Article on Plummer's first practice in Denver....


Dec 13, 2002
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Originally posted by conraddobler
Maybe technology is the answer like a heads up visor display that is converted from current secret military technology with add ins like blinking red icons for enemy safties and CB's and shock therapy pads for those pesky habits like behind the back passes hopefully located in his groin area.

I can just see Mike S on the sidelines with a huge console and VR suit proving that he wasn't a complete idiot for going after Jake then after the game the suit is shown laying on the ground smoldering and Coach S is just rocking in a corner muttering double coverage Jake double coverage godamit what is the key pad combo for take a sack..... oh sweet merciful God he is stupid... cue the drool on his chin.

absolutely hilarious!!!!!!!:biglaugh:


May 15, 2002
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I'm tired of Jake and his publicity.

He was interviewed on the news again last night. Jake's in Denver, the media should let it go. I have yet to see an interview with Mr. Blake, you know him right? The new quarterback for the AZ Cardinals?

Time to move on, don't really give a you know what about what Jake has to say, don't even intend to give him much thought until the Cards play the Broncos and even then he is just "the opponent".


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Originally posted by Lex
Beef- I agree, Boston's best season was when Jake was throwing the ball to him. His talent coming out of college was justified, what he's done with all that talent is a shame.

TJ was known to be a cancer long before he tried to answer the phone. People that live here, and were watching, knew this. First he couldn't play because he had a "breathing Problem," then the unfortune phone incident happened, just as his buddy DB left town, and assured TJ's departure from the desert.

He had Pleurisy! That is serious problem - Jesus, Lex - I'm not getting into an argument with you because you don't seem to want to make serious arguments.


Captain of Team Conner
Jul 21, 2002
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Charlotte, NC
Re: Krang

Originally posted by Lex
If what you say is true, that "most Cards observers totally agree with Jurecki," are you really saying that Mike Jurecki and Cards observers are smarter than the Bears and Broncos?

Ok, whatever.

I also get a kick out of how a lot of posters, when faced with someone that disagrees with their assessment of Plummers ability, go right to name calling, "Jake lover" or "Jake worshiper" or claim people are "blind followers."

Oh by the way Jon- I guess the reader can interpret a quote in whatever way makes them feel comfortable. When you read the quote, you understood it to mean he "tanked it" when he was here.

I read the same quote, and understand it to mean, he had the opportunity to participate in workouts here during the offseason, but declined. He spent his summers in his home town of Boise, similar climate to Denver. I figure another reason he didn't want to participate here, was because TJ and DB were always hanging out there, poisoning the locker room, and doing illeagal stuff.

This is truly the most absurd post that I've ever read.

Just because the Broncos wanted Jake, doesn't validate him. We have watched HIM FOR SIX FREAKING YEARS! The Cards offered him a 3 million per year contract, but he would HAVE TO COMPETE FOR THE JOB.

And the last paragraph I won't even comment on, it is so stupid.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by cheesebeef
[He had Pleurisy! That is serious problem - Jesus, Lex - I'm not getting into an argument with you because you don't seem to want to make serious arguments.

Come on Cheese everyone knows he faked the pleurisy, I mean how hard can it be?

Let's face it if Jake had said he lost games on purpose just to get out of Arizona, Lex would still defend him. "see how bad Boston and TJ were players were throwing games to get away from them."


Registered User
Sep 29, 2002
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FWIW..I noticed last season that jones seemed to have a bad attitude. If you have a tape of any of those post game speeches mac gave (when were in the 4 - 2 stretch of games) - you notice if you look closely that pretty much the entire team is up yelling around coach mac - but if you catch the camera scans the crowd you can see jones and boston at their lockers getting undressed and not paying attention.. There could have been others doing the same - but these were the only two I saw..if anyone recorded these as they were on might look for yourself and see if my account is accurate..

