Throwing down the Challenge


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
cheesebeef said:
okay - you're officially insane. A SHOOT-FIRST PG could run our offense?

Face it - Nash is the only guy who can run this offense right now and that's why I think the Suns will COMPLETELY fall apart the second Nash burns out/retires - back in the day, Magic/Isiah/Stockton/KJ could do as well - each one of them could shoot/score, but they also dished the rock first and foremost, but there's NO PG in the NBA right now that can shoot AND distribute the ball like Nash - period.

And to call the Suns fans who believe Nash "idiots" is pretty silly, actually it's outright ********. It's not like we're the only ones who believe it - you know - a majority of the world thought the same thing two years ago and an OVERWHELMING majority thought the same thing this year. Calling us idiots, in the face of all the evidence just makes you look like a complete and utter baby. But hey, you're an LA fan, why would you be anything else?

Have fun battling it out for the 7 or 8 spot again this year as the Lakers WASTE the prime of Kobe's prime.

Chris Paul could run the Suns offense just fine. Dre Miller. Baron Davis. Uhm...Kidd. Uhm.....the Hornets' PG can too. That's off the top of my head. Oh, and probably Jordan Farmar in a couple of years.

Nash isn't some creature that nobody has ever seen or heard of. Why the media is slobbering all over him we'll never know, or maybe Nez actually hit the nail on the head. However, Kobe should have been MVP in a walk...the fact that he was LEFT OFF ENTIRELY on more than 20 ballots and then others put him 4th or 5th is ridiculous. With that stuff going on with a guy who should not have been any lower than 3rd on a ballot of any objective voter, it doesn't legitimize the argument that the media crowning Nash is the "right" decision.


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Jan 2, 2003
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D-Dogg said:
Chris Paul could run the Suns offense just fine. Dre Miller. Baron Davis. Uhm...Kidd. Uhm.....the Hornets' PG can too. That's off the top of my head. Oh, and probably Jordan Farmar in a couple of years.

Baron Davis - a SHOOT FIRST PG who shoots 41 percent and is notoriously know for being selfish and taking horrendous shots? Okay - wrong. Andre Miller, yeah, he's shown the ability to PG uptempo teams considering HE'S NEVER DONE SO IN HIS LIFE, even when running a pretty talented Clipper team three years ago with Brand, Odom and Magette and having Denver's offense snooze throughout the years... and Jason Kidd, you're kidding me, right? Has a Kidd team EVER led the league in scoring or even cracked 104 ppg? Not to mention that the guy can't shoot a lick either. And Jordan FREAKING Farmar, my god, and you accuse the Suns fans of drinking the kool-aid, the guy can't shoot and has played in a slow-down offense his entire career, but keep trying D-Dogg.

Chris Paul is a rookie and a GREAT rookie, but you're smoking crack or Kobe's pole if you think he could lead a starting lineup of Bell, James Jones, Marion and Kurt Thomas to a 60 win pace, especially considering his club didn't even make the playoffs.

And maybe people didn't put on their ballot because the MVP is about players being valuable, as in leading their teams, where Kobe lead his team barely to the playoffs. The guy is an incredible scorer at this point in his career and nothing more - Jordan led the league in scoring for years also, but he never got a sniff of the MVP trophy until his teams were a threat and the Lakers ain't a threat, plain and simple.


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Jan 2, 2003
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NEZCardsfan said:
The beef is that your golden boy keeps winning awards he doesn’t deserve. He’s not the best player, he’s just the player that is best for the game. Maybe the reason we are the only ones that play this style is because it doesn’t win championships. That IS what it is all about…not being on National TV a bunch.

