OT: Its Just About the Money.


Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
Well, Is any body else feeling like I am today. I probably should be happy that the Pack knocked off the Stillers in the SB yesterday, but I'm not. What I am is full-----full of this commissioner, and a handful of wealthy owners putting their personal wants ahead of the players, the fans, and the game itself, just to line their pockets. And yes, (for those of you who have felt for some time that I am full of something else), you are probably right. But just the same, I am totally disgusted with this commissioner, and a handful of owners with big money, (Jerry Jones comes to mind), who have taken it upon themselves to push their personal agendas ahead of what is needed in this country right now, a tightening of purse strings, and looking to see where costs can be possibly trimmed in order to make things better for all concerned.

I thought it was bad enough that they pushed through a change in how ties were played during playoffs that superseded how the regular season was done. I am not mad that they did it, (just that they didn't even include the rules committee), and simply forged ahead with their personal agenda.

I thought it was bad that home games were taken away from some teams so that games could be played on foreign soil. Two NFC West teams were chosen for the first one, (of course we all know that this had nothing to do with the division that the leage craps on with regularity). Now, allegedly Arizona is being considered again for this wonderful treat, and I guess that we should all smile like the commish and JJ as they rake in the TV profits from that game, and we give up another home game.

Yesterday, however, took on a new low for the league, when JJ and the league blatantly had to scramble at the last minute to accomodate more than 2000 ticket holders, and ended up leaving 400 of them out in the cold in Dallas. This was atroscious! Both the league and JJ have had more than ample time to ensure that they could seat the number of tickets that they sold, but apparently no one checked to see that they could. With them, its just mind over matter, (they don't mind, and the players and fans don't matter).

This thing just doesnt smell, it literally reeks of foul odor. I hope that there is a genuine investigation into how this could have happened. How do you sell tickets to a supposed world class event, knowing that you can't seat as many as you sold. You have a captive audience, who is more or less stuck trying to find a way to fly into Dallas in this insane weather, only to find that there is no where to go because of the storm. Even walking around was out of the question, as most sidewalks were frozen over. People were being injured because of ice and snow being shovelled off the roof of the venue. Then at game time, (at the gates), they begin informing ticket holders that they have no place to put them.

I believe it is time for the Attorney General of Texas to convene an investigation into this matter, if not the US Justice Department. People were ripped off, many on their once-in-a-lifetime chance to go the the Super Bowl. Give me a break on the pay-back of three times the face value of tickets-----this is out and out fraud. I would be very interested to see just what part Jerry Jones played in this mess, (as well as Roger Goddell), and just when the decision makers knew that they had a problem. This goes far beyond hiking prices out of reality during one of the worst financial chrises in the country's history. This is literall taking money from those who are helpless to defend themselves in this matter, then acting like you did something good by offering to cover the cost of the ticket and a little more. I saw a lot of smiling faces yesterday, but I am just not up to smiling about this. I am really tired of a very few rich people taking advantage of those who happen to love a game that the few now control completely.


All Star
Jan 18, 2011
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The Players and the Owners will fight it out. The Players will end up bending because the Players can't afford it. The owners can. So we'll get an 18 game schedule regardless of the health of the players. The players will get a few small concessions and everything will be fine.
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Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Good topic Catfish. The Commish, the players & owners IMO don't give a crap about the fans...it's about about how much is in it for them & that includes all sports.

1) The fiasco in my hometown this last weekend proves that

2) The Bidwills put $$$ before winning this year just like 1998 & most other years

3) Players almost always leave their teams to the highest bidder

4)While TV coverage of our favorite teams over the years has improved, it's also it's worst enemy & created the greed in sports we see today.

5) I believe Roger Goodell is blowing smoke up our ass about cutting his pay to $1 when the players get locked out come March 4.


