OT: SMH-Junior Seau's Family Suing The NFL


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Mar 25, 2005
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SE valley
I guess we can all agree to disagree, I just don't see how anyone can pin this on the NFL.
I couldn't care less what the NFL did or didn't know/withhold etc.. Anyone slightly smarter than a rock knows that a violent game such as football, will ultimately knock some screws loose.

It's as ludicrous as people suing tobacco companies when they get lung cancer... Wahhhhh, I inhaled smoke into my lungs for 40 years and no one told me it was bad!!!

Meh, 40 years of pot wont do it, how would anyone know tobacco would until it happens.

these days - too bad.

30 years ago, you may have been misled.

I see your point but its not as black and white as you are seeing it.

How about a rookie who dies on the field from a collision, too bad shouldnt be playing football?

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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So you guys are saying that Football players, Boxers etc.. Had every reason to believe they were going to leave their selected profession, no worse for the wear?

Ok, as you were.

Yes that's exactly what I said they were suing for right?

I'm saying if an employer knows something is dangerous, and doesn't tell the employees, they have some liability.

the players know football is a dangerous sport, they didn't know playing with a concussion at 25 could lead to severe brain damage and death before they were 50.

If the NFL knew that, they should be held accountable IMO.

Maybe I'm biased but I went to HS with a kid who was originally from Yuba City and went to school with Jim Otto's son, the ex Raider OL. Otto had so many injuries and things he was in terrible condition in his 50's. He's actually still alive although his quality of life hasn't been very good for a long time now. He to this day says he has no regrets but that's always been the mentality in the NFL these guys are a commodity use them up and replace them.


Stone Cold
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Mar 13, 2004
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Modesto, California
players had NO PROBLEM when the agents were holding teams hostage for bigger contracts because "any play could be their last"......

Seau and every other NFL player has already been paid for any damage they have/will receive as a result of the impacts in their football career.

to top it off....Junior killed HIMSELF....he did not die as a result of his football injuries.....if he was mentally ill....his FAMILY (those now suing) should have gotten him professional help....... Junior chose to play a violent sport as a career....his choice...his responsibility.....the family is just using greed to sooth their grief/guilt

SoCal Cardfan

ASFN Addict
Apr 11, 2004
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Yes that's exactly what I said they were suing for right?

I'm saying if an employer knows something is dangerous, and doesn't tell the employees, they have some liability.

the players know football is a dangerous sport, they didn't know playing with a concussion at 25 could lead to severe brain damage and death before they were 50.

If the NFL knew that, they should be held accountable IMO.

Maybe I'm biased but I went to HS with a kid who was originally from Yuba City and went to school with Jim Otto's son, the ex Raider OL. Otto had so many injuries and things he was in terrible condition in his 50's. He's actually still alive although his quality of life hasn't been very good for a long time now. He to this day says he has no regrets but that's always been the mentality in the NFL these guys are a commodity use them up and replace them.

You're just proving my argument further.. There is hundreds of battered/broken ex NFL players out there as poster children as to what the NFL does to a lot of it's players.. And yet they keep coming for the paycheck and the fame.

It's always someone else who is to blame, no personal accountability at all.

WTF is the NFL hiding? That repeatedly smashing yourself into 2-300+ pound men can give you brain damage??? DUUUUUUURRRRRR!!
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Chickens can't clap!
Aug 10, 2002
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Mystic, CT
It's always someone else who is to blame, no personal accountability at all.

Obviously you live in a black and white world. Fortunately, the majority of people in this country live in a world where there are varying degrees of culpability and responsibility.

There is a reason that the tobacco industry had to pay billions in damages and that if the Seau lawsuit is founded then the NFL will be held liable for damages as well.

How Seau died shows me he was held to the highest form of personal accountability; his life cut drastically short.

SoCal Cardfan

ASFN Addict
Apr 11, 2004
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Obviously you live in a black and white world. Fortunately, the majority of people in this country live in a world where there are varying degrees of culpability and responsibility.

There is a reason that the tobacco industry had to pay billions in damages and that if the Seau lawsuit is founded then the NFL will be held liable for damages as well.

How Seau died shows me he was held to the highest form of personal accountability; his life cut drastically short.

By playing a sport, as previously stated.. that you would have to be mentally disabled BEFORE you started playing, to NOT know there were/are enormous risks involved to your health.
My beef isn't with Seau, it's with his bloodsucking family.
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ASFN Lifer
Oct 30, 2011
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Yeah, let's protect those poor businesses from any sort of responsibility!

As stated earlier in the thread, the family will have to prove that the NFL was negligible. I don't think that is a frivolous law suit and I'd love to hear why you think it is.

I love that you think I'm whats WRONG with this country.
crab fishermen, oil riggers, etc. How often do their families sue when they die? And they actually die on the job
You're assuming someone that has a concussion is capable of making that decision for themselves, fact is they often aren't.

If you watched UCLA beat UA last night(go Bruins) you saw Travis Wear get whacked on the head fouling Ashley on what looked like a fairly normal play. Wear went out, was checking his shoulder which seemed to be sore, went to the lockerroom and then came back in and played again. At halftime he complained his shoulders were numb, they gave him tests and he failed the concussion tests. He openly admitted he didn't believe he had a concussion because he didn't have a headache or feel sick, it was just what he thought was a "stinger".

What they are claiming is the NFL knew for ages that putting players in who had concussions was dangerous to their long term health. And that the NFL got around liability by letting the players decide if they were ok or not, knowing they weren't in any condition to make such a decision.

It's quite similar to drunk drivers, how many drunk people are coherent enough to admit they shouldn't be driving? That's why you take that decision out of their hands.
so families of drunk drivers should be able to sue bars that let their family member leave drunk and they get a DUI which results in their life being worse, which then results in them killing themselves?