If we were giving the award to the Most Valuable Player, it’s gotta go Kobe….the Lakers just win like 5 games without him. But, no, he’s got a bad image.

this is classic - and D-Dogg you apparently agree with this total contradiction in argument, are you really THAT myopic. First, the league is about Championships and that's why Steve Nash shouldn't win... funny, who's team got closer to the Title this year? Was it the Suns, who were playing without their 2nd best player and then lost their starting C, while still making the NBA WCF or the Lakers, who scratched their way into the playoffs and then lost to Steve Nash's squad that was closer to the Championship? Hmmm....

As to the ridiculous second point "the Lakers without Kobe win 5 games", well guess what, the same can be said about Steve Nash as we've seen no matter what team he's on with the Suns in the last twp years, they've gone 1-9 without him and got beaten by an average Margin of 110 to 97. So, you have two guys if you took them off their clubs, they'd both be horrendous, difference is, that WITH both guys, the Lakers still barely make the playoffs and the Suns, even with horrendous injuries, still make the FREAKING WCFs.

Sorry - scoring titles don't equal MVP, otherwise Iverson, Nique, TC and the rest of the guys who own scoring titles would be looked at as the NBA premium. Winners win MVPs, plain and simple and until Kobe proves he can do so, even with a former #1 pick at his side, another two lotto picks with Odom and Mihm and arguably the greatest coach in the game, he can have a seat right where Iverson does, as a novelty act and nothing more. To be sure, the most entertaining novelty act out there, but a novelty act nonetheless.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
cheesebeef said:
And maybe people didn't put on their ballot because the MVP is about players being valuable, as in leading their teams, where Kobe lead his team barely to the playoffs. The guy is an incredible scorer at this point in his career and nothing more - Jordan led the league in scoring for years also, but he never got a sniff of the MVP trophy until his teams were a threat and the Lakers ain't a threat, plain and simple.

Like I can take anything you say seriously or give you any credit when you spew garbage like this. In 87 Jordan had a season like this one for Kobe, and he was second in the MVP balloting to Magic Johnson. This year Kobe has a similar season, doing similar things for his team and he's fourth on the ballot, AND more than 20 reporters actually left him OFF the ballot. You are either the most biased hater of all time, or you know jack squat about bball if you are actually going down this road to idiocy in your arguments.

Scoop Jackson, talking about how Kobe can't get out from Jordan's shadow:

How quickly we forget: During Jordan's highest-scoring year, the Bulls finished under .500.And this season may have been the worst for Kobe. By averaging 35.4 ppg, it took everyone back to 1986-87, when Jordan went ballistic, averaging over 37 a clip.

It's funny when they reminisce over you inside of a paradox like this, because no one mentioned how that season the Bulls played under-.500 basketball (40-42, fifth in their division, 17 games out of first place) and how they got swept in the first round by Boston, yet Kobe got the Lakers to play over-.500 ball (45-37, third in their division, nine games from first) and push the Suns to a "win or go home" game in the first round … and he gets dogged. Or how Michael came in second in MVP voting that year to Magic, yet Kobe came in fourth this year, fifth in the general managers voting poll.

Yet, they basically had the exact same statistical season.

MJ, '86-87: 37.1 ppg/5.2 rpg/4.6 apg
KB, '05-06: 35.4 ppg/5.3 rpg/4.5 apg

Yet, Kobe's season is being held against him.

Cheese, you are making Scoop's point for him by even suggesting that it is in any way OK that quite a few reporters left Kobe off of their ballot for MVP, and he came in 4th overall. The ONLY reason that happened is media dislike for the guy, and that's dumb as dumb can be.

If you can't take off the hater-blinders for an issue as easy to see as the above, why in the world should I trust your judgement on who can or can not run D'Antoni's offense (especially since all of the guys you so quickly dismissed haven't had the opportunity).

And regarding Farmar, I'd think a guy who some sites say is similar to Nash would be able to run an offense Nash runs. And just because he ran a slow-down offense at UCLA doesn't mean that's what he does...that offense didn't suit his strengths at all, and yet he ran it well and lead that sub-par team to the NCAA Championship, on two bad wheels. His shooting needs to improve, but that isn't something I'd be worried about...and he's not athletic?? Dude dropped a 42" vertical at the combine, shocking people. And I even said he could run the Sun's offense in a couple of years, not now. If you don't think that, you are crazier than I thought.