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
Plainfield, Il.
Well, Is any body else feeling like I am today. I probably should be happy that the Pack knocked off the Stillers in the SB yesterday, but I'm not. What I am is full-----full of this commissioner, and a handful of wealthy owners putting their personal wants ahead of the players, the fans, and the game itself, just to line their pockets. And yes, (for those of you who have felt for some time that I am full of something else), you are probably right. But just the same, I am totally disgusted with this commissioner, and a handful of owners with big money, (Jerry Jones comes to mind), who have taken it upon themselves to push their personal agendas ahead of what is needed in this country right now, a tightening of purse strings, and looking to see where costs can be possibly trimmed in order to make things better for all concerned.

I thought it was bad enough that they pushed through a change in how ties were played during playoffs that superseded how the regular season was done. I am not mad that they did it, (just that they didn't even include the rules committee), and simply forged ahead with their personal agenda.

I thought it was bad that home games were taken away from some teams so that games could be played on foreign soil. Two NFC West teams were chosen for the first one, (of course we all know that this had nothing to do with the division that the leage craps on with regularity). Now, allegedly Arizona is being considered again for this wonderful treat, and I guess that we should all smile like the commish and JJ as they rake in the TV profits from that game, and we give up another home game.

Yesterday, however, took on a new low for the league, when JJ and the league blatantly had to scramble at the last minute to accomodate more than 2000 ticket holders, and ended up leaving 400 of them out in the cold in Dallas. This was atroscious! Both the league and JJ have had more than ample time to ensure that they could seat the number of tickets that they sold, but apparently no one checked to see that they could. With them, its just mind over matter, (they don't mind, and the players and fans don't matter).

This thing just doesnt smell, it literally reeks of foul odor. I hope that there is a genuine investigation into how this could have happened. How do you sell tickets to a supposed world class event, knowing that you can't seat as many as you sold. You have a captive audience, who is more or less stuck trying to find a way to fly into Dallas in this insane weather, only to find that there is no where to go because of the storm. Even walking around was out of the question, as most sidewalks were frozen over. People were being injured because of ice and snow being shovelled off the roof of the venue. Then at game time, (at the gates), they begin informing ticket holders that they have no place to put them.

I believe it is time for the Attorney General of Texas to convene an investigation into this matter, if not the US Justice Department. People were ripped off, many on their once-in-a-lifetime chance to go the the Super Bowl. Give me a break on the pay-back of three times the face value of tickets-----this is out and out fraud. I would be very interested to see just what part Jerry Jones played in this mess, (as well as Roger Goddell), and just when the decision makers knew that they had a problem. This goes far beyond hiking prices out of reality during one of the worst financial chrises in the country's history. This is literall taking money from those who are helpless to defend themselves in this matter, then acting like you did something good by offering to cover the cost of the ticket and a little more. I saw a lot of smiling faces yesterday, but I am just not up to smiling about this. I am really tired of a very few rich people taking advantage of those who happen to love a game that the few now control completely.

Be ready for some replies on how the players should realize they get too much of the pie. The problem we now face is many of the owners THINK they know a better way and try to tell us all the while they are "HEARING" the fans and thinking about the fans.....BULL $HIT,
The owners have the Golden Goose by the proverbial neck and are going to proceed now to squeeze everything they can out of it.

I don't want a 18 game schedule.
I don't want to see my NFL ticket go up in price.
I don't want to lose my "off season".
I don't want to lose 1 minute of free agency, the draft or training camp.

Do you hear that Mr. Owner? Probably not.


Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
Good topic Catfish. The Commish, the players & owners IMO don't give a crap about the fans...it's about about how much is in it for them & that includes all sports.

1) The fiasco in my hometown this last weekend proves that

2) The Bidwills put $$$ before winning this year just like 1998 & most other years

3) Players almost always leave their teams to the highest bidder

4)While TV coverage of our favorite teams over the years has improved, it's also it's worst enemy & created the greed in sports we see today.

5) I believe Roger Goodell is blowing smoke up our ass about cutting his pay to $1 when the players get locked out come March 4.