If boston hung around anyone at camp or on the sidelines - it was jones. I have not heard it mentioned - but when Jurecki reported that jones hand incident had occured at a night club - he reported that boston was with jones at the was not mentioned again - one way or the other..I do not know if jurecki found this was bad info - or if he could not confirm it - but it was in the initial reports about a month after the incident that boston was with jones..but then boston was not connected with the story again.. having said all of this..I do not think jakes poor work habits (or so it appears) had anything to do with jones or boston..


Jan 9, 2003
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Scottsdale and one-eleven
Pleurisy? A baby doctor can diagnose and cure that illness in about a week. I consider this problem to be similar to when TJ broke his hand answering the phone. A lie. The story was, that he had a "rib injury" that caused him to have breathing problems. What's the story now?

Krang- I can remember how smart I thought I was when I was young too.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Originally posted by Lex
Pleurisy? A baby doctor can diagnose and cure that illness in about a week. I consider this problem to be similar to when TJ broke his hand answering the phone. A lie. The story was, that he had a "rib injury" that caused him to have breathing problems. What's the story now?

Krang- I can remember how smart I thought I was when I was young too.

Okay, so now the Cardinal medical staff was lying?

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Lex
Pleurisy? A baby doctor can diagnose and cure that illness in about a week. I consider this problem to be similar to when TJ broke his hand answering the phone. A lie. The story was, that he had a "rib injury" that caused him to have breathing problems. What's the story now?

Krang- I can remember how smart I thought I was when I was young too.

Cardinals | Jones Note - from KFFL (
July 29, 2001 9:50:47 PT Darren Urban reports for the East Valley Tribune Arizona Cardinals RB Thomas Jones said an injury that cost him the end of last season was misdiagnosed for nearly eight months and may still impact him this season. Jones, who was originally diagnosed with pleurisy, said his real problem is that he has cartilage pulling away from some of his ribs, causing inflammation. He said he still has some problems breathing normally, but he hopes that does not affect him this season. It took a meeting with a sports medicine specialist in Virginia to have his condition diagnosed properly. Jones continues to visit a chiropractor and will do so until the injury heals.

Gizmo Williams

Sep 11, 2002
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Originally posted by Lex
Pleurisy? A baby doctor can diagnose and cure that illness in about a week. I consider this problem to be similar to when TJ broke his hand answering the phone. A lie. The story was, that he had a "rib injury" that caused him to have breathing problems. What's the story now?

Krang- I can remember how smart I thought I was when I was young too.

Pleurisy is more of a symptom than an actual saying somebody has Pleurisy is easy, but determining and treating the actual cause is a little more difficult.

I think the thing that was misdiagnosed with TJ was the cause of Pleurisy rather than the actual symptom. Team doctors probably thought it was a viral infection that would go away with time. Not a torn muscle inflaming his chest.
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Oct 11, 2002
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Between the Pipes
Originally posted by Russ Smith
Cardinals | Jones Note - from KFFL (
July 29, 2001 9:50:47 PT Darren Urban reports for the East Valley Tribune Arizona Cardinals RB Thomas Jones said an injury that cost him the end of last season was misdiagnosed for nearly eight months and may still impact him this season. Jones, who was originally diagnosed with pleurisy, said his real problem is that he has cartilage pulling away from some of his ribs, causing inflammation. He said he still has some problems breathing normally, but he hopes that does not affect him this season. It took a meeting with a sports medicine specialist in Virginia to have his condition diagnosed properly. Jones continues to visit a chiropractor and will do so until the injury heals.

Misdiagnosed by a Cardinal team doc?

Gizmo Williams

Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Krang

Originally posted by Lex
I figure another reason he didn't want to participate here, was because TJ and DB were always hanging out there, poisoning the locker room, and doing illeagal stuff.

I think Lex is right.....after all it probably would have violated Jake's probation if he was around the locker room.


Jan 9, 2003
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Scottsdale and one-eleven
Wait a minute Gizmo- Jake paid those three chicks 6 figures each for a handfull of butt, no charges filed.

Double 1- usually, a misdiagnosis by a Cardinal team doc results in microfracture surgury.

I wonder if TJ's doctor in Virginia, that finally found out what his problem is, was an old roommate?

Funny how that worked out, eh?