Full numbers below:

A very good look at Farmar the Prospect.

His combine numbers:

In retrospect, the Suns are pretty lame for not taking this guy...that's ok, he's going to develop nicely for us...he's already getting the triangle down, is doing great in the SPL and earning heaps of praise from Tex Winter. Tex, a guy whose basketball knowledge and talent assessment I trust lightyears beyond yours.
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Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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D-Dogg said:
Like I can take anything you say seriously or give you any credit when you spew garbage like this. In 87 Jordan had a season like this one for Kobe, and he was second in the MVP balloting to Magic Johnson. This year Kobe has a similar season, doing similar things for his team and he's fourth on the ballot, AND more than 20 reporters actually left him OFF the ballot. You are either the most biased hater of all time, or you know jack squat about bball if you are actually going down this road to idiocy in your arguments.

Cheese, you are making Scoop's point for him by even suggesting that it is in any way OK that quite a few reporters left Kobe off of their ballot for MVP, and he came in 4th overall. The ONLY reason that happened is media dislike for the guy, and that's dumb as dumb can be.

this is classic. Let's start with the Kobe versus MJ comparison - numbers, across the board, MJ's numbers are better, Shooting percentage, assists, rebounds, steals - all better than Kobe. Next, let's look a little closer at their respective teams. Kobe has three lotto picks playing next to him, while Jordan had NOTHING - no Pippen, no Grant, no NOTHING. Orlando FREAKING Wolridge was the 2nd best player on that Bulls team. Not to mention that the Lakers have the best coach in the NBA versus the Bulls Doug Collins, a rookie head coach. Yet BOTH teams struggled to make the playoffs, even though Kobe had a better supporting cast and coach, yet that means we should be able to make the comparison. And that's not even taking into consideration that Jordan was doing something the league hadn't seen anything even close to scoring-wise in a decade, while just three years ago, Iverson put up 32.5 points per game, 2.5 less than Kobe. So, when you take away the fact that Jordan was shattering records, while playing with the dregs of the earth, then, yeah, MAYBE you can make that ridiculous comparison.

Next, we have Scoop and you pointing to the MVP votes, pimping the 2nd place finish (even though by your logic, Jordan should have been a RUNAWAY winner). Funny, that neither you, nor Scoop mentions that there WAS NO MVP race and that Magic beat out Jordan by a first place vote count of 65 to 10 and beat him overall by over 350 points! Yeah, so, that goes out the window.

Then, there's the "tin-foil hat" idea that people HATE Kobe and that's why he was left off 20 ballots. Do a little research Myopia-man and you'll find out that 4th place finishers in the MVP balloting HAVE ALL BEEN LEFT OFF MORE THAN 20 BALLOTS, and that as the rankings go, there's a steady amount of drop-off from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to 4th and that's because the less valuable guys are, the more conjecture there is to it. But, I guess there was a conspiracy against Dirk this year, considering that ELEVEN people left him off their ballots completely or that in year's past, the number 4 man on the voting was left off of 34 BALLOTS.

But no, it's really some vast conspiracy NOT to give it to a guy who's team barely made the playoffs. Yeah, okay.

D-Dogg said:
If you can't take off the hater-blinders for an issue as easy to see as the above, why in the world should I trust your judgement on who can or can not run D'Antoni's offense (especially since all of the guys you so quickly dismissed haven't had the opportunity).

And yet you've failed to show me how guys with shooting percentages in the high 30's/mid40's would be able to run this offense, since it's PREDICATED ON SHOOTING. Or how guys who HISTORICALLY have been PGs who are ball-hogs and look shot -first would be able to run this offense where the PG is the last resort and his job is simply to get the ball to everyone and be able to knock down shots. Or how Andre Miller and his 21% three point shooting would be able to run this offense.