Bucky, I hate to say it, but this one has the potential of going much, much, farther than any of the usual ploys used by the league. This just smacks of collusion and maybe even bribery involved. I can forsee a scenario where the leage went on with their sales of tickets, feeling confident that at some point the Dallas Fire Department would back down from their demands on the safety of the already installed seating. Thus everything would be OK for the boys to go ahead with their plans. What if something happened, and at some point, the big money couldn't smooth the way for the proper Dallas City officials to turn their backs on this fiasco. I'm telling you that this has the potential to rank right up there with Kennesaw Mountain Landis' findings during Baseball's Black Sox investigation in Chicago early in the last century.

I am serious about ALL the fans of the game hollering until someone does a proper and thorough investigation of this matter. There is almost surely more here than meets the eye. Was it because six people had to be treated for injury by falling snow and ice from the roof of the stadium that the Fire Marshall's office refused to OK the seating in the end? Was the plan all along to let the seating slide under the scrutiny of the Fire Marshall, but somebody got cold feet, (no pun intended), when the people were injured by the falling snow and ice? THis issue has the potential of disclosing corruption and greed on an equal of the Tammany Hall days in New York.

One other thing I noticed on Sunday, was a distinct absence of Jerry Jones's face being all over the Stadium and the game. Why was he suddenly not hogging the cameras on this (biggest), day in Jerry Jones's world of showing off his ultimate palace on its greatest stage? This was the moment he had been living for-----his big chance to show the world how he controls everything football in Dallas, and much of the league. Why was he not hamming it up like usual? Was he suddenly trying to dis-associate himself from the event he had so long desired and coveted? That, in itself is WAY off the usual mark. Stay tuned folks, this could get real interesting.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
5) I believe Roger Goodell is blowing smoke up our ass about cutting his pay to $1 when the players get locked out come March 4.

The guy makes 10 mil a year at the least.

It is an empty gesture, and more like a kick in the balls to the working man.

But what does Goodell care... he thinks he can just throw money at the problem, like he did with the 400 fans that they fraudualantly sold tickets to for the Superbowl.

We should be talking about free agency and coaches. Not money. Yet, we are as loyal fans reduced to this. What a crock.
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Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Be ready for some replies on how the players should realize they get too much of the pie. The problem we now face is many of the owners THINK they know a better way and try to tell us all the while they are "HEARING" the fans and thinking about the fans.....BULL $HIT,
The owners have the Golden Goose by the proverbial neck and are going to proceed now to squeeze everything they can out of it.

I don't want a 18 game schedule.
I don't want to see my NFL ticket go up in price.
I don't want to lose my "off season".
I don't want to lose 1 minute of free agency, the draft or training camp.

Do you hear that Mr. Owner? Probably not.

Of course not. This is no different than our government in Washington.

What do the owners care if there is no football ? They are fithly rich! They don't have to earn another dime in thier lives, and they can live like Gods for the rest of their life and never notice. Heck, they are barely part of our society! You don't really know anything about where you live when you take your tinted limo to work from your gated community, and then take the limo back to your gated community.

Heck, their kids, and their grand kids can do the same. Thus, they can really care less.

We are talking about multi-billionaires here. If they ruin the game, what do they care. Fans ? LOL. We are ants to them.

If the league collapses (of course this is a gross overdramatization) the players would suffer, and only the players. We all can at least go back to our jobs, and just watch rugby in the fall (cheap plug!). The players are screwed! No education, and a me-first attitude don't get you too far in our new society.

The owners will sit this out as long as nessicary, till death even. Sipping $80 martini's the whole time.

Gene Upshaw was smart enough to know this, and acted accordingly. This Smith joker is lost, and is going to get his arse handed to him by the end of this.

The players are already breaking unity, and it will get worse. This dog and pony show is unessicary and will do damage to the league that the players and owners cannot see because they are too skewed by there million dollar lifestyles. The players have already lost the battle, and don't even know it. It will be too late before they realize that.

