First I was feeling good about the team until the Denver game..... now I'm worried! Denvers Back ups out played us.... not so good!
I wanted to let you guys know I read the board everyday, mulitple times and enjoy the latest and most up to date Cardinal information from here, keep it coming.
I'm not sure how much I will get to post from the dessert but I will surely being reading.
I ask you all to think of the Soldiers that are there and the ones going with me and when you see them on the streets remember to say thanks!!!!
I fly today, but the wife will be recording the games and sending them to me. I hate I am missing another season, at least a chance to see them on TV live but, hey, we do what we do.
I'll do my damndest to bring them all home safe and sound!!!!!
EXPECT NO MERCY! (unit motto)
First I was feeling good about the team until the Denver game..... now I'm worried! Denvers Back ups out played us.... not so good!
I wanted to let you guys know I read the board everyday, mulitple times and enjoy the latest and most up to date Cardinal information from here, keep it coming.
I'm not sure how much I will get to post from the dessert but I will surely being reading.
I ask you all to think of the Soldiers that are there and the ones going with me and when you see them on the streets remember to say thanks!!!!
I fly today, but the wife will be recording the games and sending them to me. I hate I am missing another season, at least a chance to see them on TV live but, hey, we do what we do.
I'll do my damndest to bring them all home safe and sound!!!!!

EXPECT NO MERCY! (unit motto)