D-Dogg said:
And regarding Farmar, I'd think a guy who some sites say is similar to Nash would be able to run an offense Nash runs. And just because he ran a slow-down offense at UCLA doesn't mean that's what he does...that offense didn't suit his strengths at all, and yet he ran it well and lead that sub-par team to the NCAA Championship, on two bad wheels. His shooting needs to improve, but that isn't something I'd be worried about...and he's not athletic?? Dude dropped a 42" vertical at the combine, shocking people. And I even said he could run the Sun's offense in a couple of years, not now. If you don't think that, you are crazier than I thought.

And where are these reports that you speak of? And if true, I'm supposed to take YOUR word over DA who knows his system backwards and forwards? And considering that Farmar has only played in ONE system, can you please tell me on what evidence your basing the ridiculous assumption that "the offense didn't suit his strengths AT ALL"? He can't shoot, there's no debating that, but again, you bely your own argument by throwing in something that hasn't even been discussed, which is his athleticism, I assume to prove me wrong about SOMETHING. Problem is, I never commented on his athleticism because he's a good athelete. Other problem is, being a good athelete doesn't mean squat as far as running DA's system. So, you struck out there and I didn't even throw a pitch.

D-Dogg said:
In retrospect, the Suns are pretty lame for not taking this guy...that's ok, he's going to develop nicely for us...he's already getting the triangle down, is doing great in the SPL and earning heaps of praise from Tex Winter. Tex, a guy whose basketball knowledge and talent assessment I trust lightyears beyond yours.

and then there's this gem - what the hell is Tex Winter's SUPPOSED to say? The guy stinks on ice? Of course Tex is going to pimp him. The Lakers have to selll their poopy ass product somehow and besides, doing great in the summer league doesn't mean a whole hell of beans. Casey Jacobsen is doing great in the Summer League, John Lucas is doing great in the Summer League, Marce Lampe actually looks like an NBA player in the Summer League and you know what THEY COULDN'T EVEN MAKE AN NBA ROSTER LAST YEAR.

So, with that all being said, it's pretty clear what's going on here. YOU ARE KOBE BRYANT OR JOHN BLACK. There's really no other explanation for the ridiculous myopia that comes from you on this subject. Try not to rape anyone in the recovery room after your knee surgery.

(oh - and to throw the "hater" card out there is just admitting you have no argument, especially when the person you're arguing with acknowledges that Kobe Bryant is an insane basketball player who can score at will and is a force in the NBA. But that doesn't make him an MVP and history and EVERYONE's opinion except yours (half of Lakerdom) and 22 reporters bears that truth.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
cheesebeef said:
this is classic. Let's start with the Kobe versus MJ comparison - numbers, across the board, MJ's numbers are better, Shooting percentage, assists, rebounds, steals - all better than Kobe. Next, let's look a little closer at their respective teams. Kobe has three lotto picks playing next to him, while Jordan had NOTHING - no Pippen, no Grant, no NOTHING. Orlando FREAKING Wolridge was the 2nd best player on that Bulls team. Not to mention that the Lakers have the best coach in the NBA versus the Bulls Doug Collins, a rookie head coach. Yet BOTH teams struggled to make the playoffs, even though Kobe had a better supporting cast and coach, yet that means we should be able to make the comparison. And that's not even taking into consideration that Jordan was doing something the league hadn't seen anything even close to scoring-wise in a decade, while just three years ago, Iverson put up 32.5 points per game, 2.5 less than Kobe. So, when you take away the fact that Jordan was shattering records, while playing with the dregs of the earth, then, yeah, MAYBE you can make that ridiculous comparison. still aren't telling me why Kobe shouldn't have been the clear number two....even given little Stevie should have rightfully won (which I dispute, but for the sake of argument, will give him the nod). Kobe anything less than 2 on the ballot after the season he had is ridiculous. And you can't play the lotto pick card while at the same time you have bashed those same lotto picks. You only have a grudging respect for Odom...not the other lottery picks like Kwame.

