Purple Palace to Turn Pink for Breast Health Awareness Night


Supporting Member
Jun 5, 2003
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If anyone would like to support a great cause, on August 13 (Monday), the Mercury are having a "pink out" of sorts, in support of Breast Cancer Research and as a way to honor those who've battled the disease.

Posted: Aug. 2, 2006

Join the Mercury as they paint the Purple Palace PINK and honor breast cancer survivors from around the Valley when the Sacramento Monarchs come to town on Sunday, August 13 !

Get great pink giveaways, including a pink cup courtesy of Tab Energy, pink pom-poms courtesy of Banner Health and pink boas from the Arizona Department of Health Services.

In addition, throughout the entire month of August leading up to the game, you can honor someone special who has battled breast cancer.

Send us the name of the person and we’ll put it on a pink breast cancer post-it note and hang it in a window in the main entrance of US Airways Center. Our goal is to fill the entire front entrance with pink post-its, honoring special people in our fans’ lives AND painting USAC PINK!

Simply give us your information below and we’ll post the note for you OR you can post the note yourself at any remaining Mercury home games.

In addition, purchase any of the tickets packages below and $3 will be donated to the Breast Cancer Care & Research Fund.