And as for the fans ? LOL. Do players really expect "loyalty" or sympathy from fans ? Karlos Dansby and Antrel Rolle you taught me that this was a business. Money, money, money. Right ? Now you need the fans ? Screw those guys, I say. I have no loyalty or sympathy for these jokers. Everyone is getting a paycut in this country, welcome to the party. I mean... it is business, and all about money after all, right ?

Working class people are getting poorer by the day, and getting a dollar out people is getting harder by the day. Take football away, and for some the new perspective with re-organize priorities.
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Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Bridgeton, NJ
You know how ridiculous this rant sounds? "Working class people are getting poorer by the day..." Did you have a picture of Mao and Marx next to you when typing this screed? It's a business. And believe you me, the players aren't starving. Derek Anderson is set to make $3 million this season so don't get all weepy over the players. They're doing OK. Then you go on to make very contradictory statements:
What I am is full-----full of this commissioner, and a handful of wealthy owners putting their personal wants ahead of the players, the fans, and the game itself, just to line their pockets...I am totally disgusted with this commissioner, and a handful of owners with big money, (Jerry Jones comes to mind), who have taken it upon themselves to push their personal agendas ahead of what is needed in this country right now, a tightening of purse strings, and looking to see where costs can be possibly trimmed in order to make things better for all concerned.

For starters, kindly list these personal agendas along with the names of these owners. You're making statements with no basis of fact. Are they wanting to make money? Duh. As I said, football is a business and this business makes big money. These "working class" people you speak of shell out big money for season tickets and the like. If they are so poor, why the hell are they forking out thousands of dollars to go to football games? If you have money for $10K worth of season tickets, you're doing pretty good. If you can't afford to go to a game, don't. And, as I said, the players are doing fine. They make more in a year than most of us will make in 10 and some make more in a year than most people will make in a lifetime. Besides, if you want the best players on your team, you have to pay for them somehow. Also, what do you mean by "tightening purse strings"? Soooo, you want the owners to collude and start paying their players less? Baseball tried that and were raked over the coals for it. I think before you spout off, why don't you look at what it takes to run a football team because I'd be willing to guess that it takes a boat load of money.

Now, as for your whining about the Cards being used in the international game, it should be noted that the teams do this voluntarily. From wiki:
Before the Chargers and Saints were announced to be the two teams headed to London in 2008, the Kansas City Chiefs, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Seattle Seahawks were identified as teams interested in playing a future game in Europe.[9] In particular, Seattle, which had been slated to play the China Bowl before that game was cancelled, had shown a continued interest in playing a game abroad. Tampa Bay eventually got the 2009 game. Both the New York Giants and Miami Dolphins have similarly expressed interest in returning to the UK in a rematch of 2007's international series.[citation needed] Discussions have taken place between NFL & Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) officials for the 2011 International Series game to be played in Croke Park, Dublin, Republic of Ireland with the 2010 AFC champion Pittsburgh Steelers the most likely home team.[10] The ongoing labor dispute has, as of February 2011, put announcements regarding the 2011 season, including the International Series and the Pro Football Hall of Fame Game, on hold.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFL_International_Series#2005

So, there you have it. It will be Steelers fans who will be getting screwed, not Cards fans. Truth be told, follow the story on that one. Steelers owner Dan Rooney is the Ambassador to Ireland so this would be his doing. Now, about the 18 game schedule, I have to ask; why not? All I hear from season ticket holders are complaints that they have to buy 2 meaningless pre-season games. Well, now you will only have to buy 1 pre-season game. I'm also willing to bet that it cost just as much to run a pre-season game as it does a regular season game and seeing half empty stadiums might not please some owners and I don't blame them. But an 18 game season isn't all that bad. The CFL has one. The old USFL had one. The WFL had a 20 game season and the upcoming AFL season will be 18 games. And don't go all high and mighty on me about these leagues because it's still football.

