Sometimes talent trump need. Haliburton was projected a top 4(?) pick and we passed him at the 10th pick? Sticks was projected late 1st? I love James Jones, but that was a huge reach.
He was such an unknown when we got him, I went back and watched his college highlight tapes. There was a play in a game where they set screens, I believe it was two guys, for him to shoot a three to win a game and he swished it! He looked like a hidden raw talent. Not saying that's what JJ should have gone by, but it was at the time we got rid of our scouting department. Suns did have him in for a workout. I imagine it must have been super impressive. What I took out of it, he was WAY overrated as a shooter, but WAY underrated as a shot blocker. The one good talent he had was timing up blocked shots.
In the end would I have wanted Haliburton if you could go back in a Time Machine? Of course! I tend to look at things as why they were playing out at the time. Not as, well they should have done this instead. Heck we can all do that. There's arguments I have had with my wife, that in hindsight I wouldn't have done.