17 unsolved Math Problems


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Oct 3, 2003
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jenna2891 said:
i am not brother! :mad:

The role I'm reading for is "brother. " I'm reading for the part of "brother. "
Big brother or little brother?
- Just brother, man. Just brother. - No.
Just brother, right? Finally I get to go in and meet everyone, right?
Mikey, I'm telling you, I was money.
It's a starring role. I practiced for a week.
So I'm reading with the casting director and, girls, I literally start crying.
- No. - I swear to God.
The casting director who's reading with me kinda gets caught up in the vibe.
- She starts crying. - Oh!
- Yeah, I swear to God. Swear to God. - Wow.
So now she's crying. I'm crying.
We're both kinda crying, but not the kind of crying that's like...
But the kind of crying that's like we're trying not to cry.
Do you know what I mean? Like we're not trying to... Whatever. It was very cool.
So I finished reading with her.
I finally hold up my finger, like give me a minute here.
- Right. - Like give me a minute.
More than that, 'cause I'm in it. But like I'm broke.
Give me a second here. May I have a minute?
So I put down my head, and the whole room sits in silence...
for at least five minutes.
- Swear to God, five minutes. - Whoa!
I look up, everyone rips up in applause.
The whole room is rip-roaring clapping it up for me, for big T, right?
Everyone in the room is sitting there tearing their face. They're crying their eyes out.
The guy working the camera, you know, just filming it? Got tears in his eyes.
- Not the camera guy. - I swear to God, the camera guy.
Not so much from my reading, although it had a lot to do with it,
but, really, he had his own things going on.
So the producer starts to talk to me.
He says, "Trent, when you walked in this room,
I didn't see Trent Walker come in here. "
He said, "I saw big brother come in here. " ****in' great, right?
He says, "You walked in with the role, you nailed it, you're great. "
- So give me the ****in' part. - Exactly. Right?
Then he says to me... He says, "Trent, I gotta be honest with you.
I think that it might be that you may be just a little bit old...
for the role of brother. "
So I felt confident, 'cause I gave a good read.
I say to him, "Well, how old exactly is the role of brother?"
- Here it comes. - 'Cause I'm tall.
- Here it comes. - But I look young, Mike. Do I look young, girls?
Yeah, you do.
So he says to me... I swear to God he says this to me with a straight face.
This ****ing guy. "Eleven years old. "
- And you said "double down. " - Double down.
Because you know why? Because you make it happen on the bets.
He's great, isn't he?
But the truth of the matter was, you saw my picture, you saw my tape.
You know I'm years old. Why did you call me in?
- Wow. - That's your great bit.
Well, we all have stories.