So, stop crying and take it for what it is. Football is a business just like any other industry and because of the demands of fans, it's grown into a very lucrative business. Besides, you do know that they have revenue sharing in the NFL, right? Meaning that the Dallas Cowboys, who sell the most merchandise world wide, makes no more on merchandising than the team that sells the least.

As for those 400 people who were screwed out of the Super Bowl, while I'm sorry for that, I can't be sorry for someone who shelled out $800 for a single seat at a football game in these tough economic times.

What I find amazing is a bunch of wealth envy crybabies on a message board for a team in a league they're complaining about. The irony is staggering.


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
Plainfield, Il.
Of course not. This is no different than our government in Washington.

What do the owners care if there is no football ? They are fithly rich! They don't have to earn another dime in thier lives, and they can live like Gods for the rest of their life and never notice. Heck, they are barely part of our society! You don't really know anything about where you live when you take your tinted limo to work from your gated community, and then take the limo back to your gated community.

Heck, their kids, and their grand kids can do the same. Thus, they can really care less.

We are talking about multi-billionaires here. If they ruin the game, what do they care. Fans ? LOL. We are ants to them.

If the league collapses (of course this is a gross overdramatization) the players would suffer, and only the players. We all can at least go back to our jobs, and just watch rugby in the fall (cheap plug!). The players are screwed! No education, and a me-first attitude don't get you too far in our new society.

The owners will sit this out as long as nessicary, till death even. Sipping $80 martini's the whole time.

Gene Upshaw was smart enough to know this, and acted accordingly. This Smith joker is lost, and is going to get his arse handed to him by the end of this.

The players are already breaking unity, and it will get worse. This dog and pony show is unessicary and will do damage to the league that the players and owners cannot see because they are too skewed by there million dollar lifestyles. The players have already lost the battle, and don't even know it. It will be too late before they realize that.

And as for the fans ? LOL. Do players really expect "loyalty" or sympathy from fans ? Karlos Dansby and Antrel Rolle you taught me that this was a business. Money, money, money. Right ? Now you need the fans ? Screw those guys, I say. I have no loyalty or sympathy for these jokers. Everyone is getting a paycut in this country, welcome to the party. I mean... it is business, and all about money after all, right ?

Working class people are getting poorer by the day, and getting a dollar out people is getting harder by the day. Take football away, and for some the new perspective with re-organize priorities.

Let's not forget the working guy that will get killed by a lockout. The venders and suppliers, the parking attendants, the restuarants, (cooks, waitress) and I could go on and on. Do you think the owners will continue to pay these people...HA!
I understand your discontent with the players too, but I can at least understand what they are putting on the line every game and every play. They NEED to get everything they can within their career lifespan. The owners will continue their windfalls forever no matter what players name is on the jersey.
I just hope every NFL fans accepts NOTHING less than a complete season for the money. Please do not accept scabs, a shorten season, or compromised playoff scenarios. This would be sending a message to the owners to just keep right on crapping on us cause we like it.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
You know how ridiculous this rant sounds? "Working class people are getting poorer by the day..." Did you have a picture of Mao and Marx next to you when typing this screed?

A little bit.

And yes here is my picture that I have up there. I also, got a Bear that drives a little car, and I equally distribute all my ketchup to each french fry when I eat my communist lunch.

You must be registered for see images attach

Seriously, man, it was a phrase at the end of a post. If I used the P.C. term, "people are more economically challenged theses days" would have that been more acceptable ?

We are talking about the NFL lockout, which effects our team. It even says "OT" in the thread title, for Pete's sake. Plus talking about millionaires is going to warrant the talk about money. So, really don't see how I or anyone else warranted being called names.

There is no doubt, that the absensce of football in "economically challenging times" will not only make people re-evaluated there luxiary spending, but may put perspective on the situation. Nothing more, nothing less than that. And if you want to dispute that our country has been and is going through tough economic times then ...... welll then I don't konw what to say about that. Maybe the term "Working man" was the problem ? Uh, last I checked unless you worked for the government, or wall street you had to work in order to make money. So, the person who works, and is making less than he might have 10 or 20 years ago, would be a person who works, and doesn't make as much money as he did in years past. I really don't know how to word that any better. I really am not trying to put in communist over tones into the discussion.

