Iron Spidey

Brian in Mesa

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Amazing Spider-Man #529 came out today...Spidey gets armor from Iron Man. :|

First the biased comic site article:

by Jonah Weiland, Executive Producer
Posted: January 30, 2006
Official Press Release

After the life-changing events of the Other, Spider-Man has become a new man and Tony Stark has decided to mark the occasion by giving Peter Parker a brand-new costume in Amazing Spider-Man #529. And if a new costume wasn’t enough already to mark this a milestone issue, what begins in Amazing Spider-Man #529 lays the groundwork for Marvel’s event of 2006: Civil War!

Executive Editor Tom Brevoort says, “Amazing Spider-Man #529 begins a three-issue arc that will justifiably be cover-blurbed as part of the ‘Road to Civil War,’ as Tony Stark and his new protégé Peter Parker journey to Washington to debate superhuman legislation in the wake of ‘Decimation.’ And for readers who aren’t as into parliamentary procedure, there’ll also be a smackdown between Spidey in his spiffy new costume and a villain from Iron Man’s past!”.

You know what that sounds like, True Believer? That’s right folks, a Civil War is forming on the horizon and the road to war starts right here in Amazing Spider-Man #529!

But before you see any Marvel superheroes on the battlefront, you MUST see Spider-Man’s new costume.

You’ve seen the previews of the new suit; now see Spider-Man put his new costume into action. This is no mere fashion change either, as the costume is actually an armor equipped with several pieces of advanced weaponry, including pincer claws and many others surprises.

The best part of all is that Peter is going to be getting accustomed to his new armor on the fly, surprising his foes, readers, and even himself with the suit’s capabilities.

Straczynski has spun some of the greatest Spider-Man tales in years and reviewers have been quick to note that his work to date has been especially exciting to read.

Barry Shaffner of says, “The day Mr. Straczynski leaves this title will be a sad one for me. He constantly produces quality work. This is the one Marvel comic book to read every month.”

If you are a fan of anything Marvel, you cannot miss Amazing Spider-Man #529, featuring the debut of Spider-Man’s all-new costume as well as serving as a huge marker on the road to the blockbuster event known only as Civil War. Jump onboard for an exciting new era for Spider-Man as well and the entire Marvel Universe.

Then a fan-boy editorial about it:

Marvel's new Spidey suit sure to fall flat with fans
Friday, February 10, 2006
Article by: Matt Lee

Over the course of history, several creative teams have tried to take a classic comic book character and make it better.

But how do you make one of the most beloved and respected characters in comics better? Is it possible? Well, according to past results, the changes create attention, but ultimately never last.

On Feb. 22, Amazing Spider-Man #529, featuring Spider-Man in a completely revamped costume will hit comic shelves and fans might not recognize the new character being portrayed on the pages.

However, have no fear, because the character we've all grown up to love and adore will be the same ... kind of. After recent events unfolded in the story line "The Other," Spider-Man has apparently been forever changed after being killed and then being reborn, only with a few new super powers.

The new Spidey costume, which will debut in a few weeks, is called "Iron Spidey." After all, the new costume was constructed by Tony Stark, the same man who created and wears the Iron Man armor. Sadly, this shiny new costume for Spider-Man doesn't appear to be anything more than a publicity stunt and a way to lure readers into buying the upcoming "Civil War" storyline that will have super heroes fighting other super heroes.

Unfortunately for comic fans, they've seen this costume-swapping maneuver far too many times in the past. In the mid-'80s, Marvel gave Spider-Man a black and white costume and in the late 1990s, gave him a revamped version of his original costume, both occasions ending with Marvel returning Spider-Man to his original.

Just in case anyone is losing count, this is approximately the third time Marvel has tried changing or altering the Spider-Man costume to try and create a "fresher" looking character.

Marvel is called the "House of Ideas," but the same ideas, which are obviously being used over and over, are getting pretty boring.
Brian in Mesa

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
The upcoming “Civil War” sounds decent. It's a seven-issue series involving characters from across the Marvel Universe.

The story goes like this: The government has decided that thousands of untrained, masked do-gooders might not be so super, so they propose the Superhero Registration Act to keep track of them.

Basically - which heroes will comply and reveal their identities and which will fight the legislation (to protect their loved ones, etc).

Could be good.