Gizmo Williams

Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lex
Wait a minute Gizmo- Jake paid those three chicks 6 figures each for a handfull of butt, no charges filed.

Nope...4 counts of sexual assault were filed and one misdemeanor battery. He plead no contest to lesser charges and received 2 years probation and community service.
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I'm a uncle's monkey??
Sep 15, 2002
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Justin, TX
Originally posted by Russ Smith
Come on the guy just admitted it was available in Arizona and he didn't do it, of course he's going to qualify that with a dig at teh Cards otherwise he just admitted he goofed off in the offseason. Recall several people over the years(writers) implied that Jake didn't spend the time watching film like he should have, he just admitted it was true.

Where in his quote did he sy he didnt workout, or didnt study film, I must have missed that part. What I read is that the Cards offered offseason work outs and he didnt participate at the CARDS WORKOUTS because he didnt think they were well run. Not that he didnt work out!

There are tons of players that do not participate in thier teams off season work outs because they participate in other workout programs, either in thier home town or with other players they know. This in no way means that they didnt work out, just not with thier team.

cards 24-7-365

Jan 23, 2003
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Maybe Jake shouldn't have said the things he said, but the fact remains that the off season workouts that are run at the cardinals facility seem to be thought of (by the players) as not being very good. The Cardinals strength philosophy as it is at alot of organizations around the NFL is a "one set to failure" approach. Many strength and conditioning professionals feel that this approach is adequate to maintain strength but it is questionable if you are able to gain strength and lean body mass with such an approach. It is popular in the NFL because it minimizes injury during the workout (imagine a strength coach's job secuirity if your pro-bowl player was injured during off-season workouts).

Some players give up large bonuses to workout elsewhere. Leonard Davis gave up a sizable bonus last year to work out at a different facility. For these guys their body and their health is what pays the bills so even if they have the perception that the off season program is below average, they will go to somewhere else to someone that they trust.

About the medical staff... There was an article on that I read last fall that had players on each team rate their medical staffs during the 2000 season. The Cardinals ranked 30th (just above Cincinnati) with just 50% of the players rating the medical staff as "good or better" Dallas who wnt 5-11 that year had 100% of the payers rate the medical staff as "good or better" I will try to find a link to this article - I have a printed version - it is called "Turn Your Head and Scoff" from 9/12/02.


May 13, 2002
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What a joke. After Jake signed with Denver all I heard was........let it go, he's gone, let's look ahead, bla,bla, bla. Now he's quoted as saying he skipped some early work outs and you guys go "ape ****." If you guys had a brain you would know that Jake was one of the most durable players on the Cards.
Count back the games that he played week after week.
I've never encountered such hatered as you guys have shown, and don't give me any of that it's not personal crap.

Hey, here's another one for you. Who's being played up as the player who will sell season tickets? In fact his smiling face is in the latest Cardinal ad trying to sell season tickets. Nope, it's not our new "crack" QB as you might think , you guessed it, it's Bill Parcells reject, Emmitt. Oh, I must have forgot that he's going to rush for 1200 yards this coming season. Yeah sure.


Oct 11, 2002
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Between the Pipes
Originally posted by FJM
If you guys had a brain you would know that Jake was one of the most durable players on the Cards.

Where was there even a reference to him not being durable?
Who said he wasn't durable?


Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
Between the Pipes
Originally posted by FJM
What a joke...bla, bla, bla...If you guys had a brain...don't give me any of that it's not personal's another one for you...Yeah sure

This is a terrific post.

It's really great fun when you drop by for a few minutes, squeeze out some really interesting and objective takes on Plummer, then take off so we all have time to really "soak up" and enjoy your thorough breakdown.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
I don't think anyone really has hatred for Jake the man but more likely disgust for Jake the player.

Jake was an awful QB here and I doubt if you looked up any other QB who kept his starting job over the last 6 years you'd be hard pressed to find one with either a worse rating, TD/INT ratio or win loss record.

I don't think he will fare much better in Denver. He brings the same problems there--of course now he has a better supporting cast, but that doesn't change the fact he was a Turnover-Machine!