Next, we have Scoop and you pointing to the MVP votes, pimping the 2nd place finish (even though by your logic, Jordan should have been a RUNAWAY winner). Funny, that neither you, nor Scoop mentions that there WAS NO MVP race and that Magic beat out Jordan by a first place vote count of 65 to 10 and beat him overall by over 350 points! Yeah, so, that goes out the window.

Great, so why did Kobe get outvoted 1st place 57-22, and overall by over 450 points? Sorry Cheese, but you are losing it here.

Then, there's the "tin-foil hat" idea that people HATE Kobe and that's why he was left off 20 ballots. Do a little research Myopia-man and you'll find out that 4th place finishers in the MVP balloting HAVE ALL BEEN LEFT OFF MORE THAN 20 BALLOTS, and that as the rankings go, there's a steady amount of drop-off from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to 4th and that's because the less valuable guys are, the more conjecture there is to it. But, I guess there was a conspiracy against Dirk this year, considering that ELEVEN people left him off their ballots completely or that in year's past, the number 4 man on the voting was left off of 34 BALLOTS.

Kobe's season was undeniable...he should have been a clear cut #2 at the very least...and he's left off 20 ballots. How many ballots was MJ left off of back in that 2nd place finish of his? Your logic makes absolutely no sense, by the way. You are arguing my point backwards're saying the reason Kobe got left off 20 ballots is because he's the 4th candidate, when I'm saying the FACT that Kobe got left off 20 ballots caused him to finish 4th, when his numbers and leadership of the Lakers to the playoffs in the WEST with a less talented roster than the watered down (Amare & Kurt-less) Suns demonstrated a solid second place showing and what should have been a stronger battle for the MVP trophy. In fact, Kobe's 22 first place votes were second to Steve's, so at least more voters thought him worthy than the other candidates. But what's even more stupid is that 30 voters had him ranked there were 4 more deserving guys to go ahead of him...and THAT is ridiculous. He had the most 5th place votes of any player, 5 more than Chauncey freaking Billups...5th place and left off constituted FIFTY votes. I'm sorry, but 5th place is pressing the bounds of stupidity even for those who hate the guy. You can't argue this point successfully, at all. There were not 4 better guys who were either more valuable to their team and/or put up better numbers than Kobe. That, is a shafting of an extreme level, and it it is purely media dislike of the guy since...dun dun dun duuuun...the media casts these idiotic ballots.

And yet you've failed to show me how guys with shooting percentages in the high 30's/mid40's would be able to run this offense, since it's PREDICATED ON SHOOTING. Or how guys who HISTORICALLY have been PGs who are ball-hogs and look shot -first would be able to run this offense where the PG is the last resort and his job is simply to get the ball to everyone and be able to knock down shots. Or how Andre Miller and his 21% three point shooting would be able to run this offense.

Wait...which side of the mouth are you talking from right now? The one where you need to be a shooter, or the one where you are a last resort whose job is to get the ball to the other shooters. You're flailing about with your looping logic.

And where are these reports that you speak of? And if true, I'm supposed to take YOUR word over DA who knows his system backwards and forwards? And considering that Farmar has only played in ONE system, can you please tell me on what evidence your basing the ridiculous assumption that "the offense didn't suit his strengths AT ALL"? He can't shoot, there's no debating that, but again, you bely your own argument by throwing in something that hasn't even been discussed, which is his athleticism, I assume to prove me wrong about SOMETHING. Problem is, I never commented on his athleticism because he's a good athelete.

Maybe you should have looked at the link I provided you:


A very good look at Farmar the Prospect.

Click the link above, and read the will answer all your questions above, and on the sidebar it shows Jordan's upside as.....Steve Nash.

