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  1. bratwurst

    Most iconic play in Arizona sports history.

    Most iconic sports play in Phoenix history? Paxson's NBA championship series winning 3 pointer. Sums it all up. All the teams that got close, that should have won just to have your heart ripped out at the edge of victory.
  2. bratwurst

    Carolina is going to be tough...

    This is the game where no honey badger to blitz Cam is going to hurt us the most.
  3. bratwurst

    We Won!

    :hell yeah!!!!:
  4. bratwurst

    Cardinals Underground Podcasts?

    Jim O - thank you very much for the response. Glad to hear they might still be made in the future.
  5. bratwurst

    Cardinals Underground Podcasts?

    Cool thanks guys, I was thinking that the show was done. Pretty dumb of them to can it if that's true. It's great for guys like me who don't live in Phx and have the ability to listen to local radio shows. Really nice to have the ability to listen to a show that focuses just on the cards for...
  6. bratwurst

    Cardinals Underground Podcasts?

    Hey guys, been a long time since I posted here. I was curious if those in the valley might have some info on the Cardinals Underground Podcast - specifically, has anyone involved in prior years said anything about it? Or if they're not doing them anymore this year? They used to have at least...
  7. bratwurst

    Can anyone get me this game on dvd?

    Anything ever come of the DVD's for this game or others? I'd love to have some.
  8. bratwurst

    Turibble coverage this year!

    I watched zero draft coverage for the first time in 13 years.
  9. bratwurst

    Problems logging into ASFN

    Same here, kept trying to reset my password and then using the new one login and it kept failing. I locked my account out a few times. Very frustrating. I tried to login from home page like mentioned here and it worked.
  10. bratwurst

    Call from the ticket office

    Difference from 1999... I went to a Maryland HS basketball game a few nights ago and saw a kid wearing a Cards jersey. I see them all over the place these days, on the east coast. That being said, that doesn't mean jack squat if we lose talen all over the roster.
  11. bratwurst

    Anyone else sick of the Saints love on the pregame shows?

    I didn't watch a single pre game show. I actually tuned into the game with 3 minutes gone first quarter. No big loss.
  12. bratwurst

    Can anyone get me this game on dvd?

    I'd also LOVE to have a DVD with the radio calls, and if at all possible to get all the games from last year too, I still have two of the playoff games from last year on my DVR. Is that possible?
  13. bratwurst

    Rob Moore Goes Orange

    I'll miss the Rob Report :( best of luck with the new gig!
  14. bratwurst

    KTAR reairing/streaming GB@ARI

    I was trying to listen via the web stream (I live in DC) but I kept getting spots of dead air, and mid call by Pasch I'd suddenly get 3 or 4 ad council spots when there shouldn't be a commercial. I dealt with it for about 20 minutes and got fed up and turned it off for Doug and Wolf podcasts...
  15. bratwurst

    The onside kick

    Yeah this was bizarre - and it was at a point in the game where it was just simply unbelievable they weren't expecting it.
  16. bratwurst

    Last play of regulation surprised me

    After doucet gets us down there, I'd have let the time go down to 5 and call timeout. A pro kicker should make that fg 10 times out of 10. I wouldn't have risked another play.
  17. bratwurst

    Green Bay vs New Orleans

    I hope we have enough time especially with the travel to come down from the emotional high of this game, get enough rest to recover, and game plan and practice for the saints. The saints will be well rested, and we're going to be exhausted. Can we recover in time?
  18. bratwurst

    Here we go again..."cards didnt win, the refs gave it to em"

    Here's my take, the facemask was the classic inadvertant variety, he didn't grasp and twist it. No penalty. Further, I think there is a chance if the ball would have hit the ground they'd have called a tuck or incomplete forward pass. He was definitely in the realm of a tuck. Dansby...
  19. bratwurst

    Game Thoughts: Cardinals 51 Packers 45

    When you write "sir charles" i see barley playing pass defense... somehow I don't think he's quite as nimble as woodson
  20. bratwurst

    I Believe Its Time (George Washington) NSFW - Language

    Been playing this over and over for a good week now, love it
  21. bratwurst

    Mad respect

    classy post, thanks. you guys have a great team.
  22. bratwurst

    Thank You Kurt Warner

    Best cardinal of all time
  23. bratwurst

    I feel sick I am so happy

    I went nuts screaming "cardinals win! cardinals win!" in a voice I don't think has ever come out of my mouth before. Unbelievable game!!! In a way, its almost sad that a team had to lose.
  24. bratwurst


    Kevin Kasper plays for the Pats?
  25. bratwurst

    bandwagon fans

    Its funny that NEM would sign up and use a name that incorporates Jake. That's just crazy.

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