instead of criticizing Payne...

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I stayed on the right side of all that. I said his position was ridiculous and his comment was ludicrous. I never called him either of those. And I just pointed out his statements were hypocritical. Obviously he took those as attacks on him. I might disagree with mainstream a lot but I don’t call him names.
I didn't read though all of that but if that is case? This board is going to be unmanageable, and nobody can say anything to anybody. I am down with getting ding for calling someone a name directly.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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What words would you have preferred? Unreasonable? Inappropriate? I think on this board getting so offended by the words “ridiculous” and “ludicrous” when stating my opinion of your opinion may necessitate just a little thicker skin. If someone used those words regarding my position on a matter I’d recognize they were entitled to their opinion and not get my feelings hurt. In fact, it happens all the time. Shoot in the gameday thread I was called an “ignorant fan.” Eh, so be it if that’s what someone thinks of my bball acumen.

And when you criticize someone for doing something and then in your very next paragraph do exactly that, what word more aptly describes your actions than “hypocrisy?”

The Moderator told you to "Stop."