Wow, what a result. This has been an incredible tourney so far with some magnificent story lines. I really, really wish Ireland had held that 1 goal lead they got in the first minute over France, though
I'm actually quite happy with the Iceland result. I'm an underdog guy, so there's that element, but I really felt Hodgson held them back quite a bit--and there's club resentment that goes along with it. Andros Townsend was in form and playing much better than some who were brought along, but Hodgson left him out. He didn't really pick any wide players, and it's cost him, dearly. I mean (as long as we keep him), it's better for Newcastle, because it leaves Townsend rested, but how many times did the announcers wish they had a true winger he could use? How often did they mention Kane was taking the free kicks because there was no other free kick taker good enough? I almost belly laughed every time, because Hodgson dug his own grave there.
Now, I'm not saying this is THE reason why they lost. The reasons are legion, I know. He also couldn't seem to pick the right starting eleven to save his life. I mean, why wasn't [insert a bunch of names] in the lineup? Even when they won, it was because he brought in subs who should have been starting already.
Zoiks, was Hodgson bad. Yes, the players were bad too, and that's a lethal combo. I liken it to Newcastle's situation. We were more talented than a relegation team, obviously, but we had a coach that killed our chances and inspired the players not at all. Once we got a good coach, those players started coming to life, although it ended up too little too late for us.
If England pick the right coach--and they need to go through this selection process carefully--there's no reason they can't do serious damage at WC 2018. They have plenty of time to get the team in order. Though, if they go on to hire Alan Pardew, I'll both laugh at and cry for the English