2017 Official Draft Thread


Hall of Famer
Nov 4, 2002
Reaction score
London, UK
Questioning mods ? He called them liars in bolded letters, in his first post back from a previous ban no less. If anyone needed to cool off for a long time, he proved it was himself.

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Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Oh, had no idea.

Is he perma-banned at this point?


Krycek, Alex Krycek
Oct 15, 2002
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
I would like to know how many of these "plenty" posters have conducted the amount and type of in-depth research that an nba front office undertakes. When you say "researched the hell out of 2nd rd picks" you're telling me they've seen all of Reed's games this year? I am going to say they haven't watched a SINGLE full game of his. You're telling me they've got any insight into his private workout? I'm going to go out a limb again and say they've never been privy to ANY workout from Reed, and to very little (other than maybe those televised on the nba network at the combine, and even then I'm going to bet they didn't watch every single workout televised, and certainly couldn't see those not televised) workouts of any of the second rounders. None of the posters here do this as a fulltime job. I am going to say they've researched online, maybe watched a handful of games of those few prospects that were televised, read a bunch of stuff online from media types, and watched what little hype vids exist on Youtube.

As for your denegration of McDonough's 2nd round history . . . I doubt the hit rate across the nba is very good for 2nd round picks. He seemingly has a good one with Ulis. I'll bet that's one of 5 or 6. If he's hitting 20% I'll bet that's average to high compared to most.

For instance let's take the two you just used as examples of "ten times smarter than Suns front offices like GSW and Boston" . . .

Boston's recent 2nd rounders:
Deyonte Davis - Traded to Grizzlies
Rade Zagorec - Not in NBA, rights traded to Grizzlies
Demetrius Jackson - D Leaguer
Ben Bentil - Waived after 3 pre-season games
Abdel Nader - D League Rookie of Year (still not on roster)
Jordan Mickey - D Leaguer
Marcus Thornton - D Leaguer
Kris Joseph - Two nondescript seasons with Boston and Nets and then international
E'Twuan Moore - Four teams with 6 year averages of 6.6pts and 1.8rebs per game

Golden States 2nd rounders:
Patrick McCaw - Averaged 4pts/game on limited minutes - could be something or nothing
Draymond Green - Obviously a great pick - one of best historic picks of2nd rounders ever
Ognjen Kuzmic - played 36 games for GS over 2yrs, averaged 1pt 1reb now intl
Charles Jenkins -Intl after waived
Richard Hendrix - D league then intl
Jermareo Davison - Waived
Stephane Lasme - Waived
Kosta Perovic - Waived

So Boston is batting 0.000
Golden State is batting 1 or 2 of 8, so 0.125 or .250

Neither is exactly burning McDonough

Outstanding post.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
Reaction score
The second round is a crap shoot. The Suns worked out a ton of guys and used the 32 pick on the one they liked best.

If you think you know better because you watched a bunch of YouTube videos then you need a reality check.

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