding depth via FA, that they will be able to replace key departures easier than most teams. The only real threat comes from San Francisco who is still struggling with a QB problem and has an emtional HC. St. Louis could be a couple of years away from contending, but I think Spagunolo is going to get that ship turned around and quickly. Seattle is a team on decline, and could be a contender for rebuilding after this season.

Arizona Cardinals 11-5: You made me proud Cardinals! This team is built to last like the Falcons and Whisenhunt has got these guys believing. That playoff push will make this team push past the hurdles that hurt them before like squandering leads, losing the close ones, not being able to win on the road etc. It also helps that they play in a weaker division. This year I finally get to see my Cards break the coveted double digit win mark.
San Francisco 49ers 8-8: This team is going to push Arizona. No doubt about it, this team should not be overlooked. The thing holding this team back is offense. At every position there are some deficiencies. The O line is weak, there is no real strong threat at WR, the Hill is an average QB at best. The only bright spot is Frank Gore. Glen Coffee was an interesting pick in the draft. This team is built around the D. They lack some talent up front, but have the best young LB in the game and Dre Bly and Nate Clements should cause WR’s fits.
St. Louis Rams 5-11: Slowly but surely this team is building. They have been having the great roster purge for the last couple of seasons. I am willing to give them a couple of wins due to the Spagnuolo hiring. This very well could be Bulgers last year as the starter. They also need WR’s and a better offensive line. Long needs to have a good year and Carriker must find the on switch. Other than the Raiders and Browns this team may have the longest journey to competitiveness.
Seattle Seahawks 3-13: This team is getting old and banged up. They lost Holmgren and are switching to a new system. This O line will allow a lot of sacks and was injured quite often last year. Not a good combo when Hasselbeck is coming off injuries himself. There is no real threat at RB and it is yet to be determined how TJ will fit in. The only strong point on this team is the LB corps. The Seahawks are a team on the decline.

Playoff Predictions
1. Pittsburgh 14-2 1. New York Giants 12-4
2. San Diego 12-4 2. Green Bay Packers 12-4
3. New England 11-5 3. Atlanta Falcons 12-4
4. Tennessee 9-7 4. Arizona Cardinals 11-5
5. Baltimore 10-6 5. New Orleans Saints 11-5
6. Indianapolis 9-7 6. Philadelphia Eagles 10-6
Wild Card Wild Card
New England over Indy Atlanta Over Philadelphia
Baltimore Over Tennessee Arizona over New Orleans

Divisional Divisional
Pittsburgh over Baltimore New York over Arizona
San Diego Over New England Green Bay over Atlanta
San Diego over Pittsburgh New York over Green Bay
Super Bowl
New York over San Diego
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Ex-Ex-AP Hype Man
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
Didn't read every word, but didn't think any of your records looked too out of line. Its a long ass season and there are going to be some injuries between now and the start of the season. But great work man, I always like to sit down before the season starts after preseason and try to guess every teams record.


Objectively Correct
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Easley, SC
Nice work. Only question comes from the NFC West, do you really think that before the season begins that Seattle can only muster 3 wins? Granted if they are decimated by injuries again it could be a three win season, but seems more like a little Seattle hate to me.

Again, nice work.


ASFN Addict
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
Nice work. Only question comes from the NFC West, do you really think that before the season begins that Seattle can only muster 3 wins? Granted if they are decimated by injuries again it could be a three win season, but seems more like a little Seattle hate to me.

Again, nice work.
I don't hate Seattle at all. What I see is a team in decline that could be inept at moving the ball and a defense with glaring holes with the exception of LB. Maybe three wins is conservative, but maybe not. Thank you all for the compliments it is fun to do!


Warnerphile, but a Cards fan!
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
Pretty much what I have with just a few exceptions. If not within a couple of games record is included.

Patriots 14-2 (6-0)
I see the Patriots getting back to their 07 form.
Dolphins 6-10 (2-4)
Last year was a bit of a fluke plus a more difficult schedule.
Lets just say I have the Bills and Jets flip-flopped.

Agree on Steelers, Ravens, and Browns.
Bengals 7-9 (2-4)
A bit better than last year, but that's not saying much.

Agree on the Colts, Texans, and Jags.
Titans 13-3 (6-0)
Just as good as last year.

Agree on the Chargers, Broncos, and Raiders.
Chiefs 3-13 (1-5)
Not much better than last year. Thou I hope HC Haley can get something more out of this team, I just don't see it.

Agree on the NFC East.

Agree on the Vikings, Bears, and Lions.
Packers 9-7(4-2)
Will win the division, but that's about it.

Agree on the NFC South, but I have the Saints winning the division over the Falcons.

Agree on the Cardinals, but i have them with the NFC #2 seed.
Agree on the 49ers, but with a WC.
Agree on the Rams.
Seahawks 7-9(2-4)
Less injuries would mean more wins.

Pats over Giants in SB XLIV.
Cardinals lose at NY in the NFC championship game.