Other problem is, being a good athelete doesn't mean squat as far as running DA's system. So, you struck out there and I didn't even throw a pitch.

Wait, maybe that was another Suns team whose fans always blather about how athletic their team is and how they will out-athletic everyone in the league, athletic this and athletic that. Just pointing out that Ear Jordan is athletic which actually IS something that D'Antoni likes in his system. Oh, while you were watching a replay of someone striking out, I just stole home...

and then there's this gem - what the hell is Tex Winter's SUPPOSED to say? The guy stinks on ice? Of course Tex is going to pimp him.

You really don't know jack squat about Tex Winter, do you? Dude has never held back. He blasted Shaq all the time, and he blasts Kobe all the time. He doesn't say stuff just to say it. But since you only pretend like you know one damn thing about the Lakers, obviously you don't know this. Hmm...maybe that explains your poor understading of Kobe as a player.

So, with that all being said, it's pretty clear what's going on here. YOU ARE KOBE BRYANT OR JOHN BLACK. There's really no other explanation for the ridiculous myopia that comes from you on this subject. Try not to rape anyone in the recovery room after your knee surgery. post THAT little rape remark, then follow it up immediately with:

(oh - and to throw the "hater" card out there is just admitting you have no argument,

OOOOOOOOOkkkkkkkkkaaaaayyyyyyy. I don't really have to throw a hater card out there, do I, when you're perfectly willing to throw that little card down yourself while you jump on top of it and squeal to your heart's content? Don't come at me with "don't call me a hater blah blah blah" after posting garbage like you did above. First time I've seen you crack, cheese. I guess the faulty logic wiring in your brain is sparking off.

especially when the person you're arguing with acknowledges that Kobe Bryant is an insane basketball player who can score at will and is a force in the NBA. But that doesn't make him an MVP and history and EVERYONE's opinion except yours (half of Lakerdom) and 22 reporters bears that truth.

All Kobe is to you is a scorer, and you don't even get one bit of it. He's a scorer, a leader, a rebounder, a good passer and a defender. Unlike ANY OTHER MVP candidate, he was 1st team defense this season. That's in addition to leading the league in scoring. But thanks a lot for acknowledging that he's a great scorer, although if you didn't acknowledge that you'd be eligible for a straightjacket.

FWIW, 22 reporters (actually, check that and make it 52) reporters are either completely biased against the guy, or couldn't tell a basketball from a hole in the ground. I really wouldn't be using their lunacy as a solid basis of comparison of who knows the NBA and players, especially after you dismiss the words of Tex who is a hard ass unbiased source. But yeah we should listen to guys like Jay Marrioti, Woody Paige, Bob Ryan, Skip Bayless...those kind of guys. Nooooo, there's no media dislike of Kobe Bryant out there. No way. Uh uh. :rolleyes:
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sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
My god... D-Dogg just took a beating worse than Fernando Vargas.

Please continue Dogg, so I can continue my amusement in watching you try and keep up with the Cheese.

Good stuff.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
sly fly said:
My god... D-Dogg just took a beating worse than Fernando Vargas.

Please continue Dogg, so I can continue my amusement in watching you try and keep up with the Cheese.

Good stuff.

Home, James. Seriously...cheese can't hang in this thread with his weak arguments and he's a billion times the mind you are.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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D-Dogg said: still aren't telling me why Kobe shouldn't have been the clear number two....even given little Stevie should have rightfully won (which I dispute, but for the sake of argument, will give him the nod). Kobe anything less than 2 on the ballot after the season he had is ridiculous. And you can't play the lotto pick card while at the same time you have bashed those same lotto picks. You only have a grudging respect for Odom...not the other lottery picks like Kwame.

Great, so why did Kobe get outvoted 1st place 57-22, and overall by over 450 points? Sorry Cheese, but you are losing it here.

