That can often be a copyright violation. And while it poses a risk for legal action, more importantly it infringes on the author's right to benefit from their intellectual property.
If you want to quote an article, put the title of the article in the post, credit the author, quote 1 or 2 or maybe 3 paragraphs, then hyperlink to the source. DO NOT POST THE WHOLE THING.
Hyperlinking is really easy, you just type a phrase like "Read more here..." and hyperlink it. To hyperlink, highlight the "Read more" text, click on this guy
and paste the URL to it.
If you want to quote an article, put the title of the article in the post, credit the author, quote 1 or 2 or maybe 3 paragraphs, then hyperlink to the source. DO NOT POST THE WHOLE THING.
Hyperlinking is really easy, you just type a phrase like "Read more here..." and hyperlink it. To hyperlink, highlight the "Read more" text, click on this guy
and paste the URL to it.