He'll never be more than a good back-up QB when reality strikes the rest of the league.

I'm glad he is gone, I am a Cardinal fan not a fan of any individual player. I want players who help us win consistently.


Big Man Himself
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Originally posted by cards 24-7-365
Maybe Jake shouldn't have said the things he said, but the fact remains that the off season workouts that are run at the cardinals facility seem to be thought of (by the players) as not being very good. The Cardinals strength philosophy as it is at alot of organizations around the NFL is a "one set to failure" approach. Many strength and conditioning professionals feel that this approach is adequate to maintain strength but it is questionable if you are able to gain strength and lean body mass with such an approach. It is popular in the NFL because it minimizes injury during the workout (imagine a strength coach's job secuirity if your pro-bowl player was injured during off-season workouts).

Some players give up large bonuses to workout elsewhere. Leonard Davis gave up a sizable bonus last year to work out at a different facility. For these guys their body and their health is what pays the bills so even if they have the perception that the off season program is below average, they will go to somewhere else to someone that they trust.

About the medical staff... There was an article on that I read last fall that had players on each team rate their medical staffs during the 2000 season. The Cardinals ranked 30th (just above Cincinnati) with just 50% of the players rating the medical staff as "good or better" Dallas who wnt 5-11 that year had 100% of the payers rate the medical staff as "good or better" I will try to find a link to this article - I have a printed version - it is called "Turn Your Head and Scoff" from 9/12/02.

I always sort of got that impression, but have never heard. I truly believe that alternative methods of injury prevention and conditioning should be employed by teams if for no other than to keep it interesting for the players.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Zeno
I don't think anyone really has hatred for Jake the man but more likely disgust for Jake the player.

Jake was an awful QB here and I doubt if you looked up any other QB who kept his starting job over the last 6 years you'd be hard pressed to find one with either a worse rating, TD/INT ratio or win loss record.

I don't think he will fare much better in Denver. He brings the same problems there--of course now he has a better supporting cast, but that doesn't change the fact he was a Turnover-Machine!

He'll never be more than a good back-up QB when reality strikes the rest of the league.

I'm glad he is gone, I am a Cardinal fan not a fan of any individual player. I want players who help us win consistently.

Absolutely agree.

BTW is the same Zeno that used to post on the Cards usenet group years ago when I was following that group?

What irked me about Jake's comment is if it was a real problem and it apparently was if he refused to participate, why the hell didn't he do something about it? I mean he's the starting QB for 6 years, highest paid player on the team for 2-3 of those years, how hard would it have been for him to approach the coach or GM and tell him? I suppose the claim will be until he got to Denver he didn't know how bad the Arizona setup was, but if that were the case why was he skipping workouts if he hadn't yet realized how bad they were?

I'm sorry it just reinforced the impressions I got from reading Cardinal writers for years, Jake said all the right things about needing to stop making mistakes and needing to get better, but he didn't always follow through on it by putting in the work off the field to improve. It all goes back to my belief that because we never had a viable backup QB to "push" Jake, he never felt any fear of losing his job and it severely ******** his development as a player.


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
BTW is the same Zeno that used to post on the Cards usenet group years ago when I was following that group?

Yep its the same one, I used to post there fairly consistently probably back in 96-97 about right about the time the old Cards Corner on AOL just started rolling.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Zeno
Yep its the same one, I used to post there fairly consistently probably back in 96-97 about right about the time the old Cards Corner on AOL just started rolling.

Cool you're the first name from back then I recognize here. If you're interested you can access archives of old Usenet sites on Google. A few months back I was farting around on there and found something I'd posted just after the conclusion of Jake's rookie year where I was raving about his play and predicted he'd take us to the playoffs the next season. Of course we DID go to the playoffs although I would dispute Jake took us it was a team effort.

A lot of people here think I just personally dislike Jake so it was interesting to find something I wrote in 97 or 98 where I was really excited about Jake. By the end of '98 I was skeptical and by '99 I was firmly in the Jake is highly overrated and needs to sit down camp.

Glad to see another "oldtimer" on the board.