Kobe's season was undeniable...he should have been a clear cut #2 at the very least...and he's left off 20 ballots. How many ballots was MJ left off of back in that 2nd place finish of his? Your logic makes absolutely no sense, by the way. You are arguing my point backwards're saying the reason Kobe got left off 20 ballots is because he's the 4th candidate, when I'm saying the FACT that Kobe got left off 20 ballots caused him to finish 4th, when his numbers and leadership of the Lakers to the playoffs in the WEST with a less talented roster than the watered down (Amare & Kurt-less) Suns demonstrated a solid second place showing and what should have been a stronger battle for the MVP trophy. In fact, Kobe's 22 first place votes were second to Steve's, so at least more voters thought him worthy than the other candidates. But what's even more stupid is that 30 voters had him ranked there were 4 more deserving guys to go ahead of him...and THAT is ridiculous. He had the most 5th place votes of any player, 5 more than Chauncey freaking Billups...5th place and left off constituted FIFTY votes. I'm sorry, but 5th place is pressing the bounds of stupidity even for those who hate the guy. You can't argue this point successfully, at all. There were not 4 better guys who were either more valuable to their team and/or put up better numbers than Kobe. That, is a shafting of an extreme level, and it it is purely media dislike of the guy since...dun dun dun duuuun...the media casts these idiotic ballots.

Wait...which side of the mouth are you talking from right now? The one where you need to be a shooter, or the one where you are a last resort whose job is to get the ball to the other shooters. You're flailing about with your looping logic.

Maybe you should have looked at the link I provided you:

Click the link above, and read the will answer all your questions above, and on the sidebar it shows Jordan's upside as.....Steve Nash.

Wait, maybe that was another Suns team whose fans always blather about how athletic their team is and how they will out-athletic everyone in the league, athletic this and athletic that. Just pointing out that Ear Jordan is athletic which actually IS something that D'Antoni likes in his system. Oh, while you were watching a replay of someone striking out, I just stole home...

You really don't know jack squat about Tex Winter, do you? Dude has never held back. He blasted Shaq all the time, and he blasts Kobe all the time. He doesn't say stuff just to say it. But since you only pretend like you know one damn thing about the Lakers, obviously you don't know this. Hmm...maybe that explains your poor understading of Kobe as a player. post THAT little rape remark, then follow it up immediately with:

OOOOOOOOOkkkkkkkkkaaaaayyyyyyy. I don't really have to throw a hater card out there, do I, when you're perfectly willing to throw that little card down yourself while you jump on top of it and squeal to your heart's content? Don't come at me with "don't call me a hater blah blah blah" after posting garbage like you did above. First time I've seen you crack, cheese. I guess the faulty logic wiring in your brain is sparking off.

All Kobe is to you is a scorer, and you don't even get one bit of it. He's a scorer, a leader, a rebounder, a good passer and a defender. Unlike ANY OTHER MVP candidate, he was 1st team defense this season. That's in addition to leading the league in scoring. But thanks a lot for acknowledging that he's a great scorer, although if you didn't acknowledge that you'd be eligible for a straightjacket.

FWIW, 22 reporters (actually, check that and make it 52) reporters are either completely biased against the guy, or couldn't tell a basketball from a hole in the ground. I really wouldn't be using their lunacy as a solid basis of comparison of who knows the NBA and players, especially after you dismiss the words of Tex who is a hard ass unbiased source. But yeah we should listen to guys like Jay Marrioti, Woody Paige, Bob Ryan, Skip Bayless...those kind of guys. Nooooo, there's no media dislike of Kobe Bryant out there. No way. Uh uh. :rolleyes:

I'm glad you finally came to your senses and realized that Nash was the MVP and at best Kobe should have been #2. I agree with that too (kind of - I actually think Lebron was the MVP, Nash was #2 and Kobe should have been). It was fun obliterating you though. Have fun not making the playoffs this year and wastign another year of Kobe's prime.
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A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
sly fly said:
My god... cheese just took a beating worse than me with Mistress Vargas.