Jul 14, 2005
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Bridgeton, NJ
so families of drunk drivers should be able to sue bars that let their family member leave drunk and they get a DUI which results in their life being worse, which then results in them killing themselves?
This is what we call a non sequitur but I understand your logic.


Chickens can't clap!
Aug 10, 2002
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Mystic, CT
crab fishermen, oil riggers, etc. How often do their families sue when they die? And they actually die on the job

Okay let's use Oil Riggers as an example. What if British Petroleum was aware/informed that working on an oil rig would lead to cancer in 30% of workers within 10 years. BP did not inform their oil rig workers of this.

When said Oil Riggers start dying from cancer, is BP liable to the workers or their surviving families?

I'm not arguing that there aren't dangerous jobs out there, however, corporations are responsible for informing it's workers of all the dangers/risks it is aware of. This allows employees and potential employees to make a fully informed decision about risk vs compensation.

Fortunately for the citizens of the United States, our legal system agrees with me.


Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2002
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crab fishermen, oil riggers, etc. How often do their families sue when they die? And they actually die on the job

so families of drunk drivers should be able to sue bars that let their family member leave drunk and they get a DUI which results in their life being worse, which then results in them killing themselves?

Heck yeah. And I hate tort lawyers.

I worked in a restaurant/bar during my college years and we all had to take alcohol training. I still remember it. Green light, yellow light, red light.

I used to cut people off and they would get really angry. But we would make sure they had a DD or call a cab.

Don't really feel much sympathy for a drunk that hits a tree. It's potential hurt to others that I care about.


ASFN Lifer
Oct 30, 2011
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Okay let's use Oil Riggers as an example. What if British Petroleum was aware/informed that working on an oil rig would lead to cancer in 30% of workers within 10 years. BP did not inform their oil rig workers of this.

When said Oil Riggers start dying from cancer, is BP liable to the workers or their surviving families?

I'm not arguing that there aren't dangerous jobs out there, however, corporations are responsible for informing it's workers of all the dangers/risks it is aware of. This allows employees and potential employees to make a fully informed decision about risk vs compensation.

Fortunately for the citizens of the United States, our legal system agrees with me.
and if they did tell them, and they did it anyways? Similar to the NFL. It's common knowledge that too many blows to the head leads to brain trauma. They do it anyways


ASFN Lifer
Jan 8, 2003
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A shining example of why we need a loser pays system in this country.

Agreed, Tort Reform is desperately needed but then the pressure would be on flawless judges to always deliver a correct verdict which is far from possible. The little guys needs a fair chance to fight the big guy but the system has been exploited by greed.

I wonder if the Surgeon General has a warning label on Army Recruiting applications warning that war could be hazardous to your health or that the idea of getting shot is obvious enough to those who put their lives in jeopardy to serve? Those men get paid nothing - certainly not enough to buy their moms new houses and cars and I don't see the news full of reports of families suing the US Government for liability.

Is there a place for a lawsuit? Yes. Is this it?

Dback Jon

Doing it My Way
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May 14, 2002
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South Scottsdale
Agreed, Tort Reform is desperately needed but then the pressure would be on flawless judges to always deliver a correct verdict which is far from possible. The little guys needs a fair chance to fight the big guy but the system has been exploited by greed.

I wonder if the Surgeon General has a warning label on Army Recruiting applications warning that war could be hazardous to your health or that the idea of getting shot is obvious enough to those who put their lives in jeopardy to serve? Those men get paid nothing - certainly not enough to buy their moms new houses and cars and I don't see the news full of reports of families suing the US Government for liability.

Is there a place for a lawsuit? Yes. Is this it?

And with the skyrocketing rate of military suicides...

SoCal Cardfan

ASFN Addict
Apr 11, 2004
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There are two sides to this argument.. Those who believe people should take responsibility for THEIR OWN actions.

And those who think Government and or Corporations are better suited to decide what is best for them.

I believe these groups are as easily identifiable as Right/Left


Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
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There are two sides to this argument.. Those who believe people should take responsibility for THEIR OWN actions.

And those who think Government and or Corporations are better suited to decide what is best for them.

I believe these groups are as easily identifiable as Right/Left

Your conclusion would have more merit if your initial assumption help up. It doesn't. I'm quite confident that there are a lot of us that see mostly gray in this argument.


Dback Jon

Doing it My Way
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May 14, 2002
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South Scottsdale
Your conclusion would have more merit if your initial assumption help up. It doesn't. I'm quite confident that there are a lot of us that see mostly gray in this argument.


Very much agree. I know most lefties I know also are for personal responsibility. Poster is full of shittake mushrooms, and this conversation is best suited for the political fourm

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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crab fishermen, oil riggers, etc. How often do their families sue when they die? And they actually die on the job

so families of drunk drivers should be able to sue bars that let their family member leave drunk and they get a DUI which results in their life being worse, which then results in them killing themselves?

If you really try I think you can get even further away from my point. It won't be easy, you may have to mention Communism or maybe even Hitler.

The point is the reason there's so much push to have designated drivers and people in charge of keys etc is that when people drink, they lose the ability to make rational decisions, like am I ok to drive.

And when people take a huge hit and have a concussion, they lose the ability to make a rational decision over whether they should continue playing. That is why the rules are constantly changing to put more responsibility on the teams to take that decision out of the hands of the players.

THe argument is the teams knew this all along, they intentionally avoided making those decisions to avoid liability.

Billy Bob

Cardinals Fan
Apr 3, 2006
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Phoenix Arizona
0h boo frickin hoo, I got a concussion in 71 (11 years old) playing flag football with no helmet, I knew the danger then, I'm quite sure Junior did too!!!