But, I am not telling people to pick up the the sickle and start forming bread lines.
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Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
Plainfield, Il.
You know how ridiculous this rant sounds? "Working class people are getting poorer by the day..." Did you have a picture of Mao and Marx next to you when typing this screed? It's a business. And believe you me, the players aren't starving. Derek Anderson is set to make $3 million this season so don't get all weepy over the players. They're doing OK. Then you go on to make very contradictory statements:

For starters, kindly list these personal agendas along with the names of these owners. You're making statements with no basis of fact. Are they wanting to make money? Duh. As I said, football is a business and this business makes big money. These "working class" people you speak of shell out big money for season tickets and the like. If they are so poor, why the hell are they forking out thousands of dollars to go to football games? If you have money for $10K worth of season tickets, you're doing pretty good. If you can't afford to go to a game, don't. And, as I said, the players are doing fine. They make more in a year than most of us will make in 10 and some make more in a year than most people will make in a lifetime. Besides, if you want the best players on your team, you have to pay for them somehow. Also, what do you mean by "tightening purse strings"? Soooo, you want the owners to collude and start paying their players less? Baseball tried that and were raked over the coals for it. I think before you spout off, why don't you look at what it takes to run a football team because I'd be willing to guess that it takes a boat load of money.

Now, as for your whining about the Cards being used in the international game, it should be noted that the teams do this voluntarily. From wiki:

So, there you have it. It will be Steelers fans who will be getting screwed, not Cards fans. Truth be told, follow the story on that one. Steelers owner Dan Rooney is the Ambassador to Ireland so this would be his doing. Now, about the 18 game schedule, I have to ask; why not? All I hear from season ticket holders are complaints that they have to buy 2 meaningless pre-season games. Well, now you will only have to buy 1 pre-season game. I'm also willing to bet that it cost just as much to run a pre-season game as it does a regular season game and seeing half empty stadiums might not please some owners and I don't blame them. But an 18 game season isn't all that bad. The CFL has one. The old USFL had one. The WFL had a 20 game season and the upcoming AFL season will be 18 games. And don't go all high and mighty on me about these leagues because it's still football.

So, stop crying and take it for what it is. Football is a business just like any other industry and because of the demands of fans, it's grown into a very lucrative business. Besides, you do know that they have revenue sharing in the NFL, right? Meaning that the Dallas Cowboys, who sell the most merchandise world wide, makes no more on merchandising than the team that sells the least.

As for those 400 people who were screwed out of the Super Bowl, while I'm sorry for that, I can't be sorry for someone who shelled out $800 for a single seat at a football game in these tough economic times.

What I find amazing is a bunch of wealth envy crybabies on a message board for a team in a league they're complaining about. The irony is staggering.

Your obviously rich and a republican. "Wealth envy crybabies?" That's a good one. For every person who is shelling out 10k for season tickets , I assure you there are THOUSANDS hoping to be able to afford the NFL Ticket next year, or maybe you don't "feel sorry" for those people either.

There are fans of this message board that have to put up with ads because they can't afford the $20 bucks a year.
Yep, those damn players too. Of course, you won't be there to perhaps help them out of a wheel chair 20 years from now. But hey, they only have themselves to blame. After all it is the profession they chose, isn't it.

In reality, none of us have the expertise to be arguing who's wrong or right. But thanks for pointing out the NFL is a business. Us poor wealth envy SOB's probably didn't realize that.

It's not Rugby Muffin who is ridiculous....it's YOU my friend.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
It's not Rugby Muffin who is ridiculous.

Well, maybe just a little.... gernerally speaking. :D

He is free to his speaking. I didn't like it but oh well. Such is the society of a message board.