Please continue Cheese so I can continue my amusement in watching you try and keep up with the Dogg.

Good stuff.

Fixed that for ya...


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
cheesebeef said:
I'm glad you finally came to your senses and realized that Nash was the MVP and at best Kobe should have been #2. I agree with that too (kind of - I actually think Lebron was the MVP, Nash was #2 and KObe shoudl have been).

What the hell are you doing cheese? We're supposed to go back and forth, forth and back, ad infinitum.

What copy of the rule book are you looking at?

(Lebron, btw, as MVP is a bit of a joke given the East and him having a pretty good team to play with...though he did shine in the playoffs)


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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D-Dogg said:
What the hell are you doing cheese? We're supposed to go back and forth, forth and back, ad infinitum.

What copy of the rule book are you looking at?

(Lebron, btw, as MVP is a bit of a joke given the East and him having a pretty good team to play with...though he did shine in the playoffs)

dude - 1) you give the WEST wayyyyyyy too much credit. The fact that the Suns could lose BOTH their starting PF (and an MVP candidate) AND their starting C for 30 games and ended up with the 2 seed doesn't say much for the West. The heyday of Lakers, Spurs, Kings, Mavs, Wolves and the usual suspects (The make me want to throw up in my mouth Kidd teams) is loooooonnnnngggg over. There were only 3 50 game winners and a ridiculous slew of injuries that killed teams that should have been good. Meanwhile, the East had the team with the best record, the eventual NBA Champion and somewhat okay Nets team (even though they were wildly overrated) and a 50 win Cavs team. That's three 50 win squads, top heavy just like the West, although the 5-8 were a little worse, I don't think the disparity was as much as you claim it ot be.

And as far as that "pretty good team" that Bron played on? Come on now. Big Z? That guy's game was finished 7 knee surgeries ago... Larry Hughes, their second best player (which isn't saying much for a "pretty good team") missed half the season, Damon Jones is awful, Drew Gooden couldn't cover a bed and Donyell Marshall has been a career journey-man and is an old man. I think what Bron was able to do with this cast of crap was an absolute miracle and the fact that he got them within an rebound of beatign a team with 64 wins means he should be in line to put up on a cross and nailed to it, if you ask me. He's the NBA version of Jesus. That Cavs team has a horrendous rookie coach and an old lump of talent, combined with injured players and ONE shining star and that's it. For them to win 50 games was ridiculous.


Grey haired old Bird
Supporting Member
May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
Whew. FisherKing doesn't have time to moderate anymore so I said I'd take the smack shack. :bang:


Registered User
Banned from P+R
Jul 24, 2002
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Skkorpion said:
Whew. FisherKing doesn't have time to moderate anymore so I said I'd take the smack shack. :bang:

At least it isn't P&R. :)


ASFN Addict
Mar 14, 2005
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:wave: :wave:

I'll moderate the Smack Forum. I can get this place going....I have a lot of good ideas to get some friendly Smack going.


Unregistered User
Mar 11, 2003
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Hicktown, AKA Buckeye, AZ
NEZCardsfan said:
:wave: :wave:

I'll moderate the Smack Forum. I can get this place going....I have a lot of good ideas to get some friendly Smack going.

You moderating a forum is like allowing a convicted killer to run a jail. It's just not a good idea.


ASFN Addict
Mar 14, 2005
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HeavyB3 said:
You moderating a forum is like allowing a convicted killer to run a jail. It's just not a good idea.

This will happen. I don't care who I have to booze up.


Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
NEZCardsfan said:
This will happen. I don't care who I have to booze up.

I'll vote for you. I'll even let you booze me up. I'm not in any position to give you anything... but I'll support anyone who gets me drunk.


ASFN Addict
Mar 14, 2005
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dogpoo32 said:
I'll vote for you. I'll even let you booze me up. I'm not in any position to give you anything... but I'll support anyone who gets me drunk.

If you were female we'd be "hanging out" by now.

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