Funny thing is. Wasn't really where I was going, and I actually am with him in the fact that this is a business. Heck, anyone who read the P&R board knows I am no commie, heck I am not even that fond of liberals ....... or conservatives at that point. Believe in a good mix of competition, compassion, self-responsibility, and living with and within your community. Life with Balance, and all that.

Said rant was more or less saying that the fan aspect has no wieght in this situation. None. They should IMO, since we are the driving factor of the league, but the machine is too big, and we are the forgetten need. Not only that, both side exploit the "We have to think about the fans" arguement for their sides, and it is just B.S. This is about money, our country is about money, and this is cold hard business. This is how it is done.

But, some people like myself, embrace that cold hard fact, and like any red-blooded American look at it and use that fact to help him gain his advantage. I.E. - The owners and players put me in the perspective that I don't matter. I realize this, and stop endulging the fantasy that I am part of a cool little club that these gladiators play for, and I realize my money should be used somewhere where I can do what is best, to better my position in life.

We will see if the business side of this situation, the fighting over millions, the indifference of the owners, the ignorance/arrogance of the players, and the dragging of both sides feets really does damage the sport through the fans, via what the fans spend money wise on the game.

Also, saying (in a most non-commie way) that during a economically challenging time that people may be even more inclined to spot spending on the NFL. You can take the "cold, hard business" aspect of things as far as you want. Sometimes it bites you in the butt because socially you become so poorly seen in the public eye that you cut off your nose to spire your face. Sometimes it just is a blip of unpleasantness that comes with the realities of business.

IHMO, both sides are handling the situation poorly at this point. But, I am neither a player nor owner.

How this is contrived as envy towards weathly people...... I don't know. But, I am fine with my middle class/working class/what ever the label is these days situation, and am happy for those who make and have lots of money. Good for you. Hopefully and in 99% of the cases you earned it.

But, there is really no doubt that the social aspects of this locket are the last things either side is thinking about. Just the truth of the matter.

I personally think that is a mistake, and I don't agree but that is neither here nor there.

And at risk of more name calling and bad blood (NJ people got to stick together), I am TOTALLY out of this thread.

I have money to earn, and make homeless people envious of me! <---- that is an un-needed joke.....just trying to leave on a light-hearted, non-comminust neutral note.
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Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
What you have is everyone acting in their own personal best interest. That includes us, the fans. We want football next year. It is in our interest that there is no lockout. Is it greedy to put your interests above others? Yeah I guess it is. But this mentality that if rich people do it, it is wrong, but if the "common man" does it, it is justified is pure BS. It's equally wrong for a homeless man to be greedy as it is for Bill Gates to be greedy. At the same time, it would be completely irrational to not pursue what's best for you and that is ultimately what all parties involved are doing. So sure, it's "greedy'' but it's human nature and it's the mentality that causes us to survive and thrive.


Apr 30, 2003
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What you have is everyone acting in their own personal best interest. That includes us, the fans. We want football next year. It is in our interest that there is no lockout. Is it greedy to put your interests above others? Yeah I guess it is. But this mentality that if rich people do it, it is wrong, but if the "common man" does it, it is justified is pure BS. It's equally wrong for a homeless man to be greedy as it is for Bill Gates to be greedy. At the same time, it would be completely irrational to not pursue what's best for you and that is ultimately what all parties involved are doing. So sure, it's "greedy'' but it's human nature and it's the mentality that causes us to survive and thrive.

Next time we will just let you explain. Well done.


Aug 14, 2006
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February 9, 2011, It was announced today that a federal lawsuit has been filed in Dallas, naming the NFL, Dallas Cowboys, and Jerry Jones, and alledging that they engaged in fraud, false sales, and deceiptful business practices in the incident involving hundreds of fans who were either not allowed into the game after purchasing tickets, or whose seats were considered to be inadequate.

Maybe there will yet be a criminal action brought in this matter.

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